3 {Where are we?}

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I opened my eyes sleepily, my head was leaning against something. I look up to realise it was Dustfinger, the man Mo was arguing with.I mumbled out a small "Sorry" before sitting up, getting used to the atmosphere. I was in a truck, it had a rusty roof and a bunch of criminal-looking guys were glaring at me. I also noticed that Meggie , Mo and Elinor were also in the car with me. Elinor was cursing under her breath, and Mo was clutching an anxious Meggie under his arm. The truck came to a stop as the men in the car all stood up and pushed us out. We were in what looked like a run-down village, there was a few small buildings and a massive castle-like building at the top of the ginormous mountain we were on.

"Where are we?" I muttered under my breath, not thinking anyone would even answer.

"Capricorn's Village" Dustfinger said, not looking at me. There was a rustling in his bag, and an adorable, horned marten's head popped out of it. I gasped slightly at the sight of it. Dustfinger whispered something to it hastily, and hesitantly, it disappeared again, leaving me astounded. The man behind me shoved me forward and shouted,

"Get a move on! Capricorn doesn't like to be kept waiting!" Who is this Capricorn? I started walking faster, as Elinor began grumbling angrily at the man behind her.After what felt like forever, we reached a barn. It was broken in places but it's contents looked amazing. The ticking crocodile from Peter Pan swam in a section of it, and multiple other mystical creatures were kept in little shelters. The men pushed us into a hay-covered shack and locked the door, but Dustfinger didn't get locked up.

"Mortimer, if you don't tell me what's going on, I shall... disinherit you! I want a clear, fast explanation" Elinor barked, clearly losing her temper.
" One night, me and Resa were house sitting, for you and Meggie was with us, I decided to read a new book I had bought," Mo paused hesitantly, as if saying any more would burn his tongue, " Inkheart. I read aloud to Resa and Meggie. It wasn't until the 3rd chapter that the characters came out. First, it was Capricorn, a sword-wielder for the Adderhead, and then Basta, Capricorn's knife-throwing friend and lastly, Dustfinger, a travelling fire-dancer. After they came out, Resa went into the book."

I gasped, he read them out of the book! That's why he wanted Inkheart, to get his wife back. Poor Mo.

"You read them out?" Meggie asked, in a disbelieving tone. Mo only nodded sulkily.

"You had me thinking the worst of Resa, why didn't you tell me?" Elinor whisper-shouted.

"Would you have believed me?" Mo told her, she stayed silent, but that was as good an answer as any. I was still too astonished to speak, I was tired, even after my eventful sleep in the truck. I lay down on a heap of damp straw and attempted to get comfortable. After a while, I drifted off.
528 words
Sorry my chapters are so short, I can't write for ages on the go, also I'm really sorry this took forever for me to publish, I lost motivation but someone (@aftsoumbos ) added this to a thingy called "purr" so I was like YAY! appreciation lolz

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