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When Ahmar opened his eyes, he saw Vaneeza standing at a distance. He instantly pulled away from Shiza, letting her go while looking at Vaneeza in shock, confusing Shiza for a moment.

"Vaneeza ... When did you come? ... I mean ... you would have called before coming ..." Ahmar did not understand why he was behaving so restless. Vaneeza was staring at both of them, strangely while Ahmar felt as if he had been caught stealing.

"Well, I'm leaving now, Sham! Take care of yourself, I'll visit you later." Shiza said calmly and then left after giving Vaneeza one last look, with a triumphant smile.

Ahmar didn't even bother to give Shiza another glance as he was just looking at Vaneeza who didn't even move from where she was standing. "Come on ... sit down ... is everything alright?" He strutted in panic and uncertainty.

"I don't know ... I don't know what I'm still doing here ..." Vaneeza's tone was cold.

"What does it mean?"

"Where's your phone?" Vaneeza asked coldly.

"It's ... oh ... I think it's in my room," Ahmar replied, thoughtfully.

"I had a clue about it ... but I didn't have any idea regarding what I just witnessed here."

"What do you want to say?" Ahmar asked guiltily.

"You know ... what did I want to say to you at the dinner that night? I wanted to tell you that I like you ... and I told my parents everything about you because I wanted to be with you; not as a friend but as a life partner. I came to tell you all this in a very good way but now ... now everything seems meaningless to me. You lied to me that there is no one in your life. You have hurt my feelings and my trust. " She sounded hurt. Ahmar felt as if all her tears were falling on her heart keeping her eyes dry. He moved towards her anxiously.

"I'm sorry ... I had no idea but ... believe me it's not like what you think... Please listen to me once ... Vaneeza!" He grumbled, but she glanced at him one last time and then turned around to leave.

"You ... you can't go like that ... just hear me out for once... please!" He pleaded but she had left.


He collapsed on the sofa in shock after Vaneeza's departure. He didn't think that all this would happen today.

He wasn't as guilty of what had happened as he seemed at the time. The most surprising thing was that in all this he cared for Vaneeza, Ahmar was thinking about Vaneeza.

And then all of a sudden he ran to his room to talk to Vaneeza and justify himself, to tell her everything because he wanted to save the last relationship he had that he could lose because of Shiza. When he switched on the cell phone's screen, he saw four missed calls from Vaneeza in the call log, which had been made long before she reached her apartment. Of course, Vaneeza would have called him to tell him about her arrival, but when did he have the phone that he could respond to?

He sadly slapped his head and called back to Vaneeza, but after hearing the bell ringing on the other side for a long time, Vaneeza had declined the call. Ahmar tried again but the next time the phone was switched off. In two years, she had known Ahmar so well that she knew he would not give up, so she turned off her phone.

In a fit of frustration and anger, Ahmar pulled the phone away from his ear and threw it. It hit the wall across the room, broke into pieces and scattered on the ground while Ahmar was holding his head in both hands.


Shiza knocked on the door of the apartment, and after knocking three to four times, she turned the handle, pushed it and it opened. She entered carefully and then wandered around the flat, finally stopping at the last room, where the door was locked.

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