IV: sweet lips

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TW: drugs

Rue and I woke up miserably tired. Neither of us were morning people. But we still got up and got ready. Well mostly me, cause rue just had a shower and got changed. I had to do my hair and makeup. But still didn't take long cause I just put on mascara, blush, and highlighter, my everyday makeup. I didn't like going all out unless it was for a special occasion.

( this is the kind of style I wanted Kay to have, but if you prefer something else then feel free to pick smth else :) )

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( this is the kind of style I wanted Kay to have, but if you prefer something else then feel free to pick smth else :) )

Rue and I were on our way to school, stopping by McDonald's to grab breakfast. Well coffee, I got into the habit of skipping breakfast and lunch.
"We should try and find Jules" rue suggested, I liked Jules from what I saw at the party. She's a bold girl. And wasn't afraid to stand up for herself.
"Sure, she'll probably need help finding her classes" I say. We got out of my car and walked towards the building we hate most. Rue and I agreed that school was literally the worst place to be.
As we walked down the halls we got looks from people, I mean I don't blame them, we both like disappeared all summer. But we kept our heads up and payed no attention to the looks. Once we got to out lockers, which were beside each other, we compared our classes, we have science, p.e, and social together.
"Damn we got lucky this year, it ain't gonna be boring at all" I said, I hate being alone in class, but with rue in 3/5 classes of mine I won't really have to worry about that.
We were walking down the halls heading to our first class, p.e, we saw Jules.
"Jules!" We both called for her, making her turn around, she smiled while walking to us.
"Omg I'm so happy y'all found me, I started getting looks from people" Jules said. Rue and I looked at each other and laughed.
"What, what are you guys laughing at?" She asked with confusion written all of her face.
"People are gonna are going to look at you like that everyday, get used to it." Rue said straight up.
"What do you mean?" Jules asked. She couldn't be more dumb I thought.
"Well, I mean people in this town are very, very judgemental, plus with everything that went down last night, it doesn't surprise me. Oh and, you moved to a small town, where everyone knows each other." I said like it's the most obvious thing in the world.
"Oh, yeah I guess.." she said quietly, trailing off at the end. I felt bad for her, but if she's gonna live here she has to get used to it
"Let me see your schedule." Rue said. Jules handed it to her, rue and I looked over hers and compared ours to hers, we all had p.e together, and I had math with her. We all got excited that we had at least one class together, especially since it was p.e.
We grabbed our change of clothes, well Jules and I did, rue didn't care enough to change, and will probably come up with some stupid excuse to sit out.
We headed to the girls locker room, changing and throwing our hair up. I just put on leggings and I cropped tee.

