IV: Evan & Prince

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unedited & not beta read ;; please point out any mistakes, grammar or spelling ^^


"I'm paying hospital bills now? do you guys not have life insurance?" kyran questioned, unamused. alec shrugged, unanswering. "i can pay for my hospital bills.." prince sighed, "daddy's money can pay for my hospital bills too," evan spoke, dramatically drooping himself onto prince. "i'm not paying for your hospital bills." prince glared, and evan looked out right offended.

funneh only rolled her eyes, as gold sparked up a conversation with alec. "why didn't you tell me you were moving here?" kyran paused, taking a quick peek at her facial expression. "i didn't know, actually, i thought you and your siblings didn't live together." kyran chuckled sheepishly, "if i had known, i would've been over here on my day off." he assured. funneh doesn't look convinced.

"when i moved here, it was only because evan kept getting in trouble in our old neighborhood," kyran commented, his gaze dropping to the over and ever dramatic evan. "alright, i believe you." funneh sighed, exasperated. "so, do you have anyone yet?" funneh asked, of course she brought up the only thing that kyran didn't have-

"nah, i didn't get that much time to myself during highschool and college. most of it, i just remember when i was around alec." kyran shrugged. "ah, i see." funneh deflated, almost balloon like. "how about you?" "i got too busy after highschool with content creating because we shot up in popularity, which meant that i wasn't able to go out and find a dude to be with." funneh laughed, "though there was this one guy.." funneh shook her head, dismissing the idea of ever bringing up whoever she was thinking of.

"you kept your promise after all.." "huh?" "are you still into gold after all these years?" funneh teased, kyran scoffed but laughed. "perhaps." funneh pouted, "don't use funny words with me, magic man! you twerked for a talent show!" funneh exclaimed, everyone was looking at them now. "you what?" prince questioned. alec and gold doubled over in laughter. "hold on do you guys have a video of this?!" evan questioned, actually very interested, "i do! in fact, i keep it on my icloud to remember that precious moment." funneh spoke, her hands pressed together like a prayer, you could almost see a mocking halo and wings on her.

"if you try teasing me about it, i'm never letting you have barbecue." kyran warned, evan raised his hands in mock surrender before flopping onto prince, once again. "ow! dude- you're heavy!" prince attempted to shove off the extra weight before eventually giving up and letting his face fall onto the couch.

"freshman year highschool must've been wild for you guys, alec and kyran hating each other was a start, now kyran twerking for a talent show??" evan chuckled, "yeah, extremely wild, there were so many murders happening left and right. i'm surprised i wasn't murdered myself.." funneh shuddered, alec chuckled, though humorless. "well i had my first year in paris, so we just had bombs everywhere." prince shrugged, like he didn't just drop a whole bomb into the conversation as well. "that's horrifying. i just had a normal first year." evan grimaced.

"you know that blue haired girl is kind of cute, the one who beat up prince?" alec made a weird face, they had all just made it home and evan decided to start a weird conversation. typical evan, though it was a bit annoying. "funneh? i guess, she and i used to have a mutual crush, but after she left it kind of died." alec murmured. "the black haired one was cute too, did you see how he was stuffing his face?" prince commented. "i didn't know you swung that way?" evan teased, "i swing all ways, no one is safe" prince smiled, menacing. evan shuddered, hiding behind alec. "oh you are though, you're ugly." evan scoffed, offended.

"evan, i'm tired, please let me go." alec murmured, evan quickly let him go "s-sorry dude!" alec only nodded before heading up to his room.

"socializing is tiring, i don't know how you two do it." kyran sighed, flopping onto the couch. "we already got your bed set up, ky. you can go sleep on it, finally." kyran nodded, slowly peeling himself off the couch to make it to his room.

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