•07• JaneLanett

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Here's creative writing tips from JaneLanett
The author of My Adopted Baby's Daddy


★ Have milestones:

Either you’re the kind of writer to plan every detail of your story to a ‘T’ or you’re the kind of writer who just likes to see where the characters of the story takes you, always set up your story in a way that one milestone leads to another.

(A/N: Milestone - a significant stage in the development of something.)

★ Character building/development:

Depending on what kind of world you’re creating for your characters, they should have traits, characteristics and quirks like everything under the sun does.

★ Put yourself in the character’s position:

Writing in first person or third person, you have to be able to access a situation you’ve created as a writer not from the writer’s perspective but from the character’s perspective.
Save some information for later on:
Don’t give your readers all the character’s information in one go. When a situation arises that the character has to explain to another character why he/she does something, you can either choose not to give the other character that piece of information and give the readers that information so they look forward to when that character reveals it to the other character. Or, you can keep the information from both the other character as well as the readers and reveal it later on.

Take breaks:

Don’t force your writing. I’ve noticed when I do that, I don’t enjoy what I’ve written compared to when it just flows out of me. But also, don’t procrastinate writing; sometimes all it takes is for me to sit in front of my laptop before everything I thought I didn’t have pours out onto the screen.

★ Read other people’s writing:

If you’re feeling a writer’s block coming on or when you’re in between chapters and you’re taking a small break, pick up another writer’s book and read it. Inspiration will definitely come.

★ Edit:

If you’re like me and you hate editing, then read each sentence or paragraph out loud a couple of times before moving on to the next one. You can also write and come back to it later on to edit which is usually the best way to edit.

★ Feedback and Criticism:

Either from family and friends or from readers online, always be ready to accept feedbacks and criticisms humbly. Especially online, these feedbacks and/or criticisms might be harsh but always thank them for their feedback. It’s up to you to take the next step, to do something about it, or not. If it’s something that would make you grow as a writer, then you should consider it.

★ Be honest with what you’re writing:

If your story is an original, then make sure it’s something that you’re passionate about writing, else you might get bored down the line and end up not finishing it. If your story is a spin-off of some else’s story, it would be nice if you told the author about it first before proceeding. It’s heartbreaking when writer’s find out that their stories have been taken by some else and it’s been changed or even worse, rewritten the exact same way, so be true to yourself and your readers about the origin of your story.

★ Enjoy your writing process:

Just like life has its ups and downs, your story would have its ups and downs in the writing as well as in the plot. Just don’t rush it and wish for the clouds to clear, take your time enjoying every moment of your story.

Thank you, author.
For sharing your amazing tips!

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