Here are tips from the writer of For Our Love series StarsAndMoon1447
Hi, This is StarsandMoon1447 from Wattpad. These are my writing tips.
1. Write From Your Experiences
Write based on things you have experienced, places you have been to, people you have met, for a more realistic writing. When you write based on something that you have experienced, it’s much easier to connect to the characters, as well as it is to describe the surroundings and locations of your story, in my opinion.
2. Numbers Don’t Add Up!
This is a tip that my father gave to me a long time ago. When writing a number into a sentence in your story, use the word form, rather than the numerical one. For example: I woke up at nine in the morning, rather than 9 in the morning, for a neater and more professional look to your writing. Personally, as a reader, it’s less appealing to see numerical forms in writing unless necessary, and therefore I try not to add them when I write.
3. Write What You Want to WriteIt’s your book. Write what you want to write (bearing in mind that it’s not offensive to any race, religion,etc). Don’t let your work be hijacked by the opinions of other people. Yes, it’s nice to add things as per the requests of your readers, but at the end of the day, it’s your book and you want to write it with a feeling of satisfaction rather than regrets.
My quote, “Words can lead you down the path of whole new worlds of imagination, and you are the one who gets to decide which paths to chose and which world to explore.”
4. Write What You Know, Or Have Researched Well
Creative Writing is about using your imagination to write, which gives us unlimited opportunities to write about new worlds, or to write about the same world but with different twists. However, bear in mind when you write, that it’s important to know what you’re talking about (or research well). It helps develops characters and the world much better.
For example, if you write about a policeman, it helps to research the profession based on the country/location that you are basing the story in. Yes, the story might not be completely based on the character’s profession, but sometimes those small, minute details really help to build up the plot, as well as help the readers understand a character better.
5. Cliches Are Cliché
This may be my own personal opinion, but I would suggest that you try and avoid cliches if possible. They have been overdone. You know how powerful your mind is? Look around you at your surroundings, and create new scenarios, rather than returning to the same old storyline that has been worn out after been written about so much. I am not trying to offend anyone while writing this, but use your imagination to write something that people rarely see. I, personally, enjoy reading things that are rarely written about. It’s refreshing and it shows how much a human mind is truly capable of!
6. Fight Off Stereotypes
I guess, it’s kind of related to the previous point, but stereotypes are also seen way too many times. An example, the brooding, rude man may not be ‘the bad boy’, but might have the biggest heart of gold. An older, middle-aged woman does not always have to be shown as the conniving, scheming Aunty. Write characters in a way that people don’t expect them to be.
{ A/N: I agree, author 👍}
7. Grammar Police
Okay, I admit, I’m a bit of a grammar police. Some things make me wince, and it puts me off a story personally.
E.g: not writing names/Pronouns with capital letters, not adding speech marks while writing character dialogues, etc. I’m not saying I’m an amazing writer, and I’m sure I make plenty of mistakes myself, but I felt like I had to include this tip.
8. Pour In Your Emotions
Maybe write a scene based on your current mood. If you write a scene about a character being angry, while you’re feeling angry, it may reflect well in the story, and could create a relatable scenario for the readers. And if you want to write about happy scenes, think of scenarios that truly brought a smile onto your face, and write it into words. This is related to my first time: if you write how you feel, it would make it all more realistic. Readers are humans who connect to human emotions, remember that.
9. We Don’t Want Pure Perfection or Definite Disappointment
Make your characters good, but with flaws. Or bad, but with positive aspects. That’s human. That’s what I personally enjoy reading. Like a coin has two sides, humans have both good and bad qualities, and that’s what makes for a fun reading. A character who is too good, without flaws, but is shown to be an average human living an average life, is unrealistic, and people might not connect with it. Similarly, a villain with a vulnerability is a good way to represent the conflicting sides of humans. A balanced way of writing characters make for a more gripping story!
10. Not Exactly A Tip
I’m not a professional writer, and I’m certainly not famed, but I have been writing since I’ve basically learned how to write. So if there’s any way I can ever help you with anything related to writing, please let me know. I will try my best to help you because I want to develop people’s love for writing, the way I have developed mine over the years. Writing is my passion, and I always encourage people to write. We writers should support other writers, especially new ones!
So the author has already mentioned, aspiring writers can approach her for help.Thank you, author!
The Secret To Creativity ✓
Non-FictionWhen you read a book, what attracts you the most? Book cover? - most of the time Reads? - maybe, maybe not. Plot? - It depends. I'll say it's Storytelling which attracts readers the most. It is writer's imagination, choice of words that keep us hook...