Survival of The Fittest Part 1

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It was dark, cold, and raining. Thats all Isaiah could think about. The longer he carried around his bag that normally weighed ten pounds felt like it weighed sixty. His legs felt like lead. This day was not going so well.

First, he was challenged by percy to a battle for leadership, and had lost. The gash in his side still hurt. Second, it started raining. This meant he was getting cold alot faster than normal. And third, the Prince was looking for him. It was only a matter of time before the dogs smelled him. He couldnt go to homeless shelters, because they would turn him in.

Then it hit him. He could try to rejoin the Princes army. It could cause him to be killed, but it was worth a shot. Even if he did survive the dogs, the infection of his wound would get to him. Survival of the fittest, he thought.

When he arrived at the castle he saw how much it had changed. There were twice as many gaurds, with new centurion silver armor. Three archery towers had been built. And then there was the new emblem that had been established as the Princes new symbol, and it was mounted above the new armored gate. It was a shield with an arrow and sword crossing in front of it. Then he went to the gate, and turned himself in.

Hey guys, i know this is a short chapter, but I am running short on ideas of what to do with the story. Please message me with ideas on what should happen next.

And i know this isnt the most popular story, but i would like to ask if you guys could show this story to yalls friends. Thanks!

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