Chapter 2

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Y/N's POV.

"What time is it?" I said groggily. "9:00? Shit I'm gonna be late- especially if Soda took the car," I jumped out of bed into the bathroom. Fuck, wheres my shirt??

Throwing on my DX shirt, blue jeans, and beat up converse I had about 45 minutes left. Leaving my room I saw Dallas in the kitchen. Great. I grabbed my DX hat and ran out the door, leaving the door unlocked.

"Hey Soda! Am I late?" I yelled out over to the gas station. "Nah kid, you got here 5 minutes early. You was sleeping like a rock when I woke up even I thought you'd be late." I chuckled at him and Soda smiled his grand smile. I sat at the cashier counter and just watched every single girl walk over to Soda, it was kinda funny watching him turn em down.

I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and put it next to the car Steve was workin' under. Sure he'd need it.

--Time skip after work woohoo I forgot how to write

Soda and I end the same time this day, glad I don't have to walk alone.
If Dallas is still there I'm leaving I cannot deal with him today.

Before Soda or I could even touch the doorhandle the door to our house the door swung open to guess who!

"Oh Hey Soda!" Dallas-fucking-Winston. I had to scooch past this guy, good thing I'm skinny. And of couse as soon as I get out of the way Dallas lets Soda in without a problem.

Whatever. I'm a man of my word, I'm leaving as soon as I get out of these clothes.

I speed-walk over to my room, glady nobody really noticed I was home. I kept my converse but changed into cleaner blue jeans, a white shirt, and a flannel on top as a jacket. "Hey Darry I'm gonna go hang out at the lot for a while, I'll be home before curfew. Alright?" Still can't believe I have this stupid curfew thing, he could atleast give me an hour or two more cause I'm older than Pony.

"I know!" I said walking out the door.
11 was new, maybe he was being nice to me for once.

Well 2 hours is enough to prepare dealing with a weird kid who apperently is calling me "doll" now. Still don't know where he got that.
Should've made sure I brang my cigarette pack.. did I? Yes. Yes I did.

I sat on the lot benches, lighting up a smoke. This is calming. Music would make this better. I should save up for my own radio or something.
I closed my eyes, now this is better. Until I heard footsteps. God not the Socs, I don't want a double night. Opening my eyes slowly I see, oh, him. Great.

"Hey doll, you still wanna go to Buck's? The party is still goin' on." Does this man not know the difference if somebody don't like him or not? Meh, hating him or not I'm not passing down a night of cheap alchohol that tastes decent.

"Yeah, sure, why not." I'm trying to sound my nicest. "Lead the way, Dallas."
Looking at his face while I said that kinda looked like it hurt him. "You can call me Dally, y'know."

"I know."

Finally, we're at Buck's. "If somethings happening you gotta tell me okay? Darry would kill me if he knew you got in trouble and I didn't do nothing." He stopped me from going inside. "Yeah, sure. I will, now let me in." I shoved him aside to go in. He said something as I walked in but sounded like a mumble.

"Hey Buck! Get me a beer," I put a quarter on the bar counter. ((I'm guessing I beer was around 25 cents I dunno))
Buck took the quarter and handed me an opened beer bottle.

Now what.
Uhm. I'll just sit here and listen for any fights I guess. These bar stools are pretty comfortable anyways.

Y'know, now that I think about it,


What time is it? I've been watching a couple fight for a while and that sure hasn't been 5 minutes.

"Ey Buck? What time is it?" I questioned, "Uh, 10:47."

SHIT. "Haha uh, do you know where Dallas went?" I can't go home without that stupid guy. Darry would get angry and.. I already have a late curfew on my hands.

"He's sure around here talking to a broad or in his room. Check his room, it's the one numbered 35," Atleast Buck actually gives directions, "Thanks."

I ran over to 35, banging on the door. "DALLAS? I'M GONNA BE LATE FOR CURFEW," I had to yell a bit, the music was loud and obviously I'm talking through a door. When he opened the door his flannel was half buttoned down.

"Uhm. Did I interrupt something?"

"No. I was sleeping. What was it about being late to what, doll?"

"Have you forgotten I have a curfew or are you just new on this information," he's so stupid and for what, does he not look at clocks? Did he completely tune out Darry saying 11:00?

"Right, right, what time is it?"

"Probably about 10:55 now!"

"...Darry's gonna kill me,"

"YOU?? He's gonna kill YOU, DALLAS?!"

"Calm down Y/N!" him saying my name was foreign. I don't think I like that.

"We gotta get running, Dallas, or Darry's gonna skin us both, button up your shirt and let's get out of here," calming down was a safe option. As soon as Dallas heard that he got right to buttoning his shirt. Maybe I am a bit intimidating.

We both ran out of Buck's, and straight down the street. Sometimes I wish I could buy a shitty cheap watch or something so I can tell what time it is, but of course I can't find any shitty cheap watches that actually work. They really do own up to their prices.

WHY. AM. I. THINKING. ABOUT. WATCHES. Whatever. I can see the porch light on from here, can't wait to get scolded by Darr ain't it fun.
Finally I'm at the door. Quickly opening it, there stood Darry.. like an average cheesy scene in a movie. "You're late, Y/N." We sure are throwing my name around a lot today aren't we. "I know I know, Darr, but I just lost track of time I-, I didn't mean to." I'm stumbling over my words a bit, I hate when I do that. Especially infront of Darry.

"Dally, what's your excuse?" Darry looked over at the man standing at the exact same height as me.
"Well, I was sleeping and so uh, you know," Dallas sounded nervous. He is nervous. Can't blame him, kinda funny though.

"Right. I'm letting you off with a warning,
Y/N," again with the name drop, "And you, Dallas, set an alarm next time."
Darry surprisingly did not yell at either of us. Found out why, Johnny was sleeping on the couch in the room with us. Poor kid, old man's always kicking him out.
I gotta hang out with him more, he's real fun to be around. Talks a little too good about Dallas though.

aside that hi I'm back heres a new chapter
Again tell me if y'all want more of this Hope you all like it haha um


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