First sight

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Hayley's POV:

"Can you just hurry up? We're going to be late!" Sam said to me, getting more and more annoyed. "God Sam calm down..." "WELL HURRY!" Let me explain, Sam sent an email to the Ghost Adventures Crew a week ago when they were holding a sweepstakes for one person and a friend to go on a lockdown with them... I told her that half the country watch the show so that's a one in a million chance to win. She never listens to me and sent the email. Last night she stayed up all night waiting for a reply. When she finally got one she immediately started packing. We've lived together ever since we finished school. She jumped on the bed and woke me up. She made me come with her even though she knows I hate them with a passion. Especially Zak, he thinks he's so cool because he has been attacked by ghosts. God get a life? I started to pack for a 2 week trip. Great 2 weeks with the 3 people I hate... Oh well I guess I have Sam.

"Sam I'm done packing are you re-" I got cut off by a Sam squealing and pushing me out the door. She ran to the car and threw her case in. I had to rush to get my things in the car because she kept on and on about how sad she would be if they miss their flight. Guilt trip much? We drove to Orlando international airport and got on a plane to Vegas.


We finally arrived in Vegas. The crew sent Sam an email and told her the hotel and to meet them in the lobby at 7pm so we can meet and have dinner. Good thing I brought my niceish clothes. We grabbed a taxi and drove to the hotel. We still had about an hour until the guys arrived so we checked in and decided to get changed. I wore my best skinny jeans with my platforms and a green bow-knot fitted top. Sam wanted to wear a dress but she saw me and decided he wanted to sort of coordinate. "Come on Sam, I thought you wanted to meet them? It's already 7:12pm they will think we chickened out!" "I'm coming now!" We took the elevator to the lobby and and she the guys sitting on the couch facing the elevator. They knew it was us when Sam squealed. "Look Hayley! It's them!" Nick came stood up first and introduced the gang. "Hi, I'm guessing your Sam and Hayley? Well I'm Nick, that's Aaron and that's Zak." Look at Zak, he's just sitting there in his sunglasses. It's nighttime but he still wears them. Sam looked at me and could tell I was getting annoyed so she quickly said "Well nice to meet you." After an awkward moment of silence Zak stands up and looks at us. "Are you two ready to go grab a bite to eat?" We nodded and we all walked out the hotel and drove to The Cheesecake Factory. It wasn't busy so we got seated right away. Zak still had his sunglasses on and I have no clue how he could see. Aaron saw this as well and craked a joke. Zak finally took them off revealing his big blue eyes. He saw me looking at his eyes and a blush started forming in his cheeks.

Zak's POV:

I knew I never should have taken my sunglasses off. Hayley keeps staring at me with her big beautiful brown eyes. I feel a blush forming in my cheeks but push it away. I don't know why I'm feeling this way, I couldn't even look at Hayley in the lobby but she definitely could look at me. I need to get to know her better.

Hayley's POV:

Dinner didn't go as I thought it would. I thought that I would just be playing on my phone the whole time while Sam chatted her little heart away to the guys. Actually I talked with Zak all night and Sam talked to Aaron mostly but Nick was in on the conversation as well. Zak asked me about my past and my family and what I majored in. So to even it out I asked him the same questions. I don' t think he expected that. He actually lives a really interesting life. Maybe he isn't such a jerk after all.


After dinner I told Sam and the guys that I was tired and was going to head up to my room. They all agreed but Zak offered to walk me up there. I didn't mind and I wanted to know what he was after so I let him. Sam looked really surprised that I said yes but blew it off. I expect that when she comes up she'll ask me every detail down to who pushed the elevator button. 

Zak and I started walking to my room and we had to go all the way around the lobby to get to an elevator because the closest one was out of order. I decided to break the awkward silence. "You wanna race to the elevator?" "Sure" We started runnind and I was in the lead, I was just about to reach the elevator when I tripped and felt and terrible pain in my ankle. I couldn't help but cry it hurt so much. Zak ran over to me and cradled me in his arms."WHAT HAPPENED?" "I-I-I tripped and hurt my ankle." I struggled to say between sobs. "I'll take your shoes off and see if you can walk on it. I'm right here if you need me." His eyes looked in pure worry and his voice sounded so caring. I couldn't stop staring. He gently took off my shoes and stood me up. I tried walking on it but immediately fell to the ground again because the pain was too severe. "I can- I can't walk on it." Then I felt an arm under my legs and around my back, "Well I guess I have to carry you to your room." Zak said playfully. He carried me all the way to my room and asked me for the key. He opened the door and carried me to my bed. He insisted he stay with me until Sam got there. I let him because there was no use arguing. We made small talk and he complimented me on my eyes. He obviously wanted to say something else but he kept holding back. "What is it?" "Nothing." "Yes there is come on just say it." "Well I was just wondering if I could have your number? Just so we can contact easier and faster than email." Nice save Zak, but I pretended like I bought it and he lit up when I gave it to him. "Well I'll call Nick and Aaron and ask them if Sam and them could come up." He went outside and phoned Nick and Aaron.

Zak's POV:

She actually gave me her number. I can't believe it. I thought she hated me? I need to call Nick and Aaron so she doesn't expect anything.

Nick's POV:

"Um guys. Hayley tripped going up to the room and she hurt her ankle. Zak said to come up right away."

Hayley's POV:

I didn't realise I fell asleep when Zak went outside and called Nick and Aaron. I woke up to someone holding my hand. I looked and it was Zak. I didn't try and let go, I actually liked that he cares. Everyone else was on the other side of the bed. Sam had tears in her eyes. "It's alright you guys I was ony asleep." "When Nick told me the news I ran up the stairs as fast as I could, then I saw you on the bed and you weren't moving. I thought you did more than just trip." Sam started balling and Aaron hugged her for comfort. "I'll be fine," I put my other hand on top of Zak's "really. Go home you guys need your rest too." They agreed and left. Sam got me my clothes and she called the lobby for a bag of ice. She did everything for me. It was really weird. I just ended up going to sleep quickly to stop her worrying.

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