III: horror movies

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I woke up to Rue power calling me.
"Can I come over?" She said over the phone
"Uh sure" I said half asleep.
"Great im at your door" she said, I can hear the smile on her face through the phone, I was about to say something when I realized she hung up.
I got up and went downstairs to the door.
"Geez you look fucking terrible" rue laughed
"Yeah, hangover is a great look on you too" I smiled. When we reached my room we jumped back into my bed and went back to sleep for a bit.
It was 11 am when I woke up, so I decided to let rue sleep a little longer, while I showered. By the time I was out, rue was sitting on my bed playing on my Nintendo switch. Which I laughed at, half of the time rue comes over only too play Minecraft on my switch. I dried my hair, leaving it natural, and applying some mascara, blush, and highlighter.
I went back and sat on the bed with rue. I totally forgot that I deactivated all my socials, other then snap, but I blocked everyone but rue on there. So I began to reactivate all my accounts and unblock everyone. But when I went on snap I saw I had a snap from Fezco.




U should swing by the store 2day, maybe we can hangout or sum

Oh uh I'm w rue, can she come too?

Yeah for sure

Cool, see you later fez ;)

Rue and left the house around 1, driving to Fez's store. Rue and I were listening to When I R.I.P by Labrinth. Singing, like we usually do. It was a nice day, so I had the roof down in my jeep, so our hair was blowing everywhere. Rue kept making sexual jokes about Fez and I, and I would make sexual jokes about her and Jules. We would just laugh and tell the other to shut up in a jokingly way.

When we arrived at Fezco's store, we walked to the fridges to grab something to drink, then we walked into the back to say hi to fez and ash. We were all just talking and laughing, in between customers. I was beginning to get to know the two boys. I had come to some sort of realization that ash is literally a 21 year old in a 13 year olds body. But he was cool, and I liked to joke with him.
"Rue, im kinda hungry wanna run to McDonald's or something?" I asked rue, I didn't actually wanna go to McDonald's cause I was just hungry, I just wanted to rant to rue about how cute fez is.
"Uh yeah sure, either of you wanna come?" Rue asks them. I literally could've slapped her on the spot, but instead I just smiled at them.
"Nah, we gotta stay here for business" fez says, great, perfect.
"Do you guys want me to grab you guys something to eat?" I ask, just trying to be nice.
"Nah I think we're good." Fez says, okay whatever Fezco I was jus trying to be nice.
"Okay, you can text me if you change your mind" I said smiling, and walking out of the fridge. "See you guys in a bit" we got in my car and rue was the first to speak up
"I know damn well that you ain't actually hungry, so what's up?" She asks. Jesus she knows me too well
"Yeah whatever. I just wanted to rant to you about fez." I said smiling. She just rolled her eyes in return. "He's so cute, and fucking hot, I would literally let him rail me right on the fucking spot. And his eyes, I swear. To. God. I could drown in them." Rue just laughs at me.
"I think you have a crush.." she says smirking
" yeah well you have a crush on Jules so suck my dick" I respond, just then I got a snap. "Hey can you check who snapped me?" Rue picks up my phone and looks
"It was fez" she says
"Well open it dumbass"
"He said ash wants a Big Mac meal, with a coke." She says
"Tell him I say, sure" i said smiling. The way there and back we were laughing and making fun of each other. When we got back we gave ash his food and started talking.
"Kay!" Rue says hitting me, making my head snap towards her
"What the fuck was that for?" I say kinda mad
"You were staring at Fez.." ash says laughing at me
"Oh, uh, sorry." I mentally slapped myself in the face. I felt so embarrassed, I just wanted to run away.
"It alright ma, I don't mind" fez says smirking.
"Okay, don't get too cocky, that's just unattractive." I say laughing with sass in my voice. They all laugh. Then I silence fell over us, I don't know about the rest of them but I felt kinda awkward. So I pulled out my STLTH and began vaping. I know I know, drugs and vaping is bad. But it's makes me die faster so i don't really care.
"We gotta close everything up" ash said, breaking the silence. Thank fucking god.
"Oh yeah" Fez said as he started packing all there cash into a brief case. Rue and I walked out leaning against the hood of my car, having a quiet conversation. Mostly about how her mom doesn't trust her and what not, I mean what's new?
"Okay, I think we're good. Are y'all heading home?" Fez asked us, with his eyebrows raised
"Uh yeah that was the plan, rue?" I responded
"Y'all can come over if you want" fez offered, I thought for a moment.. I meannn, I def wanna be around him for longer. So why not...right?
"Rue? What do you think?" I didn't want to say yes straight up, so he didn't think I was like obsessed with him or whatever
"Yeah sure, if that's cool" she technically said yes.
"Cool cool, I'll text you the addy, and then you can follow us." Fez said, his voice is so attractive.
"Sure" I said smiling, I walked over to my car and got in, with rue getting in the passenger.
"I did that for you by the way" rue said
"I know, thank youuu, love you long time" I responded. I mean she did kinda owe me last night.

When we arrived at Fezco's place we were all sitting on the living room, all except ash, he went downstairs to his room to play call of duty or something.
"So what do y'all wanna do?" Fez asked, I just shrugged in response
"Let's watch a movie or something" rue suggests, this bitch is so fucking smart, "wait can we watch a horror movie" she added
"Fuck off rue, fuck off." I said, she knows I hate scary movies. Like every time we watch one I scream like a fucking kid, it's so embarrassing
"I feel like I'm missing sum" fez said
"Kay's like terrified of horror movies" rue said laughing at me
"Am not, why don't we watch one then" I said, I didn't want fez thinking I couldn't handle a scary movie
"Sure, how about The Conjuring?" Fez asks, omg fuck me, I tried watching it and I couldn't even get a quarter way through.
"Perfect." I said while smiling at him, I then looked over at rue giving her my best fuck you face, and she just smiled back at me.

Fez put the movie on. I was actually shitting myself.
"AHHH" I screamed when one of the pop ups came up, they both looked at me, while I had my knees to my chest. Fezco paused the movie
"Yo you okay?" He asks me
"Uhh yeah, just play it" I said in a defeated tone. He turned it on again. Fez kept looking over at me, I had my hands at the sides of my face ready to cover my eyes at any given moment.
"Come here you idiot" fez said looking at me, I gladly took his offer, 1) cause I was scared shitless, and 2) cause that meant I got to be close to him. I was sitting cuddled up to his side, with his arm around my shoulders, protecting me from the nonexistent monsters that I was afraid of. Something popped up on the screen making me squeal and hid my head in his shoulder. He squeezed my shoulder, and laughed.
"It's gone now mama's, you can look" he said, so I peaked out and it was still there, I hid back in his shoulder and hit him with my arm, he started laughing even harder
"Your not funny babes" i said coming out from my hiding and looking at me with a dead serious face. He just laughed, and shook his head, looking back at the tv. I picked up my phone to check the time, it was 8 pm
"Shit, shit, shit" I said getting up, "rue we've gotta go." Fez and rue got up and we walked towards to door, but fez pulled me away
"We should hang out sometime, just you and I" he said, I smirked
"You mean, like a date?" I was still smirking when I said that
"If that's what you wanna call it, sure" he said smiling
"Perfect, I'll come to the store after school tomorrow, and then we can come back here." I said smiling, this warm feeling was spreading through my body. I couldn't tell weather I liked it or not.
"Great" he said leaning down to place a kiss on my cheek, I giggled at his beard tickling my neck.
"Bye" I said while smiling. I opened the door and left with rue. We were staying at my house for the night, so all we did was sit in bed and watch Netflix.

He's my antidepressants ; a Fezco fanficWhere stories live. Discover now