uncle mitch

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It's perfect California weather today, high 70's with a light breeze off the water. Some indie folk band that Harry just found is playing on the speakers, the sunroof is cracked and Birdie is chattering away to herself in the mirror attached to her car seat.

There's something healing about watching her laugh and smile at herself in a mirror. I could watch her for hours.

She's a sweet little toe-headed blonde, just like I was. She loves the sounds of birds chirping in the morning, she loves the way sunshine feels on her face, she loves her uncle Frankie and pulling on his floppy curls. She loves when I spin her around really fast, she giggles like a mad man. She loves bath time and getting lotion rubbed on, she loves to pee on fresh sheets and obliterated clean diapers. Her favorite thing in the whole world though is hearing Harry talk while she lays on his chest. The way his chest vibrates when he sings to her or talks makes her little eyes close and the most precious smile spread across her chubby cheeks.

As much as I'd like to say that she's perfect and flawless and only possesses all things good that this world has to offer, she hasn't even been alive for a year so it seems a little too early to judge. However, in the months that I've known her, I can confidently say that she is flawless and perfect and only possesses all the good things that the world has to offer. Even though she shits herself at the most inconvenient times and screams her head off when she's unhappy. It's not even a cry, it's a full scream. It's honestly impressive that she doesn't pass out.

No screaming at the present moment though, she loves the car. For months, Harry would drive us around at 2 am just to get her to sleep. I passed out in the passenger seat as soon as we left the driveway so I really wasn't of much help, but I was so exhausted that I couldn't help it. It was rare that I woke Harry up for night feedings, since he couldn't do anything but be awake and miserable while I fed her. He would sleep through the night and take over in the mornings unless she wouldn't sleep. That's why he always volunteered to drive, he felt guilty for all the nights he slept soundly while my nipple was getting chapped.

Today is a very big day, it's Uncle Mitch's birthday and we're headed up to their house to celebrate. We were in charge of bringing the baby and booze, which we handled flawlessly, of course.

I love the drive to their house, we get to go up in the hills where the roads are windy and there aren't many cars. The first few times we came up here I had to close my eyes because it made my anxiety skyrocket, but Harry has settled my nerves enough that it doesn't bother me so much now.

We park in their driveway and Birdie is immediately ready to be free of her car seat, her fussy little whines are met with a soft "Hi birdie girl, I'm comin' for you." Harry slides his sunglasses on top of his head and there they rest against the clip that's holding his hair in place. He's out of the car and freeing our little one from her seat in seconds flat while I yawn and stretch toward the sunshine.

I twist my own hair up into a bun with a clip using the reflection in the window and then I snag the baby backpack from the backseat and make my way around the car to join them.

"That everything, baby?" He asks over his shoulder and I can't help but swoon at the sight of him with our baby in his arm. I thought I'd get over it, that seeing him with a baby on his hip would stop having such an impact on me, but I was wrong. The more confident he gets in being a father, the hotter he is. It's disgusting, and he must be stopped.


An hour later and the house is alive with music, people, and laughter. The doors to the patio are open wide and the living room is flooded in sunlight. Harry is helping Mitch's mom cook dinner, the babies are being passed around and snuggled, Mitch and I are playing horseshoes in the backyard while Sarah and the others mingle and chat.

I'm kicking Mitch's ass at horseshoes, and he's keeping his cool but I know he's secretly a little bit butthurt about it. He's had a few of his favorite beers and it's throwing him off of his game, but it's making us laugh really hard so I'd say it's worth it.

When he slings a perfect shot and it spins around the poll thing we both start jumping and cheering. My arms swing around his neck and he gives me a good spin around before he starts laughing so hard that we have to stop. One arm is still around his shoulders and his arm is around my back, his cheek rests on top of my head and he says, "Man, I love you, Jo."

My poor heart grew a whole size right there as I leaned into him and said, "I love you too, Mitch." A quick kiss on my head and then a smile and wink, and we're headed back inside for an early dinner.

I fed Charlie and put her down for a quick nap in the playpen while we all ate dinner. We share stories about Mitch and how much we love him, we pass around dishes and fill our plates with delicious food. The late afternoon sun is so beautiful, it lights the whole house in warmth. I savor my single glass of wine and sip it slowly. Harry's hand falls to my thigh and he traces slow patterns onto the fabric of my jeans. When he gets bored of that he stretches his arm around my chair and draws patterns on my shoulder, never taking his eyes off whoever is speaking.

He gives almost all of himself to every single moment, but he saves just a smidge of himself for me. To let me know that he's still with me, that I'm still at the top of his mind.

When dinner is over, the evening sun is setting and it's the golden hour. An old blues record is playing, everyone is gathered in the living room, and photo albums are being passed around. Charlie is awake and ready to mingle. She's got on a fresh onesie and a fresh diaper, and she's sitting happy as a clam in her Daddy's lap. He's showing her pictures of her Uncle Mitch and I can't help but watch them with a stupid big smile on my face.

The night is over now, Charlie is wiped from all of the excitement, her head is tucked under my chin and she gives soft little waves goodbye to her family before we head out to the car

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The night is over now, Charlie is wiped from all of the excitement, her head is tucked under my chin and she gives soft little waves goodbye to her family before we head out to the car. We give hugs and kisses all around, Harry hauls out yet another bin of baby clothes from Sarah, most of which we bought when their little one was Birdie's size. She's getting hand-me-downs that we had picked out. Brilliant.

Harry's sleepy from the food and the sun, he's gonna crash as soon as he hits the pillow. We get the car loaded up and I talk to Charlie while I buckle her in, "Ready for home, Birdie girl?" She giggles and reaches for herself in the mirror, ignoring me completely.

I turn to find Harry leaning against the car, watching us. "How about you? Ready for home, handsome?" I stand in front of him and lean into him, his lips meet mine with a satisfied hum and his hands massage the back of my head which makes me melt.

"I'm always ready for home with you."

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