Relationship with him

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Monday, January 4, 1999 - Back to Classes

Of all the luck, today started with double Potions. Malfoy had been thoroughly absent from most meals since they'd returned to school, and avoided eye contact with Hermione at all costs. She'd hoped to apologize to him for the incident at Kings Cross as well as what had happened between them before they left for break. Hoping not to seem too nervous, Hermione carefully read the lesson for the day. The class would be helping to stock the hospital wing's supply of Skele-gro and Blood Replenishing potions.

"You're awfully focused on today's lesson about potions you could practically brew in your sleep," Malfoy said matter-of-factly as he dropped his belongings on the table beside her. Hermione stared at him as he pulled a neatly printed and bound stack of parchments out of his bag and handed them to her. It took the confused witch a moment to realize he wanted her to take them.

"Thank you," she said, like a question. The Slytherin's perfectly shaped eyebrow raised up slightly and his grey eyes bore into her. He cleared his throat softly.

"It's a few pages from a rare book called A Potion Master's Guide to Excellence given to me by our late Professor Snape," he explained. Hermione's bewilderment was replaced by excitement, and she stared gratefully down at the parchment. "It will answer your questions about Ashwinder eggs," he added. When she looked up from the pages, he was smiling at her, a real genuine smile.

"I'm so...This is...You didn't have to..." she stammered, trying to find the right words. Malfoy rolled his eyes as if he was exasperated by her sudden inability to form a sentence. "Thank you," Hermione finally landed on the simplest way to show her gratitude, though her initial instinct was to hug him. Before the blond wizard could respond, Professor Slughorn was in front of them with an expectant look on his face.

"Ms. Granger and Mr. Malfoy, since your capabilities are far beyond the rest of my advanced class, I will be asking you both to work together to brew a batch of Veritaserum. Are you both up to the task?" the older professor practically whispered as if he didn't want to be caught complimenting their competence in front of the rest of the class.

"Of course, Sir."

"Yes, Sir."

"Excellent. See that it turns out as well as all of your other potions," he eyed them carefully and walked away.

The two set to work in their normal routine with Hermione gathering the supplies and Draco prepping the ingredients. This time, however, was a little different. Instead of working in silence, the Slytherin wizard explained what he was doing with each step in a low hum that only Hermione could hear. His running commentary reminded Hermione of Muggle cooking shows. Malfoy's voice was deep and smooth, unlike the sarcastic drawl Hermione was used to him using when speaking to or about her. In an errant thought, she imagined him reading aloud to her with her head in his lap.

"Jobberknoll feathers are surprisingly delicate," he interrupted Hermione's daydreaming as he slipped on gloves to work with the rare feathers. "The book doesn't say so, but even the oil in your fingers could disturb the fine texture. This minute influence is the difference between an unsuspecting victim of this potion and a person able to smell the truth serum for what it is."

"How do you know?" Hermione worked up the nerve to ask. Busying herself with stirring the contents of their cauldron, she avoided his gaze and worried her lip, afraid he might make fun of her.

"To be plain, fingers are filthy," he wrinkled his nose in an extremely inelegant, non-Malfoy way. "Most potions are unaffected by the small traces of every disgusting thing we touch throughout the day, but a potion like this is finicky at best, even when brewed properly. That oil on your hands is made partially of your sweat, which could embed the potion with traces of the brewer," he explained thoughtfully, returning to his commentary after a moment when she didn't comment further.

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