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" I can't belive that bitch did that at his funeral" Jackie shook her head.

I was telling her xy and tink about the funeral.

" me either...but why wasn't you able to come to the funeral" I looked over at Jackie.  She got quiet, her and Xy quickly glanced at eachother.

" sorry I didn't make it Ny I had stuff to handle"
"Mmm okay" I shrugged cause her business isn't mine.

" Ny did you tell them about what happened at the funeral" Zo said walking in the room with a bag full of snacks. I asked him to get me a lemonade some airhead sour straps, and hot chips.

" you went to the funeral?" Xy said as Zo was giving me my snacks.
" Yeah and what about it?"

Xy shook his head and bit down making his jaw bone poke out.

" Anyway, I thought it was finna be ww3 Innat mfka" Zo plopped on the couch next to me.
" Literally, Nesha wanted that ho bad " I giggled.
" I wonder why she did that" Tink said.
" Man I don't know but it wasn't the time or the place."
" Fax" Xy agreed rolling a wood.

- Later that night-

" Ion care if yall stay here but im tired, goodnight " I stood up yawning.

We was all downstairs watching stranger things, and getting high. One thing about these mfs THEY NEVER GO HOME.

" Ny, sleepover?" Xy stood up.
" Umm..sure " I shrugged walking up the steps. I turned back looking to the living room from the steps and Jackie's body language changed. She seemed bothered about something.

" Umm zo me and tink gonna go, talk to you later and be safe" She said giving Zo a hug. Zo nodded.

It's Zo's spot so he usually stays a minute after everyone is gone to play his game or whatever else he wanna do before going home.

I got upstairs and went in the bathroom. I took off the black body suit I had on from the funeral and put on a over sized T-shirt nd some boxers. I walked out the bathroom to see Xy laid across the bed on live.

He had on some Nike sweat pants and a wife beater, ass was looking toooo fat. I walked up behind him and gripped both his butt cheeks making him jump up.

" Don't do that " He turned around tryna make a serious face.
" Lawd have mercyyy" I was tryna reach behind him to get another feel.

He picked me up by the legs and threw me over his shoulder. He turned around to face the live.

" Yall wanna see me dump ha ass on her head"
" Xy if you drop me I swear to god..."
" looks like the saying yes" He turned around so my head was hovering over the bed, then he dropped me on my head.

He turned around and hovered over me sticking his tounge out.

" U showing out for them folks on live, knowing I'll dog walk yo ass". I smiled.

" Yeah nigga u all talk, but ima get off this live..bye yall" He ended the live and laid next to me proping his head up with his hand.

I rolled on my side to look at him, and a smile slowly grew across his face.

" What?" I mugged him.
" You ugly asl"
" Ya mama"

His smiled instantly went away and he thumped me in the lip. Ts hurt.

" Hard ass finger nail" I hit him in the nose.
" You'll be igh, you a tough nigga" He giggled, showing his teeth.
" Shut up" He rolled his eyes trying not to blush.

I hovered over his face and tried to open his lips to see his teeth. He started smiling showing his perfectly straight teeth, he had braces with red brackets. He tickled me so I could get off of him. It was over once he found out I was Hella ticklish.

I fell on my back and he stood up tickling me, making me squirm everywhere.

" Hold up, hold up" He stopped and held my legs.
" You're bleeding" He looked up at me.
" Shit..I'm so sorry "
" it's good, where you keep your pads ill go get one for you."
" In the closet on the top shelf"

He nodded and let go of my legs to look for pads. This the nicest he ever been.

" Ny..what's these " He threw my bottle of Xanax at my head.
" I they....i-"
" Shut up" He had a pad in his hand and helped me get up from the bed.
" Here"He put the pad in my hand.

" I'm finna run to the store, take you a nice shower, get in some pajamas. Get comfy"

I nodded.

I took of the shirt and shorts, took my hair out of the pony tail it was in and got in the shower. I let the water run through my hair making it curl up. As I washed with my soap the cuts in my rist started to burn making it rinse it off quick. I had stopped cutting but losing my grandpa made me start back popping pills and everything.

I got done taking a shower and put on a fluffy blue onsie.  I put oil and leave In conditioner in my hair while it was still wet, then sprayed on some perfume.

" Long ass shower" Xy said sitting on the bed. When I opened the door the room flooded with steam.

" Boy Shut up" I approached the bed and on my side was a new heating pad, a bucket of candy, 3 bags of hot cheetos, a big minute maid fruit punch, a pizza, and 4 packs of pads.

" all this for meee" I held my chest looking down. I felt like shedding a tear.
" Yes bloody marry its for you"He smiled at me and sat up
" But we sharing this pizza" He said opening the box.

He put up my pads and put the rest of the food on my night stand. We were both laying down and he was rubbing my lower stomach. He act mean but he a sweetheart.

" Ian forget about them pills I saw lil girl"
" Mmcht it's nothing "
" I'll be the judge of that..ima stay here for a while and keep a eye on you"
" who said you could stay over here?"
" Me, now go to sleep bloody mary"

I smiled and kissed him on the cheek, he just looked at me until I laid back down and closed my eyes.

I think I like him...

A/n: excuse errors  💕

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