the dream

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Hayley's POV:

All I could see was darkness. I could make out Zak standing right next to me. Aaron, Sam, and Nick I could hear them upstairs. They must have been doing a spirit box session because all I could hear was white noise. I remember Zak saying we had a lockdown at Black Moon Manor earlier on that day. Zak was holding his camera and I was holding a mel meter. Zak told me in my ear that we should investigate the most active room. Upstairs they weren't getting a lot of voices and decided to come downstairs with Zak and I. We immediately got going with a digital recording session. I was walking around the room to see if I could get any unusual readings on the mel meter. Zak asked the spirits in the house a question and immediately got a temperature spike that went to 66.6 degrees Fahrenheit. We listened to see if we got any voices come through the recorder and right before the mel meter went off we got a deep voice say "a demon." Then everything started. Zak started to complain about his back burning. We lifted up his shirt and I saw 3 distinctive scratches. The sign of a demonic presence. We put down Zak's shirt and he started to get incredibly angry. He started another recording session and right after Zak said "Stop being such a pussy and get your ass down here. Show us another sign that you're here."  Aaron dropped his camera to the floor and grabbed his neck. Someone, or something, was strangling him! Sam rushed over and tried to help Aaron. It didn't do anything but make her get possessed. The demon lured Sam out of the room and she went upstairs. She opened the window and jumped out. I tried to run upstairs but Zak grabbed my arm, "Hales you aren't going to get possessed too. There is nothing you can do about it. I know she's your friend but if you chase after her you'll just give it exactly what it wants." I started balling my eyes out when I heard Sam scream. I knew I would never see her alive again. We all went to see if Aaron was okay and saw that he was crying and telling Nick how much Sam meant to him when the floor fell thru and a nail went right through Aaron's heart. That's when Zak started shaking of anger. I knew that we needed to get out of here before anyone else gets hurt but that would mean calling the owner of Black Moon Manor and they could take half and hour to get here and we could all be dead by then. "Zak, can't you just break the door down and pay the owner for a new one? I don't want anyone else hurt." 

"Neither do I Hales but I don't think we could get out of here even if we tried. The demon has one mission and it's not going to stop until it gets what it wants."

How can he be like that when 2 of us are dead? I heard some footsteps echo on the walls in the room. I looked at all of us and we were all standing perfectly still. Who's next? That's when Nick heard something in the next room. He quickly grabbed a camera and went towards the sound. Zak didn't even try to stop him, all he did was mumble, "I'm so glad I met you guys.. all of you." Was he talking about meeting me and Sam too? Nick didn't come back. After about 5 minutes of nothing happening, Zak grabbed a hold of my hand and walked me over to the corner of the room. He let go of my hand and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me right up against him. "I want to be in your arms the rest of my life. I love you Hayley Summers" He leaned down and started to passionately kiss me. I heard footsteps again. I knew it was me or him this time. I put my hands on his jawline pulling him closer to me. For a second his grip on my waist tightened, "In my pocket." he whispered, then he stopped kissing me and his grip was gone. He fell to the floor lifeless. I tried to catch him but I wasn't strong enough. The demon stabbed him in the back, piercing his heart, killing him almost instantly. I cried my eyes out. I am so glad I came here with Sam. I don't know what would have happened if I didn't come. I would never have known how sweet and caring Zak really is. I would never know what true love really is. I reached in his pocket to see why he had to say that before he was gone forever. I pulled out a Tiffany and Co. blue box with a white ribbon on top. I took the ribbon off and opened the box. Inside was a diamond engagement ring. On the lid of the blue box was a note taped inside. "I know it's very early in the relationship but after we danced in the gazebo I knew, I wanted to be with you, and only you." I started to cry my eyes out even harder and I just laid my head on his chest. His shirt was completely soaked with blood. I don't care what this demon does I just want it to kill me now so I don't have to live one more second without Zak.

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