bloody comfort/ Jake lockley

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jake pov

" you understand shes gonna be pissed at you right?" i groan looking towards the light of my cab " yes i understand hermano, im not stupid" marc shakes his head in the window glare " i think you are for ignoring her " steven chips in " would you two shut up we are bleeding out here!"i yell parking beside our apartment building with a groan of pain slowly climbing out of the cab walking into the apartments leaning against the door unlocking it walking in seeing the lights off all except the living room " that you boys ?" i sigh trying to sound calm " si amor " she stands walking into the main room not seeing me in the dark " you can turn the light on you know jake" i sigh trying to walk away to the bathroom " jake" i hear her sigh annoyed walking into the room going towards the light just before i reach the bathroom sighing myself 

Y/N pov 

"jake ' i sigh walking towards the light turning it on looking to see the bathroom door closed right as the light flickered i groan leaning against the wall looking down towards the blood on the floor " i told you not to do this anymore lockley!" i yell stomping over to his tiled hideout " lo se mi amor pero no quiero que me veas asi " i shook my head banging a fist on the door " jake if you guys are bleeding out ive seen that before" i bang on the door once more getting annoyed " let me in !" i step back from the door hearing him hiss in pain as i cross my arms " jake please i can help you guys" i hear the door click at my statement " Y/N..." i sigh grabbing marc now by the shoulder bringing him over to the tub sitting him down " he thought id get mad didnt he?" i ask as he nods looking down at the slightly bloodied tiles " well i am mad like seriously mad i wasnt told or allowed to help in the first place , however i love you all so id rather help than you die for being stupid " i say while i sterilize a needle, and pass him a cloth " bite down " i had ordered as he did so, minutes later i finish sewing up the boys abdomen with a sigh, properly must i say, " ok all done" i smile cutting the thread looking jake in the eyes as he removes the cloth he had bit " hola amor" i shook my head kissing his cheek resting my hand on his other cheek " your stupid" i say standing  up off of the floor walking to the sink to clean my now slightly bloody hands, drying them off and giving the man a hand up " gracias " i nod picking up the first aid kit putting it away under the sink and walking out of the room, over to the couch plopping down annoyed rubbing my temples elbows resting on my knees as i sighed " next time dont be stupid got it lockley?" i point towards him as he finishes putting on a shirt looking down at me with slight fear in his beautiful hazel eyes "entiendo" he raises his arms in mock surrender sitting down beside me, i smile grabbing his hand pulling him down to kiss him " i still love you all" he smiles back kissing me again " te quiero Y/N" i smile resting my head on his shoulder hands intertwined " what did you even do to get stabbed this time?" i question with a frown looking up towards jake who has wide eyes " thats a story for another day mi amor " he smiles looking down towards me as i just sigh cuddling into my boyfriends side well the non bloody one 

spanish = 

I know my love but I don't want you to see me like this

hello love

thank you

i understand 

i love you so much

[ this is shorter than usual but here 700 words guys]

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