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I woke up the next day with a massive head ache. I rolled over and noticed Scarlet was passed out in her bed with her hair covering her face. I tiredly laughed to myself. I figured Rachel went back to her room after me and Scarlet passed out. I reached for the clock and waited a minute to let my eyes adjust to the brightness.


"7:30!" I cried jumping out of bed. I shook Scarlet violently. " Scarlet we are late!" I cried shaking her until she mumbled. "A few more minutes." She replied. " Scarlet we already missed our first class and we are about to miss our second!" I cried rushing around the room searching for some clothes. That seemed to catch her attention.

"I can't miss my second class that is the only one I have with Danny!" She cried jumping out of bed and running to the mirror brushing her hair. "We even sit by each other!" She cried. "We have ten minutes come on."

I changed into blue ripped jeans and a simple white crop top. I brushed my hair until it was semi nice and then applied some light make up. When I turned to Scarlet she looked just as casual as me.

I grabbed my backpack as Scarlet tossed her books into her bag. "Ok let's go!" She cried grabbing my hand and pulling me out of ohr dorm and down the halls. "I think you might rip my arm off Scarlet!" I cried as she made a sharp turn and I flew almost landing in the floor. Suddenly the bell rang and students poured into the halls making sure to keep there distance. We straightened our clothes and began walking our heads held high.

I walked with Scarlet to her class. "I better not hear about how you got in trouble again for making g out with Danny during potions." I whispered making her blush. "No promises." She blew me a kiss before running up to Danny and hooking arms with him.

"I wish I could find someone who I actually loved and who actually loved me back." Skylar thought. As she made her was to Defense against the Dark Arts Skylar noticed Tyler talking to a girl about two years younger. She had basic blonde hair and was hanging on Tyler's arm begging for his attention. When Tyler saw Skylar he ran towards her sending the blonde girl to the ground making Skylar smile.

"Skylar I need to talk to you." Tyler said pulling them to the side of the hallway. "You are." Skylar said crossing her arms. The last time she talked to Tyler was two weeks before school ended last year when he decided to break up with her and then kiss on of her close friends Trish an hour later.

"I'm sorry about what happened I just was really busy this summer and I didn't have time to..." before he could finish Skylar interrupted. "You didn't have time for someone else." She finished coldly. "Skylar that's not what I meant." Tyler reached for Skylars hands but she pulled away. "Just leave me alone Tyler, why don't you amuse Trish!" Skylar pushed Tyler away and tried to walk to class as the late bell rang.

But Tyler grabbed her hand and puller her back. "I don't get why you care so much about her it was one kiss and I was drunk!" Tyler shouted now starting to get upset. " You still did it, you were a terrible boyfriend anyways Tyler!" Skylar was on the verge of tears but held them in.

Tyler pushed Skylar against the wall behind he still holding her hands. "You bitch why can't you just let it go!" He shouted

Suddenly Tyler was pulled off of Skylar and onto the ground. "Mr. Banks I will not have you touching or treating any students like this!" I stern loud voice yelled. Skylar looked up to see Mr. Malfoy pulling Tyler up by his arm.

Suddenly another teacher walking by saw what was happening. "Draco what seems to be the matter?" He asked confused and worried. "I shall deal with it Adam but if you could take this rotten  man to the headmasters office until I forgive out what shall happen to him I would be very thankful." Adam nodded his head and grabbed Tyler not so gently and began walking away with him.

"Your a bitch Skylar!" Tyler yelled as he was walked away. Skylar crossed her arms and her tear filled eyes met his dark blue ones. "What did he do to you Skylar?" He asked softly but also determined. She noticed it was the first time he called her by her first name and she hated to admit the butterfly's she felt when he said it.

" He's just being the dick he always is!" Skylar muttered loudly. " Thinks just because he apologized that he is in the clear for kissing my closet friend." Skylar looked away feeling her checks burn. She was embarrassed about how much she was sharing with her teacher.

Draco nodded his head and and stepped back giving Skylar some room. "I hope you will be happy to know that Mr. Banks will be punished for his actions and will also be given a stern warning to stay away from you." Draco said closely eyeing Skylar.

"Thank you professor." Skylar said quietly. "Head to class now, I'll deal with Mr.Banks." Skylar nodded her head and walked away to class thinking about what could have happened if Draco hadn't stepped in and how happy she was that it was him who saved her.

Professor DracoWhere stories live. Discover now