17: A Family Day

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Heyo! This chapter is in your P.O.V. and a very small mention of slightly ~mature~ themes occurs. Enjoy!

"What if it doesn't work?" I ask, pacing Tío Bruno's small room. It's New Year's Eve and the rest of the family is out preparing for it. I don't have long because my only excuse was that I needed to tidy a few things up first but that won't stop me from venting everything to Bruno. "I mean, what if it's reversed? What if I kiss them and more cracks form and the house breaks like in your vision?"

"Okay." Tio puts his fragile hands on my wrists to stop me, taking a deep breath so I will too. "Stop with the 'what if's. You're making me anxious."

"Sorry." I smile sheepishly.

"But listen, I know what the future is. There's no way that a vision can change." My eyes widen and he immediately recognizes his mistake. "Except for, like, really old visions, of course. I mean, it could've expired--"

"The future doesn't expire." I cut him off and he sighs tiredly.

"You don't know that. I don't even know that. What I do know is that the vision I gave you is a recent one. Make that candle bright, save the miracle." He tells me confidently. I break out of his weak hold and flop down on his chair in the center of the room.

"What if the miracle's actually a curse?" I ask and Casita nudges my feet lightly.

"How do you mean?" Bruno asks, leaning on the dresser opposite the chair.

"Well, look at you and Tía Pepa. I mean, how many friends did you have growing up?" I ask him and he takes a long moment to think.

"I don't think I had any. All the kids were too scared of my visions." He shrugs and I point at him, using my other hand to touch a finger to my nose like he guessed what I was in a game of charades.

"Exactly. How many friends would you say Tía Pepa had?" He takes another pause, thinking harder.

"None. No one liked it when she got upset and kids were too scared she'd zap them with lightning if they made her angry."

"Now, how many friends did Mami Juieta have?"

"A lot." His eyes widen, realizing what my point is but trying to reject it. "But a-a lot of them were just suck-ups. I-I think maybe they thought she wouldn't help them if she was mad at them, y'know?" He chuckles softly, trying to lighten the mood.

"But now think about Dolores. How many friends would you guess she has?"

"Well, she's pretty social with me. She seems like she'd be really good at making friends and--"

"No." I cut him off. "No. People in town are scared to be friends with her. They don't know what she could say about them to other people if she got to know them. She's even afraid to talk to people because people get mad at her for accidentally talking about what she hears."

"Oh..." He trails off. "I-I never thought of it like that. And Mirabel didn't even get a gift. How many friends does she have? She was such a social butterfly before her ceremony."

"And that's my point." I tell him, standing from the very worn-in chair. "People are scared of the majority of this family's gifts and they struggle because of it. Even those with quote-unquote 'good gifts' struggle with it. Isa hates being the role model. Mami overworks herself to the point of burnout. Cami has had whole identity crises about it. Luisa feels like she isn't worth anything if she can't help. What if our self proclaimed 'miracle' is a curse?" We sit in silence for a few moments before Tío Bruno finally shakes his head.

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