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BOREDEM KILLS, SANE SKILLS!!! ..... My foots asleep......


George was shocked at what he saw. A whole bunch of redheads! With the exception of the few blondes and black haired people. There were the older looking versions of his family. His mother and father, both had white streaked hair, hand in hand as they watched their family. A few feet away from them, Harry and Ginny both stood, Ginny red-faced, telling off a black haired boy no older than thirteen, while another black haired boy sat on the ground crying next to girl ,who looked about nine or ten, while she laughed. Ron and Hermoine, sat on a lounge that looked fairly new. Hermoine, reading a book to a red-headed girl, and Ron, telling his son why he had to follow the Chudley Cannons in quidditch. Next to them, Percy and his wife, whose name George had forgotten, watching as one of their daughters told off the other for eating to much of the sugary foods. Bill, Fleur and and their three part veela children sat discussing Hogwarts, and what their eldest was going to do with her life. Then, to his shock, he saw himself,hand in hand with Angelina Johnsen, telling his kids about how they had to be good at pranking, or be a disgrace to him. Angelina than looked at him with a cold glare and slapped his arm.

George couldn't help but smile at the scene around him, it was a perfect Weasley family. Fred saw this smile and pointed out who was who.

"Alright George, lets start with this lot over here."

Fred proceeded to walk over to Harry and Ginny and everything froze. Everything except him and Fred.

"OK, so you obviously know this is Ginny and this is Harry. The boy which they are telling off is James Sirius Potter. He is one of the people who want to be the next Fred and George Weasley of Hogwarts. As you can see, James is being yelled at by Ginny and Harry. The reason for this is because he tripped Albus over."

Fred then walked over to the black haired boy on the floor. George followed him and he could see that this boy was extremly like Harry. Except for the scar.

"Now, this is Albus Severus. What did I tell ya about being Harry's clone?! And this little red-head over here is Lily Luna."

They walked over to the laughing girl who looked like Ginny as much as Albus looked like Harry. George then realized he never had a good look at James and walked over to him. He was a mix of the two. He had raven black hair and deep chocolate brown eyes. Harry's nose and Ginny's mouth.

"So there's the Potters for ya! Next we have our little Ronnikins family! This over here is Rose."

They quickly made their way over to Ron and Hermoine's small family.

"She may look like Ron with long, bushy hair, but she is so much like Hermoine with her love of books. And then theirs Hugo. Young Hugo is EXACTLY like Ron, love of food and everything."

George let out a small chuckle as they walked over to Percy and his family. A few steps away from them, George started feeling as though he was being pulled towards the roof. Fred saw that he was vanishing slightly.

"Blimey is it that time already? George quickly grab onto my arm!" George did just as Fred started to spin on the spot. the Apparation feeling welcomed him and then he was back in his bed. He felt the romm around him shake and his eyes fluttered open.

"George! George dear, I've bought you some breakfast."

His mother stood beside him with a tray full of bacon, eggs, pancakes and toast. He realized how hungry he was.

"Thanks mum, Im starving!"

Molly looked surprised by the amount of enthusiam. George saw this and also saw that she still looked quite upset.

"Mum, I have to tell you something."

"What's wrong dear?"

"I....I saw Fred last night and it was so real! He showed me our families future! and he said if you want to talk to him to, just talk to the wind, ask him to visit you, and then go to sleep."

Molly again looked surprised. She than gave her son a bear hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you George. Im glad you told me this. Can you come with me when I talk to him tonight?"

"Of course mum. He's missed us, You know."


A/N: sparkle....sparkle...bubble bath...FISH!!!

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