V: Alec/Kyran

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the blood is on your hands. you are at fault for this. for everything.

you killed them. you killed everyone.

meaningless words floated in alec's head, dreams covered in an inky black substance - guilt. it's useless. no matter how hard he tries, he can't forgive himself. he won't let it happen. those girls... they didn't deserve it. they deserved to live good lives. they deserved to have so much more than he did.

he should've let it happen. that day. it was horrible. but that day... was a reconciliation. a start.

"You're... info-kun?" alec nodded, silent. god, he wished he could die right then and there. kyran didn't say anything. "Who is it?" alec kept quiet, like a child who didn't want a punishment. "alec. who is it?" he repeated. stern. cold.


"You're not going to get away with this! you hear me alec?! he will be mine! and you're not going to stop me!"

the echoing words of someone who's lost their mind. or perhaps she lost it before then? he wasn't sure. perhaps it was his drugged state, but her words were clear. It wasn't going to end pretty.

He thought about ending it before, he wanted to do it. bring... justice to the girls he'd murdered. to the girls he brought to death. he wanted to... so, so badly. but he stopped him.

Was it worth it? The pain and suffering he caused afterwards? the scrutinizing looks and endless glares? The hate? the death threats and hateful messages other students would send him?

Being taken away from his mother and sister? Struggling with finances, again? Odd ended jobs? The quiet crying he'd hear whenever he'd pass his mother's bedroom? the sheer hatred his father possessed towards him?

It was all understandable. he deserved it. he believed he did. he knows it, too.

But then why did kyran stay? was he there to ridicule him if he failed? to stare at him, disappointed?

why did he believe in him? was he stupid?

...or would he have left if alec stopped improving? just like everyone else.

just. like. everyone. else.

alec felt a tap on his shoulder. "alec? you okay?" evan's worried voice shook him out of his trance, his... guilt. alec shrugged it off, "I'm fine, van. I'm just..." alec paused. "...I'm tired." he concluded. evan sighed, they both knew what was. but neither wanted to push the other.

"are they gone?" alec asked, referring to funneh and gold. they had all spent quite a bit of time with each other, but they left long before alec's disassociation. "they left." evan assured. alec only casted his gaze downwards.

"I can cover dinner tonight, al." evan patted his friend on the back, a friendly reminder of where he was now. a... grounding.

"thank you, evan." alec smiled, though his expressions changed rarely, it was a sweet sight. "what do you want for dinner?" evan asked, pulling out his phone, undoubtedly searching for recipes on the internet.

"hmm... salad?" "what type?"

"there's a specific type??"

evan and alec eventually agreed on a tossed green salad and some fried mushroom that imitated chicken evan saw on tiktok. apparently, alec found it at the supermarket. how stars align.

kyran was at a business meeting held over dinner, and prince was going to a party with some coworkers, so there wasn't any worry with them criticizing evan's horrid culinary skills.

"do you like tea?" evan asked, he'd never been interested in mundane conversations. but it's a nice way of passing the time as he cooked. "not a big fan, but yeah, chai specifically." alec responded, some music started playing from alec's phone, before it changed into another song and then someone speaking. ah, he was on tiktok. no wonder.

But that begs the question... what was kyran thinking of whenever he saw him?

Kyran sighed, he'd just gotten back to the office to time-out for the day and had just saw the paperwork piling up from incompetent new employees. perhaps he should hire more experienced employees as well.

no matter, he'd just pass the paperwork off to the more willing ones, and those who need the extra money. his secretary buying him some food and offering to free up his schedule a bit more. finances were a busying thing, and his accountant was busy with other things.

kyran sighed, leaning back on his reclining chair. "Sir, you should head home soon," his secretary insisted. kyran smiled at him, though it didn't cease his worry. "Thanks, but I just need some time to think. thank you for all your hardwork, you should head home." The secretary only sighed. "Alright. but I'm notifying your roommate about this." kyran only hummed. his secretary knew all of his roommates, so it'd be a russian roulette on who he would message.

A fun guessing game, if you will.

"It's going to be alec." kyran hummed, spinning slowly in his chair. And not a moment later, his phone rings. But it isn't alec who's calling, it's evan. He usually only sends texts though, so he wonders...

"Hello? something wrong, evan?" kyran asked. "Come home, and don't take the highway. there's been an accident involving a drunkard and prince, I'm heading over right now-" "What?! an accident?!" "Now's not the time! I have to go!" "Evan explain everything to me right this-" "-Alec doesn't know! You have to tell him, I'm going to check on prince and I can't take him with me!"

kyran heard the revving of a motorcycle before the call ultimately ended. he could only hope this was some sick joke evan was pulling on him, or that prince was safe after the accident. kyran tried to call a few more times before he called alec in his car.

"mm..? kyran..? what's up..." he sounded sleepy, endearing if it wasn't for the current situation. kyran almost felt bad for waking him up - key word ; almost. he was more alarmed about his other friend's wellbeings than waking someone up from a nap.

"al, is evan at home right now?" kyran asked nervously. "huh..? no, he left a note for me though." alec yawned, the redhead didn't bother reading it out. evan's handwriting was already bad enough, but rushing it only made the ineligible. kyran sighed at that, this was seriously not gonna be funny if it was just a prank. "Alright. I'm heading home, you wanna stay on call?" alec hummed, thinking about it for a second. "I'll be fine for the time being, focus on the road okay?" alec ended the call before kyran could respond, the blue haired man could only sigh as he started up his car.

This wasn't a dumb prank, was it?

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