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Lemon Lover
09| You're sitting in my seat

While Luke, Ashton and Michael were forced to endure throbbing headaches, Calum had spent his Sunday studying since the morning class was further ahead in the curriculum.

He had asked a girl at the party to send him her notes and he was surprised to find she had actually remembered to do so after having drunk nearly twice as much as him.

But now that the sun had long since vanished and stars were ruling the endless darkness they called sky, Ava and Calum were both not able to sleep.

And while Calum spent the dark hours strumming his acoustic guitar, with no chords and no actual intention, Ava felt trapped inside the four walls that assembled her room.

Despite her restless mind, her limbs felt tired. Even if they hadn't she couldn't have gone spraying. She had used up her last bottle to draw a sad smiley on a trashcan earlier that night.

So when the clock stroke three, Ava was still up, sitting on the outer windowsill, her head resting against the pane of the slide-open.

To light the cigarette between her teeth, she had used Calum's lighter, her thumb now gliding over it's surface carefully, as if scared to smudge the letters written on it, while her cigarette was decreasing in its length.

The liquid inside of the lighter was running low and she'd soon be out of cigarettes as well. Only her stockings of weed were filled to satisfaction and she was craving for a joint, however she couldn't afford to smoke weed on her parents' property.

They may have not cared too much about what Ava was up to, but god forbid them finding out about the drugs.

Ava's thoughts circled as she was fidgeting with the lighter, jumping from the restocking of her living essentials to the boy that had given her said lighter.

The glimpse in his eyes, his squishy nose and those outgrown, bleach blonde strands she wanted to roam her fingers through so badly. The inked arms she hadn't been able to take her eyes off and his lips...

She hadn't been touched for too long.

Ava shook her head lightly, trying to get those images out of her head as the late night hours were playing tricks on her.

Focusing more on realistic topics, she wondered, wether he would actually sit with her the next day.

Surprisingly, when Ava showed up to College the next day, wearing dark shadows under her eyes from the lack of shuteye and not having cared enough to even zip close the backpack hanging off one of her shoulders, she found her seat already taken.

Absentmindedly playing with a pen, Calum leaned back in her chair like it was his own, his leather jacket resting over the back of it, legs stretched out as if lying on a couch and his blonde strands disguising his eyes.

He didn't even look up as Ava trotted over to him or when she awkwardly stood beside him, waiting for him to notice he. Only when her backpack hit the desk in front of him in an attempt to get his attention, he diverted his gaze at her, eyebrows raised.

He didn't seem surprised to see her at all and by that Ava could tell that he had in fact noticed her, only had he chosen to ignore her presence, which she found unnecessarily rude of him.

"You're sitting in my seat.", she stated the obvious with a cold voice, causing a tired smirk to tug on his lips as his eyes drifted back to the pen in his hand.

"Good morning to you too, babe."

Ava let out a low sigh in annoyance, before returning the polite greeting in a less polite voice. "Good morning, now would you move?"

His eyes had been resting on her backpack but as a quiet chuckle slipped his mouth he directed his eyes to Ava.

The light curve of his lips deformed, shaping a soft frown at the tired look she wore that morning. She hadn't slept at all. He could tell.

"As far as I recall, this is my seat.", Calum plainly answered, not intending to point out her dark circles.

"It's not.", Ava was growing irritated by his stubbornness, a trait they apparently shared.

He was tired too. It was evident in the breaks he took when speaking and the yawns he drew in through the nose, his slow and minimised movements and the missing glimpse in his eyes.

It was clearly a riddle to Ava why he bothered to be that stubborn when he started again, this time speaking at a slightly increased speed, a flicker of amusement now visible in his weary expression. "No, you see, it has my handwriting on it and I'm pretty sure that gum right there was in my mouth once."


"Please", he huffed, feeling the tiredness slowly drift from his soul. "I'm sure you've had way worse inside your mouth."

Ava snorted in entertainment as she had been caught off guard, but disguised it by clearing her throat before muttering: "Yeah, your mum."

A grin on his lips, Calum furrowed his eyebrows. "But my mum doesn't- oh."

"Quiet down, everyone! We're about to start today's lesson.", the professor called, reminding Ava of the fact that Calum was still sitting in her seat, refusing to move.

Calum only smirked at the glare Ava sent him. "You know, we can share.", he suggested, patting his thigh.

Ava rolled her eyes, pulling a chair from an empty seat beside him. "In your dreams."

"How'd you know?", Calum joked, thinking it was only half-funny to someone who didn't know about his sleeping problems, but not being able to suppress the flirty line, satisfied with Ava now sitting next to him who let him off with a scoff as she pulled her backpack down from the desk.

Something on the now again revealed part of the desk caught her eye and she could feel heat rushing into her head as she read what was written there.

She was familiar with the first part of the message, however she recognised it to be Calum's handwriting, finishing her quote.

"those notes you wrote me, I've kept them all."

"I've given a lot of thought on how to write you back this fall."

A/N: Sorry I always take so long, I'm in a severely depressive episode right now.

Also the lighter is in the picture at the top, though it says "fuck" instead of "kiss" and it's not clear but let's ignore that.


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