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Skylar was tossed in the chair in ground of the headmasters desk as the headmaster stormed behind her desk slamming her hands down staring Skylar straight in the eyes clearly upset making Skylar flinch. Draco wasn't far behind practically throwing the boy into the chair next to Skylar. Draco eyed the boy down before glancing at Skylar realizing she was uncomfortable.

"I don't want him sitting next to her." Draco muttered grabbing the boys chair and dragging it across the floor. It seemed effortless for him. Draco dropped the chair making the boy almost fall to the ground. There was a good six feet between them now. Draco leaned against the wall behind the headmaster now looking at Skylar. He didn't look upset but he wasn't happy. Skylar couldn't read his mind and it was driving her crazy.

"Mr Porter you should know better as a sixth year than to start fights especially in the lunch room and spread- information about what you did with Miss Walkings in your free time-" The headmaster spoke trying to sound calm before Skylar I tripped her snapping.
"I never slept with him he made it up to seem cool, or because he has a tiny-"
"AND MISS WALKINGS!" The headmaster boomed staring Skylar down.

"I have no proof in knowing weather or not that is true but if it is you will be in big trouble for breaking the rules about spending time in boys dorms after curfew!" The headmaster spoke sternly.
"And you are already getting suspending for insulting a fellow student and starting a fight!"

"That's so unfair what is he getting?" Skylar shouted standing up from her chair pushing it back staring the headmaster down with a killer look.
"Mr Porter is getting a two day after school detention." The headmaster said looking at the boy smugly who sat as voiding eye contact.

"Mr Porter you may go you are fine here."
The headmaster waves the boy away and he quickly rushed out of the office.
"So he just gets to lie about fucking me in ground of the entire school embarrassing me and I get suspended and he doesn't even have to apologize, bullshit!" Skylar shouted pointing at the headmaster.

"Miss Walkings I am done with you, you are suspended for two weeks and are ordered to stay away from Mr Porter." The headmaster rose.

"Miss-" Draco spoke softly but was cut off from the headmaster.
"Draco I have already told you not speak during this meeting and I will discuss your terms afterwards!" The headmaster snapped looking behind her. Draco lower his head and sunk into himself, not looking at Skylar ashamed.

"Why is he being punished all he did was try to protect me from that pervert!" Skylar let her hands fly up. Draco sadly shook his head to himself. Trying to tell her stop.

"Miss Walkings my choices as headmaster should be appreciated, your lucky your not expelled now leave." She pointed towards the door and Skylar sighed loudly before Turing on her heels and storming towards the door she flung it open and slammed it shut behind her before storming to her dorm. She could believe she had to spend two weeks in there while the boy only got a two day detention, and SHE had to stay away from HIM should be the other way around if he was crazy enough o lie about having sex with her than who knows what he would do.

She slammed her door and flopped on her bed. Skylar was t one to cry but right now it's all she felt.
"Don't fucking cry your mad not sad!" Skylar muttered to herself annoyed.
"This school sucks thank god it's my last year."

After about an hour Skylar began to crawl under the covers to take a nap.
"It's something to do."
She cuddled up and slowly let her eyes flutter closed. Skylar was a lot more tired than she thought. And before she knew it she was fast asleep and not worrying about anything for once.

Professor DracoWhere stories live. Discover now