scared/ dean winchester

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dean was never the type to admit he was scared especially to M/N. why? because M/N was strong hid his feelings if he was scared he always acted bravely. so Dean did the same to try to impress him, another thing Dean wouldn't admit is that he had fallen for the male.  but this hunt was worse than he would like to admit, both Sam and M/N had almost got killed and dean felt as if it were his fault, Sam was unconscious and Dean had no idea where M/N was so he stayed in his room scared for what would happen next.  

Dean pov

//I didn't get to him in time and he's hurt cause of me,  fuck!// I thought running my hands through my hair standing when I heard a flutter of wings "hello dean, where is Sam?" Cas questioned noticing we were in my room " he's unconscious Cas I don't know when he will wake up" I say sitting back down on my bed resting my elbows on my knees " I'm sorry dean if I could help him I would" when I looked back up towards cas he was gone and I let my head fall down once more" why do I always get people hurt?" I question pulling myself completely onto my bed  hugging my knees to my chest as tightly as I could as I started to cry thinking of how useless and a burden I've been to everyone, "if I were perfect maybe M/N would like me" I say quietly to myself or so I thought 

M/N pov

"If I were perfect maybe M/N would like me" I hear rounding the corner into Dean's room seeing him hugging himself sitting on the bed crying i sigh holding the door frame " who says I don't?" I lean against the doorway as Dean looks up at me, startled eyes wide, my smile immediately disappeared when I saw how red his eyes looked, I walk towards him as he sits up wiping his eyes i grab his shoulders "M/N-" "why are you crying ?" I ask worried looking into his eyes " I...I got you and sam hurt... I fucked up the hunt" I sit beside him looking down at my hands feeling deans eyes on me confused" you didn't mess up dean" I look up to the wall in front of me then towards him " I messed up, I lied, i "I sigh turning to dean " I found the hunt, we shouldn't have even gone I barely understood it i mean you guys have dealt with more monsters than i-"

Dean pov

I couldn't help myself he just looked so vulnerable, and i needed to shut up his rambling so I grabbed him by the neck and connected our lips, feeling his soft slightly chapped lips on mine, tasting  the whiskey he must have had before he came in my room, I pulled away and looked at him in the eyes somehow shining " I guess we both fucked up then "I say with a chuckle letting go of him seeing his bright smile " I guess so" he scoots up the bed leaning against the headboard gesturing for me to follow I stand and go over to sit beside him as he sighed placing an arm around my shoulder " please" I look over to him confused " now that we are together, I mean are we together, i hope we are" he looks at me seeming confused, I nod and he sighs smiling " never hide your feelings from me if you ever feel overwhelmed or scared tell me and I can help "I close my eyes  and relax in the warmth of my new boyfriend " then never keep your feelings from me, got it" I hear a chuckle and a sigh as I start to fall asleep beside him " I promise" 

third-person pov 

a few years had passed and everyone knew dean and M/N were together, however, neither had kept said promise, which led to such stress that every angel or demon in the bunker had felt their emotions M/N had been hiding his emotions like he always does, and dean had not noticed, but this time it's gotten worse, he had gone alone on a hunt not telling anyone where he would be due to not feeling helpful on the few hunts, a vamp hunt with at least 20 vamps, but the man was a professional so he had got them easily. after said hunt he happened to find another yet that one didn't go as easily as the first, now M/N had been gone for three weeks and dean had gotten scared. 

Dean pov 

I frown pacing the library, Sam and Cas sitting at the table watching me " dean stop, he's probably just on a hunt" I stopped and turned to sam " that's the point he  could have had just an easy one and gotten hurt, or killed that's why he's not answering" I hear the bunker door slam and I run to the stairs seeing M/N stumbling blood coming from his side "hi baby" he says as I run over to him and I see him smile and walk my way " how'd that happen, are you ok?" he nods before he smiles once again "I'm fine dean ok," he says walking into the library waving at sam, turning around to look at me again " please don't go off on-" I try to say before M/n faints and I catch him " shit, sam help me !" I yell to him picking up my unconscious boyfriend in worry

M/N pov

I felt dizzy but comfy wherever I was it was quiet except for slight sniffles from someone, I open my eyes to see im in Dean's lap and he was crying quietly "babe?" I question quietly grabbing his shirt trying to move before I wince at the feeling of pain in my hip and he looks down at me " are you ok?" he quickly asks eyes wide " im fine dean" I say trying to get up and away from him before he pulls me back " please don't leave again " I look him in the eyes and at that moment remembering my past as it all floods back and I start to cry I grab his shirt tightly as I start bawling my eyes out causing his shirt to get darker " im sorry, im so sorry" I say quietly sniffling " hey hey its ok, why  are you sorry?" I hear and I think now is the time to tell him everything that had happened before I met him and sam " when I was younger, my mom died the same as yours however my sister couldn't deal with the sort of thing sam had to so she died, it was just me and my dad" I cuddled closer to dean being careful of my stitches " but I started hunting just like your dad did to find what had killed my mom, but my dad didn't know, I left a lot and he had asked me so many times not to leave but I ignored him"  I sniffle feeling deans arms tighten around me " I'm sorry for making you remember that M/N" I shake my head and look up at dean " I was... I was just scared you'd leave and not come back" I smile sit up " it's weird," I say looking into Dean's bright emerald green eyes " what's weird ?" he asks as I put my hands on his cheeks kissing his forehead " you being scared, id never thought of you being scared " he laughs putting his hands over mine " how can I be scared when you're here with me being such a reckless dork?" he says with a smile pulling me in to kiss him, I pull away panting slightly as I lie back down on deans chest "hey M/N?" " yes, love?" I feel Dean's chin on top of my head with a smile "I love you" I smile hugging him tighter " I love you too Dean i always will"

edited nov 15

1373 words

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