Chapter 10 - Home alone

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{Evening - 6:05pm}

Kaede's POV:
Shift is almost finally over and I can go back home, I just need to clean some tables and return some chairs.

While arranging some chairs- I heard a door open and saw Manager Jia walking towards me.

"Thank you for your hard work Kaede. Im really sorry that you done all of the things here by yourself" A calm and sad voice of what I heard when Manager Jia talked to me.

Currently, some other employees got an emergency and have some family outings that they can't ignore. So I insist them all to leave all their jobs to me.

Im not angry or disappointed by it. Infact, I was happy. It's been a while since I last do all chores in one day.

I smiled at my manager and reassure her, "Thank you Manager Jia, but im alright! To be honest, I really wanted to do all their job someday even if it's all hard. And plus, I get to know and learn more recipes to cook for myself and my friends!"

Manager Jia was shocked about my reply and suddenly laughed but you can hear her laugh was an angelic and not annoyed.

Manager Jia cared about us, our job and her cafe, her and everyone already helped me enough to learn more other things. And it's now my turn to give them my gratitude.

"You're really something Kaede. Alright. I'll give you a one week break for all your hard work" After Manager Jia said that, she gave me my salary but I was a back about the one week break.

"O-one week break!? M-ma'am! I can't do that!" I panicked uncontrollably not sure if I should accept it or not because I only gave them a little help yet that wasn't enough.

"Come on now kiddo, be glad! It's all thanks for your hard work and I can see your determination and passion in your work. So you deserve a one week break. Now, don't complain anymore! I'll be going now, make sure you lock the cafe safely!"

Was the last comment before Manager Jia walked out of the cafe and returned to her home. I still stood there not knowing what to do in my one week break. But I already thought of- wait...

Frick! I forgot to give answer to Shuichi! Ugh jeez.. I feel like my one week break will be a horrible week starting from now on!

I quickly arranged the chairs, changed my uniform and got my backpack. I make sure to locked the cafe safely and hurried back home.

I was running out of breath while running and finally reached the house.


That's weird? Why isn't there a light?

I thought and saw a note down near the mat. I already recognized that it was Rantaro's handwriting.

"Kaede. I'll leave this note incase you're looking for us. We have a business trip that the CEO assigned and we're staying there for 1 week in Canada. But if you need anything from me or anyone else, just call me and I'll answer right away. But if I decline it or I didn't answer, we're probably in work or I just left it or sleeping haha. That is all, please take care of yourself and the house. And btw - There's a key under the mat.


Was the note written on the paper. I lift up the mat and saw the key there and opened the door. Guess I'll be home alone in 1 week, but that'll be boring if I only stayed here.

I didn't think anything much for now. I got to my room, showered, get dress on my pajamas and plopped myself on the bed.

My eyes were getting heavy and little did I know - I fell asleep real quick.

Guess the one week break starts tomorrow and be home alone.


Hello dear readers! Im back after a long break :'D

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