Chapter four, obviously :)

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So, I know it's been a while, and Im sorry for anyone who is actually intrested in this story, seeing as I dont think it's very good, But I have had a hell of a lot of things going on. I started at a different high school, I met the incredibley talented Justice Crew (*drools*), and Facebook kinda-sorta took over my life...... ANYWAY, Im back, and Im still gunna write this, and Im still starstruck from meeting said dance crew, even though it was a week ago....

*Four months later*

Only four months had passed since the night where George had gotten a visit from his deceased brother, and a bit had changed through-out the whole Weasley family. Bill and Fluer announced they were expected their first born, which George, and Molly also, knew was going to be a girl. Hermione and Ron finally announced they were dating, yet everyone already knew it. Percy had a girlfriend, Audrey, and it was no shock that she was also oustandingly annoying. And Harry had proposed to Ginny, saying all the mushy things that nerdy 'celebrities' say, like 'Ginny, I know were only young, but I know were going to be together forever!' and 'You are the only person I ever need in my life. I couldn't live without you!'.

On a hot and sunny August day, George happened to be working at the Diagon Alley joke shop, which happened to be magically cooled, selling items at a discount to all Hogwarts students who promised to make Professor McGonagal's life (since she was announced headmistress) a living hell. Around 12 pm, George went on his usual lunch break, to a small cafe that had opened up opposite to Weasley Wizard Wheezes, called 'Saviours' in dedication of Ron, Harry and Hermione. George had only been there once before, just to torment the three, and found the food was the best in Diagon Alley.

Not Five minutes afterGeorge was seated and looking at a menu, a fimilar female voice spoke.

"Hi, My name is Angelina and I will be your waitress for this evening! Are you ready to order-George?!"

"Well if it isn't Angelina Johnson! How have you been?" George's smile became wider, as he realised how beautiful she had become over the period of time they hadnt seen each other.

"I've been great, Just great! Listen, my shift finishes at three. Your at the shop today right? I'll come see you then? Oh sorry, what did you want to order?"

George smiled and ordered lunch, thinking of the best way to ask her out. He had come up with ten possible cory muggle pick up lines, when a voice had suddenly filled his head.

"George! I haven't talked to you since that night three months ago! Is my own brother avoiding me?!" Fred's voice was filled with mock hurt and a bit of sarcasm.

"Fred? Where are you? Why cant I see you? Why are you talking to me?" George asked in his head, to avoid looking like the weird guy that talks to him self.

"Im here because I managed to talk to people to come talk to you again. It takes alot of work to be able to do this, quite alot if arse-kissing. People would think I was Percy. But, I need to tell you something important. You need to tell Angelina that you'll get back to her tomorrow, and head over to Harry's place. He was asked by the auror office to go on a Death Eater mission. If he goes, he wont come back. I need you to go convince him to stay. Tell Ginny to act sick if you must. Just do something. He's meant to leave tomorrow. Go!"

 "Are you sure Fred? Who are you getting this from? Why?"

Fred sighed impatiently and assured George that he needed to do this. George got up from his table, cancelled his order at the register, left a note for Angelina, and apperated to Harry's place, where he had to duck so that a light blue porcelian vase wouldnt hit him on the side of his head. He looked to see he was standing in the middle of Harry and Ginny's arguement.

"George! I need you to calm you sister down! She's going to kill me!" Harry looked petrified. George would have found that funny if he wasnt right.

"Ginny, stop throwing shit! Harry, you cant go on this mission tomorrow!" Ginny and Harry both stopped their argument and looked at George shocked. No one but Ginny knew Harry was going on a mission. Ginny started muttering things about her brother turning into a seer, while Harry just looked shocked.

George sat the couple down and quickly explained everything, and what they could do if they wanted to see Fred themselves. And after a dinner supplied by Ginny, George headed home, knowing he was happy he had connections up there, keeping him and his family safe.

A/N: So, chapter four, what do you think? You know what I think? I think even though It's 10:48 PM and everyone in my house is already asleep, I could really go for a 7/11 slurpee right now...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2011 ⏰

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