III: Evan

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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN FUNNEH IS OUR NEIGHBOR?" kyran seethed. prince hid behind the couch from a very pissed off kyran and a mildly concerned yet very much amused alec.

"She and her older sister tried to give me a cake earlier!" prince whimpered, "and you didn't tell me?! during our call about if i liked cake?!" kyran questioned, the blonde hid behind the couch even more. to say kyran was pissed was kind of an understatement, he was livid. when the dark haired man called draco, he just wanted a peaceful neighborhood he and his friends could live in. he didn't realize he was moving to the same neighborhood that the man he called lived in. with. his. sisters.

"and you didn't tell her when we were coming back because..?" alec asked, his tone mockingly polite. "well i didn't know! i didn't want a lady who almost poisoned me in my home for i don't know how many hours!" prince answered, wherever he pulled that excuse from, it should've stayed there. "bullshit. you have a great memory, prince." evan countered, opening the front door with a yawn, the black haired man's meeting must've been tiring. "leave your shoes in front, i will strangle you." alec warned, evan followed his instructions, perhaps too tired to argue or even shoot back a response. aaaaannnddd, maybe kyran and alec weren't too different.

"okay, fine, it was because i was worried.." prince sighed, getting up from the couch. the cut was strange, he was eerily serious. this usually didn't happen with the blonde, though i suppose you see something new everyday. "you guys never tell me anything about alec's mental state, alec doesn't like talking about it to me so i've just been in the dark.. i was just.. worried." prince explained. prince was the first to witness alec going into a panic attack after all, they didn't know how he reacted or even how alec acted while he calmed down, but it worked out in the end. the blonde had every reason to be worried about his own friend. though he could've brought it up with his friends instead of immediately taking action.

"if-.. if it was going to trigger alec, i didn't want to-" "she won't trigger me." alec confirmed. the others looked to him. "l..let's switch the topic, this is getting a little bit weird." alec murmured, seemingly a bit embarrassed by the topic.

"r..right! anyway, that doll thingy." prince pointed at it, the beady blue eyes staring back just as menacingly as when they had found it. "it was being weird after i dropped the cake. no- i think it happened when i recieved the cake, and it just got annoyed cuz i got the house dirty." prince explained, vague, but understandable enough. "hn, so it is a sigil of protection.. i wonder who placed it here." alec picked it up, carefully examining the almost childish item. maybe it meant something to the past owner and someone had passed away because of it? who knows.

"screw the doll, we need to go visit funneh and gold!" kyran was uncharacteristically excited. usually he was only this excited over some anime merch alec got him during his grocery run, which, would happen a lot. alec apparently pays attention to which animes he watches, though it is quite a cute sight when kyran is vibrating with energy from receiving a new figurine to add to his collection.

"kyran, it's late. tomorrow, we'll all visit." kyran let his head drop like a kicked puppy. it feels like a jab in the heart. "doesn't work on me, go to sleep." alec sighed. cold hearted as always. kyran laughed before heading up to his room. "oh god dammit!"

alec laughed, "did no one set up a bed for him?" evan pointed at prince and the latter pointed at evan. "i don't even have a bed frame! i sleep on a mattress!" prince gave him a glance in confusion. "do you need me to blow some money on you again?" prince asked, "oh my god- rain me in money sugar daddy" evan moaned.

"if you want to sleep outside, keep talking. go to your rooms already." alec warned, the two ceased their jokes and rushed to their own rooms. alec only chuckled. "i'm sleeping on the couch again.." kyran sighed. alec shook his head in mild amusement and returned to his room with the doll in his hands. what an odd turn of events, yet it led to something good.

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