started: 1/25/2022
Ended: 0/0/0000
TW: violence, drug usage, mentions of overdoses, SH, and suicidal thoughts, mental and physical abuse, SA.
If you do not feel comfortable reading the things mentioned above, I would recommend not reading th...
Earlier today I found out that Rue got out of rehab, I knew I should've given her a few hours but I couldn't help myself. So as soon as I found out I called 23 times, she answered on the 24th time. She told to meet up, at this random store? I was a little confused at first but then she informed me that's where she got her drugs from, so I was pretty fucking stoked considering the only drugs I've been doing were random ones I could find around the house and vaping.
I drove to the store she told me to meet her at, and when I drove up I saw her talking to a ginger... he was kinda scary. Looked tough.
Rue heard me pulling up and looked at my car "Kayyyy!! Bitch get the fuck out, before I drag your ass out myself." On cue I opened my door and was tackled to the ground. But in that moment I couldn't give two fucks. Cause I was with my best friend. My everything. "c'mon where are the drugs you whore." I said as I got up from the pavement. I followed her as she walked towards the ginger. They had a short conversation, while I just zoned out, not giving a single fuck about what they were talking about, that was until Rue asked "uh, but low-key, is Ashtray in the back?" That's when I tuned in, Rue had told me that's the due she get her drugs from. "you serious?" The ginger asked, yo who the fuck does he think he is. "What, you think 'cause I went to rehab, I stayed clean?" Rue joked. "I mean ain't that the point?" I mean he got a point but like chill. Rue was quick to say something back "Yeah well the worlds coming to an end and I haven't even graduated yet." "Cheers to that!" I finally piped in. "Ah she speaks.." the ginger spoke again, i couldn't tell if he was joking or being serious so I just furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "We'll you know, you were like silent the whole time. Didn't know if you were shy or jus didn't like me." Well shoot he def noticed my confusion. "Tf are you talkin bout, 1) I'm far from shy. 2) i don't even know who the fuck you are." I snapped back. "We'll shi. I'm Fezco, but you can call me Fez" he calmly said back, wasn't too sure if it was the weed or just him, either way it made me feel bad for being rude. "Sorry, I'm Katie, but you can call me Kay" i said as i smiled. As we made eye contact i couldn't help but stare at his bright blue eyes, it made me feel like I was drowning. In a good way?... "you good ma?" He snapped me out of it, i hadn't realized i was starring, my cheeks were probably bright fucking red. How embarrassing. "Yeah yeah I'm good." I said trying to play it cool. I looked around to look for Rue, but she was no where to be seen, i literally just wanted to fucking punch myself. Fezco grabbed my hand gently "this way ma." He said pulling me towards a freezer, this is when i became really confused. He opened one of the freezer doors, leading into a room, with a boy looking around 13 with face tattoos, I assumed he was Ash. Rue was standing there looking at our hands, I noticed and pulled away as I walked from Fez to Rue, giving her wide eyes. But she simply just shrugged. "Wassup, I'm Ash" the boy said. i smiled and said "I'm Kay." "Cool, cool." He replied. Rue grabbed my hand pulling me away, i waved back to the two boys "see you around!" They both said something but I couldn't quite make it out due to Rue rambling on about something. Soon enough I found out what she was rambling on about, she was asking questions on why I was holding hands with fez, asking if we kissed. I just stayed silentand drove to my house until she shut up. She finally shut up. So I started "no. We didn't kiss. We were just talk-" "you were not just talking. I know that for a fucking fact now tell me" she said. Right now we were just sitting in my car in my drive way. "Okay okay. He may have caught me staring into his eyes. So he snapped me out if it and I was fucking blushing, probably looking dumb as fuck, besides the point, he noticed me looking around for you so he grabbed my hand led to me yall." I said, talking faster at the part where I said I was staring and he caught me. "that's more boring then I thought it would be." Rue said in monotone following up with "cmon let's go do some drugs."
So we got out of my car and went inside. Saying hi to my parents, Amanda and Winston, but everyone calls them Mr, and Mrs.Riley. When we got to my room we both pulled out school IDs and began crushing up two friends Molly. We pushed the substance into a line and inhaled, shaking our heads back. We sat there for a few minutes, waiting for it to kick in. Once it did, we began talking, literally about anything we could think of. That was until I started talking about Fez, which I began to regret later that night. "You know fez is like really fucking cute. I would totally fuck him without hesitation." I blurted out randomly. "I could see y'all together." Rue responded. Making me laugh at the thought of Fez and I being a thing. Not that I was against it, he just didn't seem interested in me.
Later that night we ended up deciding to go to that party that McKay was hosting for the end of summer break.
"Fez is going to be there." Rue said. "Okay" I replied. "Wait what do you mean, okay? I thought you liked him?" Rue asked confused. " I never said I liked him, I just said he was cute. I mean I barely know him." I said "Yeah but like, you could get to know him. In more then one way." She said wiggling her eyebrows. "Jesus Christ Rue." I said as I laughed. "We'll do i wear a dress or just like my normal style?" I asked "Well are trying to impress a special someone..?" Rue asked "Well no not really just uh.. I don't fucking know, maybe?" I responded, I wasn't even sure if I wanted to dress to impress him. But like a part of me wanted to... I began rummaging through my closet looking for something to wear, not too revealing but still like hot, you know?
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( this is what I chose, you can pick smth diff if you want :) )
"Okay what about this?" I said turning to rue. "Sure." She said with her eyes closed. I knew rue didn't care what I wore and honestly I was fine with that, i liked that about her. She let me be me. I started touching up my makeup from earlier today, I let my hair down and left it natural. "Ready?" I asked rue "Sure" she replied We went downstairs letting my parents know where we were going. My parents weren't controlling they let me go out whenever, stay out as late as I want, just as long as they knew where I was. But not much bad stuff can happen in this small town, probably why they don't really care that much. We started driving, listening to lovers rock by TV girl, dancing in our seats and singing freely.