3: "Birthday" Gift

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Heyo! This chapter is in your P.O.V. and nothing heated happens. Enjoy!

We’re just about to sit down for dinner when Camilo pulls me aside. “Can I talk to you, man?” 

“Yeah, what’s up?” I ask and he takes me into another room by the elbow. 

“I know it’s your birthday. I assume Mirabel didn’t want me to go with you guys ‘cause she was giving you your gift.” I smile bashfully and hold up my hand with the ring on it. 

“Guilty as charged.” I giggle softly. 

“Well, I got you something too.” He says, taking a pair of earrings out from his pocket. They’re small studs and just like the ring, they’re silver with red gems. I take them graciously and hug him as well, my eyes starting to tear up again. 

“Thank you so much.” 

“Well, no one else is gonna remember our actual birthdays.” He says. We linger there for a moment and he’s taking deeper breaths than normal. We only pull away when Abuela calls us from the other room. 

¡A la mesa! ¡Vamos!(To the table, c’mon!) We make our way back to the table and the first thing I do when I sit down is put my earrings in. “What is that?” Abuela asks, turning my head to get a better look at them. 

“Just some earrings I picked up while I was out.” I smile. “You like them?” 

“Definitely more ladylike.” 

Mamá,” mami sighs, pulling her away from me. She takes her aside and I can see them arguing softly. Eventually, they come and sit back down and we all begin to eat silently. 

“I know I ask this a lot, but the year’s almost over.” Tía breaks the silence and we all look to her. “Do you kids know what you want for your birthday?” At the beginning of each year, everyone celebrates Mirabel’s, Camilo’s, and my birthdays because they don’t want to hold three parties for kids turning the same age. It’s been happening for so long that the only people who actually remember our birthdays are each other. It hurts a lot to all of us but we never say anything, this system is better for the family. 

“As a matter of fact, tía, we do.” Mirabel smiles. “We have all decided that we want our hair bleached.” She does jazz hands excitedly and Camilo and I sit and laugh at her. 

“Even Camilo?” Abuela asks after choking on her wine. 

“We talked him into it.” I giggle. 

“Fully bleached or highlights or…” Mami trails off, looking to us for answers.

“Balayage.” Camilo explains. 

“I’ll take you tomorrow then.” Tía shrugs, continuing to eat. 

“Camilo, darling, are you sure you want that?” Abuela asks, wiping her mouth with her napkin. 

“What do you mean?” He asks, looking up at her. 

“Well, it’s not very… manly.” 

Love Geometry - Camilo x Reader x Mirabel [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now