The next three classes flew by, and it was lunch. We sat down at a table, and started talking about everyone else. Letting Jules know who to avoid and who's cool. The bell rang as fast as it came. I had two classes left. Drama, and math. I had drama with rue since we picked our extra curricular activities together last year. We entered the auditorium and saw Lexi Howard. We all sat together. We had to talk about our summer, the teacher chose rue to be first, since rue let out a groan. I gave rue a reassuring look, letting her know it'll be okay.
She walked onto the stage and two spot lights were directed onto her, i whispered to Lexi "well that's fucking dramatic" she just snickered in response.
"Um a memory?" Rue asks
"Anything that had an impact on you this summer." The Mrs.Applegate responds. Now I was genuinely concerned for rue. I know she has anxiety and I didn't know if she can handle this.
"Uh I don't- I don't- I can't think of-" rue stuttered
"Just relaxed your body, release the tension. And just breath" Mrs.Applegate says calmly.
"So this...this summer?" Rue questions
"I'm- I'm having trouble, uh, like, remembering... uh something. You know." Rue says. I give her a smile, telling her it'll be alright.
"Just tell his a memory" Mrs.Applegate says frustrated. I swear to god I'm going to beat this bitch up.
"Uh okay, uh. I was with my mom, and my uh little sister, and we were uh listening to this uh song." "I'm sorry. But i- i can't think of anything so... I'm uh. I'm done so. Do i have to do this?" She says shakily. She then runs off stage, i get up to follow her. Lexi gets up to follow too
"Please Lexi just stay her. I'll make sure she okay." I say. Then I ran out of the auditorium, following rue to the washroom.
"Rue, it's Kay. Are you okay?" I ask worriedly. She opens a stall door, gesturing me to come in.
"Want some?" She asks, referring to the Molly that was crushed up. I shake my head no.
"What do you mean no?" She asks genuinely confused, i mean i get it, we usually do this stuff together, but I couldn't today.
"I'm going to Fezcos after school, and I wanna be sober. Sorry..." i say while looking down at my shoes. I really wanted to. But I wanted to be myself while with Fez.
"No dont be sorry. I'm happy your hanging out with him. Maybe I'll go see Jules." She says while blowing away to molly, and flushing the small baggie. I looked up at and we read each other's expression's, jumping into a hug. I held her tight, telling her it's okay while she cried into my shoulder.
We skipped last block just sitting in the washroom talking about random ass stuff. The bell rang signifying that school was over. We left the washroom and went to our lockers. Grabbing our backpacks. We made our way to Jules locker.
"Hey guys!" She says smiling, she's in a awfully good mood.
"Hey." Rue and I said in union. We made small talk while walking out of the school, i told them I'd give them a ride to Jules house.
Once i dropped them off at her house i was on my way to Fezcos store. I touched myself up in my car mirror making sure my makeup still looks somewhat good, i sprayed some of my favourite perfume Black Opium. (You can choose to change it to a diff one if you want)
I got out of my car, walking towards the back. I opened the fridge door to reveal ash and fez
"Wassup mamas?" Fez asked, i smiled at the name he used for me.
"Mmm not much, what about you guys?" I asked back to be polite. Fez looked mighty fine in that white thrasher shirt, light olive green pants, and his clean ass white airforces. Olive green complements his eyes well.
"Not much, ash will you be able to take care of everything, and close up?" Fez asks ash, ash smirked
"Yeah, y'all go have fun or whatever." He replied back looking at us. With that, fez grabbed my hand pulling me away.
"Can we go to my place instead?" I asked. I only wanted to go there cause I felt more comfortable.
"Yeah sure. Just send me your addy and I'll follow you." Fez said smoothly.
When we arrived to my place we went to my room
"Uh this is my room. I don't know if you can tell but like it tells you a lot about me." I said shyly. But it was true, I showed what my hobbies are, and whatnot.
"Tell me what you mean by that." He says. I look at him and smile, he smiles back. I could die for that smile.
"We'll you see, my rooms bright, kinda showing my bubbly personality, there's a lot going on, showing I'm loud in a way. I have art along on my walls, showing a hobby I like doing, painting and whatnot. I have books, showing I like to read. I have crystals and rocks, which I like collecting. There's a little of of me everywhere" I explained smiling. I don't let many people into my room, cause once there  inside there know everything about me in a way. But with Fezco it's different. I want him to know my inside and out. Quiet literally...
Fezcos pov
When Kay was talking about her room I couldn't help but notice that it brought her happiness. Showing me all about her, and that made me happy. I looked around, noticing the art, she's very good good at drawing and painting.
"Damn thats a lot of jewelry mamas" I said, it was attractive in a way, that she had a lot of jewelry. I like girls that have taste of f style. And that was Kay.
"Oh yeah. I love collecting jewellery, especially rings." She said, her voice is soothing. I turned around and picked up her hands, looking at the rings she had on.
"I like your rings, they're pre cool" I said smiling. That's one thing we have in common. She turned away from me to sit down on her bed and turn on Netflix.
"Is there anything in particular you would like you watch" her sweet angelic voice ringed out too me.
"Uh nah you pick" I said sitting down. She patted the spot beside her, telling me to lay down with her.
Kays pov
I liked Fezcos company. He was funny. We're currently cuddling, telling each other about our pasts. I couldn't help but feel bad for how he grew up, but he came out really strong in the end.
"Hey mamas I should head out" he said sitting up, making me sit up as well.
"Sure" I smiled while standing up. We walked downstairs to the door.
" I had a really good time" he tells me. That was enough to make my insides twist.
"Me too" I smiled looking at his eyes, then I glanced down at his pink plump lips he licked. He bent down so he was closer
"Yeah fez?" I ask whispering
"Can I Kiss you?" Fez asks, making my heart pound.
"Uh- yeah.." I spurt out quickly. He looks at me in the eyes, then down at my lips, he grabs my cheeks while he leans in. He kissed me. It was sweet and short, making me want more. He pulled away, smiling.
"I'll see you..." he trailed off
"Tomorrow, I'll come over tomorrow." I said smiling, and then I bit my lower lip, a nervous habit.
"Perfect, see you then mamas" he says, leaning down to plant a kiss on my cheek. He then walks out my door. Leaving me flustered. He's been gone 30 seconds and I'm already craving his sweet lips.

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