𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭.

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" Stay with me"
" She needs fluids"

The muffled voices of the nurses said as I was being rolled up the hallway. I didn't see anything clear, it was just blurs of flashing lights. I had the overwhelming urge to go to sleep but the hand of a male doctor kept firmly hitting and shaking my face. Even though everything sounded muffled Jason's voice stood out.

" Tink I love you so much don't do this " He stood over me, his face was nothing but a blur.

" I love you" I tried to mutter but no words could slip out of my mouth. I felt so tired and miserable that tears started to trickle down my face.

" Teyonna don't cry you're okay you're a fighter..fight " He said to me.

" sir you have to wait here you can't go any further" A muffled voice said.

After they rolled me past the restricted area all the pain started to rush in causing me to panic.

" ANESTHESIA NOWW" A doctor called out.

I tried to get out the stretcher but I was strapped down. I felt a burning stinging pain all over my body. But soon enough we got to a room and they put a mask on my face.



" If you have further complications feel free to come see me again " The doctor said handing me my paper work with a faint smile.

" Okay thank you...." I got off the table grabbed my jacket and walked out the room.

Dayvon followed quietly behind me, I didn't know what to say or do.

Walking back into the waiting lobby I saw Scarr pacing the room and disturbing the lady behind the desk.

" do you know anything now??"
" Sir you asked me this 5 minutes ago..go sit down" The nurse rolled her eyes.

He plopped down in a chair looking sad, mad, and stressed all at the same time.

" why you out here?" I calmly said.

He took a deep breath, and stood up infront of me.

" Teyonna and Jackie got shot up" His voice cracked.
" What you mean tink got shot up" a lump formed in my throat
" Tink got shot 6 times and Jackie got shot twice "

I tried to speak but my stomach became weak and I Vomited all over the floor.

" Ima get her home safe, keep ya head up bro. I'll bring her back in the morning " Dayvon said Dapping Jason up.

" Aye she straight tho right?" Jason pointed to me, I started heading for the exit.

" She had a miscarriage " I heard Dayvon whisper, and I heard that word ringing in my ears the whole night.



Today was the day I had all my pieces set up so scouts from all around the world could see my work. I invited Tink and Ny to show up but they didn't. It kinda threw me for a loop because I can always count on them to come to shit, but I guess Ny still mad.

" I'm so proud of you son " My mom kissed me on the cheek. She knew I was kinda upset bout them not showing up.

" Thank you ma" I faintly smiled.

I saw this white lady approaching me, with a big smile.

" I spoke to my boss and he is in love with your paintings and willing to offer you a deal. Here is the information check out our website and give us a call to let us know that you're interested. We would love to share your gifts with the world...good job Zomar" She handed me some papers and walked away.

" what if they offer you something out of the country " My mom said excitedly
" then I'm not going " I said packing up my things.
" Zo"
" No ma"
" Zomar!" She said in a stern tone. She never was the type to yell or raise her voice at me so I took her seriously.

" Look at me...this is what you love to do and I'm sorry for spending most of your life trying to get you to do something else. Cause I was scared you were going to turn out like your father. But what he did has nothing to do with you, or your future. If you really want to go...go. you have nothing here holding you back zomar. " She said holding my face.

She was right and that definitely gave me more confidence about the whole situation.

" Alright ma...I'll think about it" I kissed her forehead.
" Alright they paging me at the hospital. I got to run I love you marmar" She gave me a hug and left.


Dayvon been at my house for 3 days now keeping an eye on me. The doctor told me I should be resting since I lost the baby from mostly stress, and Mal nutrition.

" Eat." He sat a plate on the bed next to me.
" Not hungry" I looked at the ceiling.
" I ain't ask now sit up and eat " He sat at the edge of the bed.

I wouldn't budge until he put some cut up pancakes on the fork and did that little airplane thing you do for babies.

" Open upppp" He got closer to my mouth.

I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth.

" seeee. now chew" He moved my jaw up and down.

Eventually I finished my plate.

" Ma I'm finna go home, it's my day to watch my son. But ima call you later on today. When I call you better have ate atleast twice, and don't lie either. I know when you lying." He pointed and me and smirked a little.

" How you know when I lie" I giggled a little.
" you get too serious, and yo ass always laughing so when you get too serious I know u lying"

I burst out laughing, he was right 100%.

" nah forreal ima go igh"
" Okay be safe Mr. Bennett"
" Yes ma'am " He walked out my room door and I heard him leave out the front door.

I decided to get up so I could go visit tink in the hospital. Von took me back to the hospital the morning after the incident and she was in stable condition. She's still in the icu but it brings me comfort to know she's stable and Jason's been there with her everyday.

" Fuck I forgot my keys" I muttered to myself walking back to my bedroom. After I grabbed my keys I heard a knock on the door.

I looked out the peep hole and saw zo, I felt my heart drop when I saw him.

" Hey...." I slowly opened the door.
"...hey you been alright"
" y- Yeah come in " I opened my door so he could come in, closing it behind him.
" did you and tink forget my gallery I had a few days ago"
" OH SHIT...I'm sooo sorry"
" No its okay you showed yall showed yalls true colors"
" Zo...we are too old to be doing petty shit Tink is i-"
" Save it...I just wanted to let you know I'll be leaving for France in 5 days. So have a nice life I guess" He got up and stormed out my house.

I wasn't finna chase him. Tink wasn't dieing and neither was I so it's what ever. I didn't even feel the need to tell him I miscarried our baby even though it was eating me up.

A/n: should ny end up telling zo bout the miscarriage or nah ? 👀🍿

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