Episode 0 - Enter The Doomkeeper, Part 1

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No one noticed the dimension portal that opened underneath the freeway. No one noticed the dark cloaked figure with a black and purple cape and the plague doctor mask and black cowboy hat step out. No one noticed him take a look around at his new surroundings. No one noticed him walk straight into the old theater that lay across the street from the freeway.

And no one.. ever heard him say the following words, which would come back to haunt him as he had no idea what was about to happen over the next few years of his life.

"So this is Planet Earth.. hmph. Boring. It might be a little difficult, but finding the Infinity Core and then defeating Naga and fixing Vestoria shouldn't be too much of a routine mission."

Dan: The Bakugan Battle Brawlers In: Enter The Doomkeeper
Edward Marshall Walker IV, or the name the figure took on after he set up shop in the catacombs under the old theater, establishing a base similar to Masquerade's lair later on, had never battled against other players before. Not to say he wasn't afraid of battling against other people or shy about it or anything, but he was more or less.. apathetic, emotionless. He could fight them if he so chose, but he didn't. He passed on it because he at first believed that finding the Infinity Core would be a simple task. A quick learning trip to what the Humans called "the internet" and his expectations were quickly shattered. The world was so massive and Bakugan Players scattered all over the planet that finding the Infinity Core was like finding a needle in a haystack. He sighed, scanning the Bakugan Leaderboards, and then made his mind about his new strategy. He could no longer do his mission from the shadows. Like Masquerade later on, he would have to come out and battle against these players and determine where the Infinity Core was if he was to complete his mission. That's when he put on his mask and ventured out of the catacombs, unaware that his first battle was just around the corner and with a very mighty battler.
What Shun Kazami was doing hopping from rooftop to rooftop in Wardington was anybody's guess at the moment. One could say he was getting his ninja training in, others could say he was seeing the sights. Either way, the reason would matter little as he hopped down to a low level building without breaking any bones and stopped dead in his tracks. There, across the garden on the rooftop of the building, standing in the shadow of a few trees by the railing at the edge of the roof, was a figure he had never seen before. With white and gray gloves, black and purple cape, darkus affiliated clothing, a black kangaroo cowboy hat, and the mask of a plague doctor from the Middle Ages, the figure was a strange looking person indeed, its violet eyes staring intently back at the ninja in front of it, its left hand tapping in a rhythm on the brown walking stick it had brought along.

"What.. what in the hell are you? Who are you?" Shun exclaimed, only for the figure to reach into its pants pocket and pull out a Gate Card. Shun's eyes widened, then his brow furrowed and he got a bit angry with the silent challenger. "Whoever or whatever you are, I will not let you defeat the number one Bakugan Brawler!"

Behind the mask, Edward tensed up a little. Of all the battlers he had to go up against, he just so happened to pick a fight with the top brawler. Just my luck, he thought as both boys opened the Bakugan Field. Time stopped, and the two boys vanished from the rooftop.

In the battlefield, which on this occasion happens to be the ruins of a old city, much to Shun's surprise, the Ventus battler throws out his gate card, followed by the masked brawler who throws out two Darkus gate cards. The masked brawler then faces right, away from Shun, and simply tosses his Bakugan onto Shun's gate card, perpendicular to the direction he's facing, with his right hand. A tornado of Darkus energy floods the arena, and lighting strikes of Darkus power rain down all around.

Shun is not prepared for what is revealed out of the tornado. An enormous Bakugan, that is part machine, part living. Four heads, one of which is completely mechanical, two are living, and the last has the entire right half of its face made of machine. The same can be said for its four tails, and it's two wings are totally different from each other. One is organic, and the other is totally mechanical.

It's not even close as to who the obvious victor is. Shun hops from rooftop to rooftop again after time resumes when the battle ends, wondering who that mysterious player was and how he was so effortlessly beaten. Edward just stands there, and checks his rankings. He's now up at the top spot, Number One. He sighs. Just my luck, he thinks. And then he vanishes into thin air right then and there.

To be continued...

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