# 03.

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I sat down the chair, I am in the dining room. I could hear my mom humming, happily.

"Mom, if something is bothering you, you know you can always talk to me about it. I'm always willing to listen." I said to her. She stopped humming.

"What? Where did that come from?" She giggled.

"Ni- ... No. I mean, what? Where did that come from, Sunoo?" She giggled.

"I am okay. Honestly, I've been working online, so it is a little tiring, but I swear that I am strong enough to still..cook for you!"

She brought the plates to the table and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"Eat well, my son." She said.

Every single day, I wake up to this. Quiet breakfast, no music, barely seeing nature and having my mom who's only doing chores but not entertaining me, or asking if I want to do something. While thoughts are lingering in my head, I thought about what she said awhile ago..was it "Ni" ? What was she trying to say?

The silence stopped as my mom spoke.

"Sunoo, do you want to go out? Maybe, go to school?" She asked. I was extremely excited inside, but I physically didn't show it.

"Really? I would love to go out and study, then maybe I could also find a job and you could rest."

She gave me a smile.

I am 23 years old but I still don't have a job, why is that? What did I even do in my teenage years? Did I even study? Did I pass college? Why did I end up being stuck in this home?

2pm, my mom had a large coat in her right hand, and a black face mask on her left hand. Why do I need these?

"Coat, its cold outside, extremely cold. Don't forget to put the hoodie on. Wear a facemask, and avoid eye contact with anyone in school. Don't speak as well. If the teacher calls you, just simply write on your notebook whatever you'd like to say. Never take off your coat, and mask. I beg, if you really want us to live happy."

My mom drove me to school, and for some reason my fellow classmates were weirdly staring at me as if I was some kind of weirdo. But, maybe its because I'm an adult? Going to high school? I don't know.

I walked passed by the guard but he immediately stopped me and asked,

"Please remove your facemask for a moment, I need to see if you're actually an enrolled student here."

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