Chapter 3: Hello Peter

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*(Y/n)'s POV*

"Hey, how are you doing?" Mom asked me through our FaceTime call as I walked in the living room of Happy's apartment. "I guess...I'm doing okay." I said, sadly, and Mom gives me a concerned look.

"What's wrong?" She asked and I sighed. "Well...I got my letter from MIT in...." I said. "Uh-huh..." she said, waiting for my response with baited breath. "I didn't get in." I said and Mom frowns at this. "Oh, honey...I'm so sorry..." she said. "Yeah, me too." I grumbled as I sit down on the couch. "So...there's no other colleges that..." she started to ask and I shake my head.

"Nope, all of them rejected me." I said and I slammed my fist on the arm of the couch in frustration. "Damn it! I for sure thought I had a shoe in MIT." I yelled. "Hey, it's okay, sweetie." Mom tries to assure me and I shake my head, slightly. "I-I-I just...I feel like I'm letting dad down." I said and Mom frowns. "What would dad say?" I asked, disappointed. "If he was here now, he would tell you it’s their loss cus they won’t have someone as bright as you." Mom said and I smiled at this.

"Thanks, Mom." I said as I flip the TV on and noticed that it was on the news. I was about to change it but i noticed the headlines was mentioning that Peter was on the bridge. I watched and see that Peter was talking to someone in a car until their was an explosion.

People began running and I see Peter get his suit on and he waves at people to get away then a few more explosions happen on the bridge. "Mom, I gotta go. Seems to be trouble." I said. "Okay, sweetie. Be careful." Mom said and I nod before I hang up then start to run towards the balcony, tap my pendant, and I jump over the rails and fall through the sky as my suit forms over me and I fly towards Peter's location. 

*3rd Person POV*

"Hello, Peter." The man, Otto Octavius, with the four mechanical arms said to Peter with a smile. "Hi? Have we...Do I know you?" Peter asked him, confused. "What have you done with my machine?" Otto asked, menacingly. "Your ma...I don't know what you're talking about. What machine?" Peter asked, still confused.

"The power of the sun, in the palm of my hand. It's gone." Otto said, with a growl, one of his mechanical arms pinching its claws like someone would clench their fist. "Listen, sir. If you stop smashing cars, we could work together and I can help you find your machine." Peter said. "You wanna play games?" Otto asked as another arm grabs a car. "Catch!" He shouts and throws the car at Peter, who jumps and dodges it.

But Otto grabs another car and throws it at Peter. Peter catches it but the momentum of the throw pushes Peter back into another car and the car he was holding goes flying up in the air. Peter, holding onto the hood, noticed that there was a family still inside of the car 

Panicking, he crawls a top of the car and gets to the end of the it and shoots a web with his left hand and grabs the bumper of the car with his right hand. He attaches the web to the bumper and removes the door and begins to help the family get out of the car.

The assistant vice chancellor tries to get out of her car but her car was up against the wall, so she couldn't get out. Peter gets the family back on the bridge just as Otto starts to come towards him. "It's okay. You guys are fine, you're safe. Get out of here." he tells them and they run just as Otto's mechanical arms grabs him.

"You think your fancy new suit's gonna save you?" He asked Peter as the arm holding Peter wraps around him, like a python, and another arm grabs the top of Peter's head. Then he shoves Peter towards the Vice Chancellor's car then throws him towards the highway sign, which he flies through and into a UPS truck.

Otto starts to go towards him but then a laser blasted close to his two mechanical arms, that acted as his feet. Otto was blown back then gets up as he sees Iron-Angel coming towards him as she fires a few more lasers at him. Two of his mechanical arms block the blast and she flies towards him and lands a few feet in front of Otto.

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