goth dogs /damien bloodmarch

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D/S means dadsona, if you've played the game please tell me if you want me to do a different daddy :]


i sigh climbing out of bed stretching //god being old sucks// walking out of my room i get a text from Mary

wine mom; hey dork wanted to tell you we just got a new dog at the shelter, Damien doesn't know yet 

dork; you want me to surprise him ? :] 

wine mom; i mainly want you to adopt her but sure that works

dork; what breed is she?

wine mom; mudi puppy

dork; adorable ill bring damien by later 

wine mom ; :]

i smile putting away my phone grabbing a coat... and pants walking over to Damien's house knocking on the door Lucien answers " oh hey, you here for dad?" i nod at the boy as he walks back inside "DAD D/N IS HERE!" he yells as i look to him " did you get the present i sent you?" i question scratching my neck as Lucien turns around confused expression strong, i sigh walking back to the door checking there mail pile as i grab a letter Damien walks down in his volunteer outfit just tying up his hair as i pass Lucien the letter addressed with my name he opens it as i smile towards Damien him walking over giving me a side hug as Lucien gasps hair falling into his eyes as he screams" NO FUCKING WAY"  Damien lets go of me confused as Lucien walks over hugging me my eyes widen as i hug back " thank you pops" he runs away to his room as Damien looks to me " what have you given him, that made him this excited?" i shake my head fixing my outfit " tickets to my chemical romance, he called me pops Damien, a dad name Damien" i say smiling wide as he places his glasses on his nose " oh right the shelter " he smiles as i open the door for him 

at the shelter 

once again i open the door for Damien as he walks into the shelter i hear Mary speaking with him i walk through hearing the dogs barking loud as the two people hug " hey D/N " i smile walking over to hug the woman " hey Mary where is she?" she nods taking me and Damien into the back where there's a new dog " hey Damien?" i grab his hand as he looks to me " yes?" i smile as we stop a bit before the dog " whats you favorite dog breed?" he looks down and around us for a moment before answering " well the doberman is an intelligent breed with loads of affection, but however the Mudi is a small barely shedding breed, plus in the Victorian era small dogs were favored " he blabbers on a i smile  " sorry ill stop" i place my hands on his cheek giving him a light kiss as he blushes " i like hearing you talk, c'mon" i grab his hand pulling him over to the newest dog cage seeing Mary with adoption papers looking at the small dog

"this is vixen guys, shes 3 years old " my eyes widen at the adorable dog as Mary opens the door letting us in the dogs cage i sit on the ground Damien hands over his mouth excited, i gesture for him to come over as the dogs wiggling in excitement...

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"this is vixen guys, shes 3 years old " my eyes widen at the adorable dog as Mary opens the door letting us in the dogs cage i sit on the ground Damien hands over his mouth excited, i gesture for him to come over as the dogs wiggling in excitement to see us Damien sits beside me as the dog runs over to him jumping in his lap to lick at his face " oh look at you, your just so adorable aren't you?" he smiles wide petting the dog as i smile he looks to me and Mary who is waving the forms " Mary you know Lucien -" i touch his shoulder standing up" I've got allergy pills, Epipens, just in case and if need me we can let his move in with his boyfriend at my house in the cul-de-sac" i smile as Damien stands the dog in his arms " i want her so badly " i walk over to Mary signing the papers on the wall " now shes your dames" Mary smiles at the man dog now asleep in his arms as he whimpers tears in his eyes i chuckle moving his glasses to wipe his eyes " excited sweetheart?" he nods holding the puppy tighter  to his chest " you wanna take her home now?"i question as he stood the dog still in his arms as he nods standing beside me Mary smiling " go ahead boys, don't let Amanda know yet" she chuckles as i laugh with her tossing an arm around Damien " lets go love" i smile at his as he kisses my cheek running out the door with the dog i laugh following the excited man to my car as he's jumping the dog barking as its licking his face " hey that's my job Pupper" i smile placing a blanket in the back seat for the dog " does Lucien know yet?' i nod taking vixen from Damien placing her in the back, " wanna sit with her" " very much yes" he says a bright smile on his face " thank you so much" i smile holding Damien by his hips his hands resting on my shoulders " anything for my prince" i smile kissing him gently as he kisses back, i pull away with a smile " i love you" " i love you too " i say back as hes suddenly in the car with vixen " were you talking to the dog?" i question as shes on his lap " maybe i was" he laughs as i pet the dog getting in the car " you better love me more than that dog dames" i say starting the car as he looks at me with a smile " i love you" he smiles peting the dog still as i laugh once more 

i feel this was adorable,

1033 words

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