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I sat next to Xy's hospital bed holding his hand, half asleep. I heard the door slowly open and looked up. The curtain was covering the door, but Zo pulled the curtain back and revealed himself. My face instantly lit up.

" I'm glad you're here" I quietly got up and hugged Zo trying not to wake Xy.

" You okay?" He grabbed my face looking to see if I had any marks.
" Yeah..I'm just worried for Xyon, he got stabbed in the side. I hit Tay in the head just in time or Xy probably woulda died" I whispered.
" Tay?...bet" Zo bit down making his jaw bone pop out.

" Don't do no stupid shit you just need to be here with Xyon. Yall been friends since forever, he'll be happy to see you." I grabbed Zo by the shirt making him relax a bit.
" Okay...Jackie's in the lobby she needs you to walk her up" Zo said looking at his new text.

I nodded and walked down to the lobby. The police let me go In my room and change into some sweat pants and a long sleeve shirt but the draft of the hospital still made me shiver.

" NYKOLE" Jackie said running up to me and hugging me tight seeing I was okay.
" Thanks for coming " I said struggling to talk.
" Oh no problem..where's Xy"
" I'll take you to em" I grabbed her hand, and we went up to the room.

We got in the room, Xyon was sitting up talking to Zo.

" Xy" Jackie ran up to his bed and hugged him tight making him grunt in pain.

I wanted to feel some type of way, but I just leaned against the wall and let them talk. I was mostly sober but I was still tired asl.

" you and Xy had fun at that party huh?" Zo chuckled passing me his phone.

It was a video of me giving Xy a lap dance, Him spitting some liquor in my mouth, and a few videos of me twerking on him. I smiled a little bit, but Jackie just turned away from the phone as soon as she saw me giving Xy a lap dance.

" We did...I got drunk asff" I said as the nurse was walking in the room making me shut up.

" a long night of drinking and partying made your friend here bleed out more"
" but...he'll be okay right ?" Jackie said.
" that's most likely gonna be the case " She sent us a comforting smile before walking out.

" this wouldn't have happened if you was at your own house " Jackie rubbed Xy's arm.
" tf is you talking bout dawg" Zo said mugging.
" I'm glad I was with her,that shit coulda went wrong" Xy mugged too.
" Okay but-" Jackie tried to say before I cut her off.
" Ain't no buts, yeah I'm worried he's hurt but it coulda been worst. I don't know what yall had or got going on but it ain't got shit to do with me. You got his dick lodged in yo throat and it's stopping you from being a good friend "

" Girl fuck is you talking about, you talking out yo ass" She raided her voice.
" Naw you talking out YO ass bitch"
" If you wanna fuck him just say that " She mumbled under her breath.
" Shit I just might, it'll teach you a lesson bout talking to me crazy. Zo take me home" I grabbed my purse and stormed out the room.

I was speed walking out of the hospital into the parking lot. It was dark and wet outside cause it had been raining. Zo ran behind trying to grab my arms making me snatch away.

" Nykole slow yo crazy ass down and talk to me" He snatched me by the shirt forcing me to look him in the eye.

" That bitch got me fucked up, and ima beat her tf up if she disrespect me like that again." I yelled while tears of anger poured down my face.
" Yall been friends for years you ain't gone fight her, yall just mad at eachother right now"
" Can you just take me home Zomar"
" Okay...ok" He said in a quiet tone wiping my tears away, he tilted my head up by my chin and leaned down for a kiss.

He softly kissed me, grabbing my neck and biting my bottom lip.


" That fuck was that " I sat up raising my voice at Jackie.
" What you mean?, she was bitching"
" No YOU was bitchin, I only fucked on you once cause you was mad tink cheated on you again. I wasn't even into that shit so I don't know why you acting like we had something special"
" So all that was for nothing..." Her voice got shakey.
" All WHAT? I fucked you once Jackie. Ian even give you head so chill out" I sucked my teeth.

She just stood there with a blank face and tears running down her cheeks. I didn't know what to say, it ain't my problem that she got attached.

" You can leave..." I said mugging her.

She nodded, turned around and walked out the room slamming the door on the way out. I didn't care.

" Mr, Brown your mother is here to see you"  The nurse popped her head in the room, I could see her since the curtains were pushed back.

" Let her in" I sighed and rolled my eyes.

I love my mom to death I really do but me and her tend to have problems. She don't even deserve to be called a mom, she never really did nothing motherly.

" How's my baby" She came in the room smiling.
" Hey ma."
" Dont do that plane ass hi ma with me..act excited"
" why would I act excited when I'm not."
" this how you talk to me when you ain't seen me in 2 years?"
" exactly I haven't seen you in 2 fucking years, and you wanna come up here acting like you care"
" Atleast I came.." She raised her voice.
" Want a cookie?"

She sighed and flaired her nostrils, usually a sign she was frustrated.

" all this back and forth ain't necessary. I need you to keep Braiden for me"
" You only talk to Me when you need shit.." I raised an eyebrow.
" only for a little and he's 6 now.."
" mama I'm literally in a hospital you think I'm finna keep a child"
" Please...please "
" Mmcht okay..when you want me to get him"
" I'll bring him up here tomorrow ?"
" Okay bro...I gotchu "
" Thank you..I gotta go but I'll be by here tomorrow" She walked up to me giving me a hug.

When she walked out and I quickly wiped a tear away from my eye. I'm not the crying type but it just pisses me off that I only see her when she need something. But I know the perfect person to keep my little brother. Ny would keep him safe until I get out.


" Thank you for bringing me home" I said as Zo pulled up infront of my granny house. I hadn't been there since she put me out.

" No problem..call me if you need anything." He smiled.

I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek before getting out the car. I still had a key to the house in my purse.

" Granny I'm home...I can explain why.' I said walking upstairs.

She either was sleep or up watching one of her early TV shows. When I walked down the hall towards her room her door was cracked open and her bed was moving.

" Granny you won't belive what happened-" I walked in the room realizing my granny and Val were sissoring, the way my granny's room is set up there's a little wall so she couldn't see that I peeped in. I softly closed the door and walked to my room.

" Yikes" I laid in my bed and just looked at the ceiling


A/n: How yall feel abt Xy's mama?, nd Ny's granny ?

Excuse errors 💕👍🏾

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