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As Skylar opened her eyes she looked around her heart began to beat fast when she noticed she wasn't in her dorm. Oh no did I have drunk sex! She screamed to herself she sat up and looked around the room. It was very large and there was only one bed unlike any of the other dorms, it was also very dark with mostly black furniture all very expensive looking.

Skylar sighed. Time to found out who it is. She said inside her head. She looked to her right and looked at the sleeping boy, only it wasn't a boy it was a man.

"Mr.Malfoy!" Skylar almost shouted. Draco's eyes shot open as he quickly sat up. "Oh no what have I done, I'm in so much trouble!" Skylar said loudly to herself as she climbed out of his bed and rushed around his room trying to find her clothes. "Skylar I know this is probably confusing for you..." Skylar cut him off as she stop looking and faced him. "You think, I have a killer headache and just realized I had sex with my teacher!" Skylar shouted.

Draco rushed out of bed and ran up to her leading her to the edge of his bed helping her sit down. "It's okay, don't get too worked up it's not good for you." He said calmly placing a large hand on her back and rubbing soft circles.

"I'm in so much trouble." Skylar gasped as a tear fell down her face. Draco wiped it away and held her chin in his hand. "We didn't have sex Skylar." Draco said calmly and Skylar immediately looked him in the eye. "We didn't?" She asked softly. "No you got drunk and busted me last night, you tried to but I stopped it and let you spend the night here," Draco explained slowly.

"Thank god." Skylar sighed. It hurt Draco to hear she didn't want to have sex with him but he covered it quickly. "Am I really that unattractive?" He joked making her laughing quietly.

"No, your not at all it's just." She looked him in the eyes again before the flashed to his lips and her breath got caught in her throat. "If we did I would want to remember it."

Draco's eyes widened as his heat nearly leaped out of his chest. Before he could speak Skylar leaned in and kissed him, and this time he didn't think to stop her. Draco pushed her body down onto the bed making Skylar gasp as Draco pushed his tongue into her mouth.

Draco and Skylar made out and gripped each other for a few minutes before the bell interrupted their heated season. "Oh shit class!" Skylar said jumping up tossing her shoes on. "Damn these are your clothes!" She said as she tied the laces. "Just keep them they look better on you, also you need to get to class right now." Draco said tossing a white button up in and combing his hair.

"I'll see you later Draco." Skylar said as she quickly ran up to his and gave his a quick but strong kiss and ran out of his room. Draco was completely star struck by how perfect she was. "What is she doing to me?" Draco asked himself and noticed once again another erection.

Skylar didn't even stop by her room to get her books hoping she wouldn't need them. As Skylar pushed open the door to Charms she fixed her hair and took her seat in the back of the class as the professor continued writing on the board. "Once again your late!" She snapped as she Turing around and started daggers at Skylar. "I'm sorry Professor Greengrass." Skylar said borrowing a quill from the boy next to her.

"May I remind you Miss. Walkings that this is an advanced class that you had the honor of being involved in. While all the other students are sleeping in lazily on a Saturday only the smartest were invited to intend this class." "But seeing that you can't seem to read a clock maybe I should take you out of this class." She snapped as everyone started in shock at Skylar, she had never been called out before.

"No Miss I quite enjoy this class and it will never happen again." Skylar stated gripping the quill so tight her knuckles turned white. "Very well everyone copy the notes down on the board."

"I swear she has it out for me!" Skylar explained at lunch after Scarlet and Chloe woke up and made their way down to the dinning hall. "I don't know how your acting totally sober I had one shot and a cup of beer and my head feels like it going to explode!" Scarlet groaned placing her head in her hands. "I didn't even drink at all and I feel like I'm dying." Chile protested taking a bite of her pancakes. Skylar laughed. "It takes practice." She stated. "Speaking of witch where is Rachel?"

"Probably sandwiched between two naked girls with a massive hangover!" Chloe said angrily crossing her arms. "Yeah Danny had such a bad hangover he's still in bed." Scarlet added. "What happened with you and Trish by the way all I saw was you push her and then everyone was fighting."

"That bitch brought up when she kissed Tyler so I gave her what she deserved!" Skylar said crossing her arms and scanning the room for Trish. She didn't spit her but she did she Trish's best friend Abby staring daggers at her. "She's a bitch anyways!" Scarlet grumbled.

After lunch Skylar began to head to her dorm when she heard someone call her name. "Hey Walking's behind you!" They yelled. Skylar turned around quickly and saw Abby with her arms crossed and a wicked grin. She marched up to Skylar with some random blonde girl beside her and stopped right in front of her.

"I hope you know Tyler was really helpful to me last night when I was drunk, he undressed me and everything before he fucked me so hard." Abby bragged as the blonde bitch snickered. Skylar laughed as Abby's smile fell. "If you want my leftovers just say so but honey just by looking at you I know he thinks your nothing than a drunk one night stand." Skylar fired back before Turing her attention to the blonde girl. "And he wouldn't even fuck you if he was blacked out drunk!" Skylar laughed even more.

"Just you wait Skylar, Tyler is mine and he doesn't give a shit about you!" Abby said stepping closer. "Even if I did care witch I don't your such a slut Tyler won't ever look your way again!" Skylar shouted as he pushed Abby to the ground. The blonde grabbed Skylar by the arms as Abby got back up and punched Skylar in the face twice. Blood fell from Skylars face and she pulled herself out of the girls grip and slammed her into the wall before stomping on her face then Turing her attention to Abby.

"Try me bitch!" Abby shouted. "Oh just you wait!" Abby lunged forwards but Skylar ducked away letting Abby fall to the ground. Skylar grabbed her by the hair and dragged her to the middle of the hall as Abby kicked and screamed.

Skylar climbed on top of Abby and began punching her in the face seeing blood leak from everywhere. Abby screamed as Skylar didn't let up and the with every hit Abby's screams grew louder before somebody ran down the hall and pull Skylar of Abby and into their arms like she was nothing.

"Let me go!" Skylar screamed as she waved her arms and kicked. Skylar grunted but gave up once she was pulled into the closest classroom and placed harshly on the desk.

"Are you insane!" Skylar opened her eyes to see Draco covered in sweat and very upset. Skylar immediately felt guilty and looked away. "Your most likely going to be suspended maybe even expelled, what the hell is your problem!" He screamed. It was all too much for Skylar and she began to cry.

"I'm sorry Draco I didn't think, I didn't want to worry you she just made me super angry and I didn't think and then she challenged me and I couldn't just walk away and I'm so sorry!" Skylar ranted as she sobbed. Draco immediately rushed to her placing her chin in his hand and wiping all her tears away with the other. "I am so sorry my love I shouldn't have shouted I was just so worried that you could have gotten hurt." Draco began kissing away the tears and once her checks were dry he pulled away and pressed a soft loving kiss on her lips. "I'm sorry love." Draco whispered.

"It's my fault you shouldn't be apologizing, now I might never get to see you again." Skylar whispered back as tears filled her eyes once again. "Never say that again, we will figure something out." Draco said sternly. "We will be ok."

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