Chapter 51

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1 hour later.

Sakura: Oh we are moving down the ramp!

*The Birds eye view moves down the ramp but stops when evryone is facing down to the floor.*

Sakura: Why are we stopping now?! Scaryy- *Faints*

Haru: Sakura! 

Asuna: Scary.

Shino: You aren't scared? 

Asuna: I have been in way too many helicopters, I am used to it.

Shino: Right.

Speakers: Attention everyone! Crew members are going to release you from the bars one by one. We will come around with a metal pole for you to hold onto. We will start from the back to the front.

Kazuto: Oh great, Why did we have to sit in the front.

Shino: It doesn't matter at least it was good. For a while.

*Sakura wakes up.*

Sakura: Ahhh! Why are there people with metal sticks behind us! I don't want to die!

Asuna: They are here to help us.

*When it is finally their row.*

Sakura: Thanks so much- Wait I can't reach the pole!

Haru/Shino: What!

The safety bar comes up.

Sakura: Shino! Help me!

*Sakura's legs are dangling in the air and can fall off any minute.*

Asuna: Since I am on the side I will get off first. Then Haru, and then Sakura.

Sakura slides a bit down her seat.

Sakura: YeeeK! I am going to fall!

Haru: Ok, Sakura reach for my hand!

Sakura: I can't reach....

Shino/Kazuto: Say Whatttttt!

Asuna: Move! Sakura Hold on!

Sakura holds onto Asuna's hand.

Asuna: Got it! Haru help me pull!

Asuna pulls Sakura off the ride and falls onto the stairs.

Sakura: Thanks but why did you help me? I thought you hated me?

Asuna: Well that is what friends are for.

Kazuto/Shino: Um a little help here?

*When everyone gets off the ride.*

Sakura: That was not fun.

Asuna: At least they gave us coupons to any snack bar or drink station here.

Sakura: Not worth it.

Everyone Laughs.

Asuna: Wait a minute. Hey um I am gonna be right back.

*Asuna runs off.*

Sakura: I trust her, and I guess I forgive her, but what is with her?

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