Their happy ending

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April 1999: Present

You'd think after a month, the novelty of a former Death Eater courting the Golden Girl would have worn off; it hadn't. From the moment they walked hand-in-hand into the Entrance Hall of Hogwarts after their first date, the entire student body was scandalized. There was the predictable gossip about whether Draco had Imperiused Hermione, of course, he had to be using her to gain status, or maybe he was just one of her pity projects.

What they had not expected was Neville Longbottom challenging the blond wizard to a duel in none other than the Great Hall. To his relief, Theo and Blaise had jumped to his defense, knowing that a duel would likely end with Longbottom in the hospital wing and Draco being carted off to Azkaban. That particular event was worth the scare just to witness the dressing down Hermione gave Neville, especially when he threatened to tell Harry all about it. Note to all who believe Potter is Granger's keeper: they will walk around for a week with burning boils on their face no matter what Madam Pomfrey does to try and fix it. After that, no one dared to openly speak out against their relationship, though many had no problem casting angry glares Draco's way. Eventually, Longbottom apologized to the Slytherin wizard for assuming the worst. Draco was so relieved when Neville offered his hand, he didn't even mention that the apology most likely came after the Gryffindor wizard had approval from Potter

"With everyone away for Easter, we practically have the whole castle to ourselves," Hermione grinned, standing on her toes to kiss Draco on the cheek as they left the Great Hall after lunch. They were never alone, and he'd really wanted to be alone with her. Stolen moments in alcoves or by the lake were nice, but they were never enough. He wanted her badly, and he was pretty sure she felt the same about him.

"You know, Theo and I are the only Slytherins left in our House, so..." he trailed off nervously, unable to meet her eyes.

"So?" she asked with a coy smile, taking both of his hands and moving directly into his line of sight. "Something you'd like to ask me, Draco?" she fluttered her eyelids, clearly amused by his uncharacteristic bout of shyness. He couldn't help but grin at this witch, who actually made him feel something. The last few years, he'd spent so much time Occluding everything, he wasn't sure if he'd ever feel again, not until this forbidden woman had forced her way into his life.

"I...was...thinking...," the blond wizard accentuated each word with a searing kiss, "maybe you'd like to stay with me tonight," he breathed into her ear, knowing it drove her crazy with want for him.

"Why wait?" Hermione smiled demurely as she took a step out of his arms and darted off in the directions of the dungeons. When he finally caught her drift, Draco chased after his witch's giggles and screams bouncing off the castle walls. Of course, he caught the Gryffindor easily enough, but once he had her, it started out as their first time all those months ago. Before he knew it, he had her pressed against the wall in front of the Slytherin dormitory entrance, grinding against her as if they were already naked. Knowing it was Hermione Granger in his arms this time made it all the sweeter. Through some miracle, he managed to utter the password and carried the witch wrapped around him down the hall to his room, oblivious to Nott sitting in the common room watching them pass with his mouth agape.

"If you keep that up, you'll certainly be the death of me, witch," he purred, kicking his door closed and laying her down gently on his bed. His witch was beautiful with her hair sprawled out on his pillows as she stared at him with lust-filled eyes. If he could remember this moment for the rest of his life, he would be grateful. Draco nearly lost it when her breath hitched as he ripped off his shirt and climbed on top of her, kissing and sucking her exposed neck, which only caused her hips to roll against him.

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