II: Prince

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sorry if there are any pacing or grammar issues ! i edited this half asleep ;^;


evan jolted awake, nauseated. that's.. really weird. he eyed his room for anything odd, his green eyes falling on the doll he found yesterday. set next to his closet. where he left it.

childish, he concludes. he makes his way onto his feet and towards the doll. he gave it a quizzical look before turning to grab his phone, letting the doll do its own thing. 3 am.

too early. he wants to get back in bed and get more sleep, but the feeling that someone was watching him wasn't going to let him, no matter how hard he tried to push it off. maybe he could bring it to some sort of witch in town? the lady with blue hair would be a start. but where would he find her?

he'd find out later, for now, he needed a cup of good coffee. walking downstairs, slowly and quietly, as to not disturb anyone in the house, he made his way to the kitchen.

he noticed kyran sleeping on the couch, hopefully the poor guy didn't have work today, that would genuinely be horrible for him. evan made himself his coffee, wincing every time there was a loud noise and quietly looking back at kyran on the couch to see if he was too loud.

he took a quiet sip before taking a look back at kyran. who was now sitting at the kitchen island. evan felt his soul ascend. when did he move? actually, when did he even wake up??

"thank you." kyran yawned taking the new cup of coffee evan brewed for him, clearly, the couch did not treat him very well, if the bags under his eyes wanted to say something. evan took a quick peek at his phone. it was 6 am. why did he take 3 hours to make coffee? who knows. not him.

evan shrugged it off. "how was work yesterday?" "fine." kyran answered quickly. evan gave him a raised eyebrow in response. "it was fine. i just.. have something on my mind, that's all." kyran clarified. he was being weird, evan wasn't an idiot. but he wasn't lying either. "well, what's on your mind, pray tell" evan bat his eyes mockingly, kyran chuckled. "alec." the joking air practically dissipated at the name. "y..you know how he is.." kyran chuckled again, quieter this time.

evan was worried. it was evident, he could tell, but he could care less. whenever alec came up in conversation, it was always serious. or worrying. "he has a therapy session today, you take him." evan sighed, taking another sip of his coffee before continuing. kyran nodded.

they never openly spoke about what happened with alec, but if rumors from highschool were anything to go by, it wasn't anything good. the guy's sweet, but he has worrying habits, that much he can't ignore. "what's with the sour morning? did sleep not come to you last night?" a familiar voice came, "alec." evan breathed.

"were you guys talking about me again?" alec frowned, "eh." alec snickered at that. "by the way, how's the doll?" kyran turned to look at the keyboardist quizzically. evan gave a glare in response, "it's.. okay i guess? it's still in my room." evan sighed, "though earlier today, i couldn't sleep because of something.. i don't know what it was, but i think the doll scared it off" alec hummed.

"does it have a sigil?" "what's that?" alec shook his head with a laugh, bringing out his phone. though he didn't turn it on, he just took out a piece of paper from his phone case. "it looks a little like this" he responded. "dunno, didn't check." evan shrugged. "huh, bring it here then, i'll see." kyran felt weirdly out of place.

evan knew the redhead had some witchy ties.. all those weird altars he had were not something a normal guy would have. well, in honesty, he was never actually sure he went into alec's room, so he was kind of left to assume that the room he entered was indeed alec's own.

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