Into your arms

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Zak's POV:

"HAYLEY!" I caught her right before she hit the floor. "CALL AN AMBULANCE RIGHT NOW!" She's slipping away, I can feel it. She barely got to live her life. She was only 26. We were supposed to get married and have kids. We were supposed to grow old together and live until we were 100. We would have 2 dogs, Hale's would have a beagle and I would have a basset. We would have 2 kids a boy named Joshua and a girl named Tallulah (Ta-luw-luh). We would have a big house on the beach, Hayley loves the beach. But now she will never get the chance to experience any of that. I don't know how I can live without her. I found my true love and now she is being ripped away from me. I started to absolutely ball my eyes out. I didn't care who saw, I love this girl with all of my heart. I got one of my hands and put pressure on her wound to help stop the blood flow. The ambulance finally came and I let them take her away. I knew the longer I told them I wasn't leaving her side the less chance she has of living. I couldn't live with myself if I knew that is why she died. They wouldn't let me ride in the ambulance because I wasn't family so I have to drive in my car. I followed the ambulance all the way to the hospital. When they pulled Hayley out she was flat lining. She was losing too much blood. I didn't know her blood type so they had to try and stop the bleeding as much as they could and wait until Sam came. Luckily Sam knew her blood type was O negative. They said that she will need to go into surgery to remove the bullet and do a blood transfusion. They checked in the hospital to see how much O negative blood they have, "I'm afraid unless one of you have O negative blood, your friend won't make it through the night." I tried to think of my blood type when I donated blood about a year ago. I remebered the lady saying I had O negative blood. So I went and found the doctor, "I gave blood last year and they said I have O negative blood so please give her my blood." "This is a really good thing you are doing." "Well when you really love someone you will do anything for them, even if you die trying." He sat me in this chair in Hale's room, the whole time he was taking a pint of my blood I was staring at her, the doctor's had managed to get her heartbeat at a steady pace but said she could flat line again at any moment. I just stared at her a picked out everything I loved about her. I love her smile, it would make my day, no matter what happens whenever she smiles the world seems to get a little brighter. I love her nose, I love the way she laughs, no matter what she would find something funny out of every situation. I love the way she left the bathroom door open this morning, I love the way her hair is always perfect, even when she wakes up, I love her eyes, they sparkle everytime she looked at me, but the thing I love the most about her was the way she looked at me, she just lit up and blushed, she wasn't afraid of speaking her mind and I love that. I love her  hands, they were so extremely soft that they felt like I was holding clouds. I love the way she can find an imperfection of herself at any moment, she doesn't know that those imperfections are what I love most about her.

They finished taking a pint of blood and made me drink juice and eat some crackers. I didn't want to leave her so I stayed in her room all day. No one said anything to me, they mostly just walked past and looked in. I always heard their footsteps stop and it sounded like they wrote something down and put taped it somewhere outside the room. I didn't bother checking because I couldn't leave Hayley's side. They took her in for surgery at around 8, this was the first time I got to look at the wall. I saw it and broke down crying again. The wall was covered in note's they all had writing in them, Everyone said something different. They all knew our story and what had happened to Hayley. One note read, "I can't begin to imagine what you must be feeling in this moment but, you have to be the most decent guy in the whole world, and I'm not just saying that. You would do anything for her even if you died trying, now it takes a real man to express how much he loves a girl to the world, and since you've only known her for about 4-5 days and you've already done so much for her, I will help you as best as I can, she will have the best doctor you can get and only the best treatment."

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