Polyjuice Potion

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December 18, 1998: Present

"Where the bloody hell did you learn to shag like that, Pans?" Draco wondered in awe as the witch climbed off of him. "Merlin, you normally just lie there like a corpse," he mumbled while she gathered her clothes and slid out of his bed. Thank goodness she was leaving. Sometimes, she tried to cuddle, which he never wanted to do with her. Their past was too sordid for anything other than the occasional dalliance.

It'd been a while since he'd slept with her. Actually, the last time was before the Battle of Hogwarts. Of course, he hadn't expected her to slag around with him once the war was over and his family had fallen so low. A witch like her would set her sights higher. She'd been taught from a young age to always seek out the most powerful wizard and make him hers. When they were younger, Draco was that wizard. He'd been sure she was trying to trap him, the Malfoy heir, into marriage, but he always cast a contraception charm on her before and after they were done just to be safe. There was no way he believed she was on the Potion as she said, and he'd rather off himself than marry this nagging woman. She wasn't the type of witch he ever envisioned spending the rest of his life with.

"Why would you continue to shag someone that just lies there?" Pansy asked in a haughty tone. It was completely unlike her to question him about anything, but this whole afternoon she'd been acting as if she was a completely different person.

"You know exactly why," he sneered at her. "Damn it, Pans, you were just as frightened as I was! Would you rather I let them fight over you? Or worse, share you?" Draco spat. How dare she question his intentions. He may not love the gold-digging witch, but he wouldn't have allowed those other Death Eater animals to keep her as a pet when her father failed one of his missions. "Salazar knows your cowardly father did nothing to protect you unless you count groveling at the Dark Lord's feet!" The dark-haired witch stared at him with wide, expressive eyes that reminded him of someone else he couldn't place. He'd never seen Parkinson appear so deeply disturbed.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, casting her eyes to the ground.

"Who are you and what have you done with Pansy Parkinson?" Draco chuckled lightly in an attempt to lighten the mood. They'd known each other for eighteen years, and not one time had she ever apologized to him.

"What?" she squealed, her eyes shot up to his as if he startled her.

"Oh, let's see," Draco smiled at his friend and began ticking off his fingers, "You just apologized to me for the first time in your life, you haven't touched me since before the Dark Lord fell, we had the best sex we've ever had, with the lights on and your eyes open in positions you've never let me try, and to top it all off, you asked me about Potions of all subjects you've never cared about." Instead of responding, she simply stared at him with her mouth agape.

Suddenly, something shifted in her face. Her eyes were more rounded and the color seemed to shift. Without hesitation, Pansy haphazardly threw on the rest of her clothes and ripped his door open to escape. The last thing he noticed before she disappeared was a plume of chestnut curls exploding from the back of her head, replacing her usual chopped black locks. What. The. Fuck? Draco practically jumped into his trousers that had been cast to the floor earlier and ran after the witch.

An hour earlier...

"May I speak to you before supper?" Pansy boldly approached Draco as he walked toward the Great Hall with Theo and Blaise. It was the first time she'd requested his company alone since they'd come back to Hogwarts. For some reason, she was by herself, which was also odd. It was best to move in groups as Slytherins these days. Outside of the dungeons, the other Houses made a sport of hexing them whenever they could get away with it. As a Slytherin, one did not simply walk alone after the fall of the Dark Lord. Unlike some of his classmates with a choice, Draco had been court-ordered to return to Hogwarts for his final year of schooling, but all the snakes paid dearly for their parts in the war, no matter how big or small.

"Of course, Pans," he eyed his two friends wearily before offering the dark-haired witch his arm. She'd been avoiding him outside of classes when it suited her to copy his work, so he wondered if she was feeling as lonely as him lately. "Did you finally decide you miss me?" he grinned at her.

"Oh,...-er, no," she stammered, staring at his upturned lips as if she'd never seen him smile in her life. "Potions! I wanted to ask you some questions about Potions," she stated firmly. Draco couldn't control the fit of laughter that overtook him. Pansy Parkinson asking him about Potions, a class she'd given fuck all about, and dropped as quickly as she could after hardly passing her O.W.L.s in the subject.

"Potions?" he grinned. "Really, Pans?" Merlin, if the witch wanted a quick shag, all she had to do was say so.

"Yes, Potions. I -er,… heard you were brewing Everlasting Elixirs today, and I was wondering if you had any special techniques for creating it that are not mentioned in the book?" she asked nervously, her voice slightly rising to a higher pitch at the end of her question.

"Ah, I see," Draco smirked. "In the entirety of our lives, you've never given a flying fuck about Potions, but all of a sudden, you want pointers from me on advanced brewing techniques," he chuckled, stopping them both outside the door to the Slytherin common room and facing her. Pansy nodded hopefully. It'd be worth being tardy to the evening meal to shag her even if she wasn't as much of a participant as he would prefer. At this point, attention from any witch would be better than wanking alone in his room at night.

"Yes, well, I...heard you cut your Ashwinder eggs in chunks rather than slices, and-" Pansy's stopped short and stared into his eyes when Draco placed his hands on either side of her head and pressed her into the wall.

"You don't have to pretend with me, Pansy," he whispered into her ear. The witch gasped in response to his proximity, and he could feel her warm, quick breaths on his neck. The blond wizard backed up enough to look her in the eyes. "I'm not even going to ask where you heard the way I cut my Ashwinder eggs since the only person who would ever possibly notice something like that is Granger, and I know you weren't off gossiping with her," he smiled down at the blushing witch.

"Wait...I-" Pansy started to explain.

"It's okay, Pans. Believe me, I get it. Salazar's balls, you're the only witch who will even look at me anymore," he squeezed his eyes tightly in frustration. Taking a deep breath, he looked at her again. "Things during the war were...awful, but once we leave here, we can try to forget about all of it. For now, I'm lonely too. You can pretend I'm a better man, and I'll pretend you're a witch who loves me for more than my money," he smiled at her, knowing she'd laugh at his joke. Instead, he found her eyes were glossed over. The dark-haired witch had never looked at him with such openness and honesty, and he pressed his lips to hers. It took her a moment to respond, but when she did, the two became passion incarnate.

It was easy to pretend he was in love when Pansy snogged him like this. Their tongues slid together, exploring one another as if it were the last kiss either of them would ever have. He was nearly dry-humping her into the wall before he realized he needed to get her to his room immediately before they were caught. When he'd swung open the portrait hole to the common room, she'd dragged him in by his shirt instead of leading the way to his dorm. Pansy looked all around her as if taking in the surroundings for the first time.

"Take me to bed, Malfoy," she demanded. It hadn't occurred to him to think about why she'd referred to him by his surname or why she seemed lost in the place she'd spent the last seven years of her life. All he knew is he needed to feel loved right then. If she was willing to offer him some semblance of that, he had no problem scooping her up and carrying the wanton witch to his room to shag her silly. The way Pansy responded to his touch tonight made it easy for him to pretend she was the perfect witch for him.


My first story It will have only a few chapters. I know that many do not like Dramione, because it stimulates toxicity and other reasons. But my opinion is that they are a perfect example of the enemy-to-lover relationship, and I think they had a great opportunity to be a fantastic couple. (There is no pardon for that, JKR.)

Anyway, if you like this short story, I might write something about Ron and Hermione. (They’re cute, but it would have been easier for me if Hermione had ended up with some other Weasley brother.) As you can see, English isn’t my first language, so please ignore the mistakes. I’m trying to really keep them to a few. If you like it, leave a vote or comment. I would be very grateful.

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