The Betrayel

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"Idiots!" Percy screamed. 'Why did I let Isiaih lead?  I should have stopped him from taking controll. I should have challenged him. UGH!!!' Percy thought.

Time lapse

"Isiaih, I challenge you to a duel." Said percy

"You want to fight me, for what? Glory? Fame? Please." Said Isiaih.

"For leadership,accept it or lose leadership" percy said calmly.

"FINE!" Said Isiaih.

Percy uncapped riptide and jabbed. Immeadiatly isiah dodged. Percy then went for Isiaih's leg. It was just a act though. Percy put a big gash in Isiaih's arm.

"AHH" screamed isiaih.

"Round two?" Asked percy in a mockish voice.

"Yeah." Said isiaih in a hurt voice.

Percy jabbed Isiaih in the chest and then cut his arm. Isiaih screamed in agony

"YOU WIN!!!!!" Said Isiaih.

"Good, now get out" said percy

Isiaih was suddenly teleported out with his stuff.

"Screw you too percy" said Isiaih while rubbing his cut. Isiaih was bleeding badly and needed to get to shelter fast. But where? The imperial gaurds were everywhere and there were also dogs. Dogs that could track his scent. 'Great' he thought.

"YOU MONSTER!" Yelled Sarah. "You almost killed him! And now he is where the imperials have most power, the streets." "I should have never of let you join." "I want a battle to the death! I don't care if I die you will lose a valuable member of your team!"

" Sarah I trained Isiah and he trained you, you can't hope to win" said Percy. Just then a siren wailed in the forges..Percy ran and saw that it was just a fire. "You idiot Jake! You made me think that you blew something up!" Percy ran back to Sarah and said"let's get started"

Sarah grabbed one of her throwing knives and threw it at Percy. He knocked it away with Riptide." Too easy" he said as he lunged at Sarah and stabbed her in the stomach.

He then jumped away and wiped the blood from his sword. He then landed the finishing blow on Sarah and stabbed her heart.
"Good riddance Sarah." He said.

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