Chapter two

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Hahaha......Bubbles!! Lol thats my rabbits name!! When im older im going to get a dog and name it Rabbit.

Whoops sorry...little too much sugar today!!!! Well Im bored so I might just write!!!

Chapter two!!!!

Back at the Burrow, a weird kind of feeling was in the air. George felt as though he would never be happy again. He would talk about it to someone, but the only person he could talk to was Fred. So thats what George did. He sat up in his room, in front of the window that was wide open, spilling out his thoughts to the wind.

"Fred, Why did you have to leave me? I need you back here, at the Burrow. We all need you back. Mums cooking is getting worse, there's no jokes around the house, and everybodies faces are always red and blotchy. Without you here, there's no point me being on earth. I mean you cant have one Weasley twin without the other, can you? I wouldnt be able to find you straight away, that would be torture on everyone. And how do I know your ok without us all to look after you? We always were at each others side. If one was hurt, the other would be bashing the person who hurt them. Now the only brothers I have are Bill, Charlie, Percy and Ron. Dont get me wrong, their bloody brilliant, but you are, and always will be my favourite brother. I cant talk to them like I can to you. I cant even plan a prank without you! How the bloody hell do they want me to run a joke shop without you? Im finding this talk more emotional than when I lost me ear. Well to finish Fred, can you please find a way of telling me that your ok? I'll wait for a sign. Any sign to let me know. Just make sure it is something you would do. I miss you Fred."

And then he lost it. Tears ran from his eyes once again. He couldnt handle not being a twin anymore. Well he was still a twin. He would always be Fred's twin. He just couldnt handle the thought of him not living anymore. And once again, he cried himslef to sleep.

He was in his bedroom, as he normally was when he woke up. But didnt he fall asleep near the window, not in his bed? He rolled away from the window and looked at Fred's bed next to him. His eyes bugged out of his head to see Fred sitting up in his bed. Fred smiled at George with his mischievious smile. This wasnt real, was it?

"Blimey George! you look shocked to see me or something."

"I thought you were-"

"Dead? Well I am. You asked me to tell you that I was ok in a way that would prove it to be me. Is this enough proof? Because if you wanted, I could bring back the horrendous nightmares of my tragic death....."

He said this with the smiles he saved for his jokes. He had missed Fred's jokes.

"No Fred. Please dont leave again. I'll stay asleep forever! Just please dont leave!!!"

"George! It's a dream. You have to wake up sooner or later. Besides, I've seen your future. Bloody brilliant if you ask me!"

"Merlins Pants Fred!!! You've ditched the normal people for the seers!"

"What are you talking about George?! Havent I always wanted to be a seer?"

"I've missed your jokes Fred. Now what did you mean about my future?"

"Why would I tell you about your future? That would only make you change it. And dont worry abot missing my jokes. You will train up little James and Fred!"

"Who's James? And Fred? Well I know who Fred is. You are! But.....well you know what i mean."

"Do I?"

He raised an eyebrow while still smiling. This made George smile aswell.

"OK, OK. Well i havent got permission to tell you your future."

Fred stopped talking purposly to see his brothers face fall.

"But I have gotten permission to show you your future."

"How are you going to show me exactly?"

"Side-along Apparation!"

Fred looked excited while George looked scared. Fred wasnt really that good at apparration, let alone side along apparation.

"Come on George! You have to wake up in fifteen minutes! Thats when mum will come wake you up! Hurry up and take my arm!"

George obayed and placed his hand on Fred's. surprised that he could actually touch him. Fred than spun on the spot and then instead of a large crack that would usually have followed, there was a soft popping sound. Then he was confronted by the familer apparation feeling he was used to. Instead of splinching like he usually did, Fred apparated perfectly. When they landed ,Fred turned to look at George with a proud smile on his face. George laughed quitely and looked around the room. It was his room! His and Freds beds were still there, but absouloutly no belongings of theirs were around. Instead there were the belongings of two others.

"Um Fred? Where are we?"

"This Georgie, is the year 2017. As you can see this was once our room. But JamesII and FredII are staying here."

"Wait a minute Fred. Are these people next generation Weasleys?"

"Well these people use the term 'Wotters' as in Weasley-Potters. Bill and Fleur have three children: Victorie, born on the one year anniversary of the war and has been finished Hogwarts for last year, Dominique, who is in her fifth year at Hogwarts and Louis- who is in his seconed year. Charlie was a loner. Just him and his dragons. Percy actually got a wife! Shocking, I know. But him and his wife Audrey have two girls- Lucy and Molly II. They are twin girls in their third year along with Fred II and James. Fred is your eldest boy. Thanks for the name by the way. and he has a sister Roxanne. Their mother and your wife is Angelina Johnsen. Hermoine and Ron have two aswell. Rose who is in her second year with Roxanne and their son Hugo, who will start next year. That leaves our precious little Ginny, who married Harry and became Ginny Potter. They have three kids, like Bill and Fleur, which they all named after people. James is their eldest and he is in the same year as Fred. Albus who is Harry's real life clone, is with Rose and Roxanne and Lily, Ginny's clone, wont start until next year. Oh and remember Teddy? Well him and Victorie date. Now, any questions?"

Fred's smile was wide while George stood in a pleasent shock.

"I'll take that as a no then? OK! Let's go see our future family!"

A/N: WHOA!! Thats the quickest I've uploaded EVER!!! haha

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