Chapter 2

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He rang the doorbell and heard someone rush to the door and once the door was opened he spoke “ Hey Jay hyung”


Jay was also one of Jungwon’s childhood friends but was older. Despite the age difference they got along well. Jungwon saw Jay as an older brother and Jay saw Jungwin as a little brother.

When Jungwon was at his door wasn’t surprised to see Jungwon but was upset with the boy “ What do you want Jungwon?” said Jay like he was bothered which he was. “ woah did sunoo not give you some for weeks again” jungwon said in a jokingly manner “ he was about to until you rang the doorbell” Jay rolled his eyes .

Now realizing why Jay seemed bothered Jungwon broke into laughter and was received with the door getting slammed in his face. “ Oh come on Jay I didn’t mean to cockblock you “ Jungwon said while still laughing.

When he was finally let in Jungwon saw sunoo on the couch and also happened to see his cheeks were a bit red. Jay led him to the dining area and offered him a drink but he declined.

They both sat down and were silent for a little bit till Jungwon decided to let it all out “ithinkilikerikibutisawhimkissomeonetodayandimademeallsadbuticantlikehimbecauseimtalkingtosomeoneandicantgiveuponthemijustgothemtonoticeme” jay didn’t understand anything while Jungwon was just awkwardly smiling.

“ Say that again but slowly because I couldn't understand any word you just said, “ Jay told Jungwon. Jungwon sighed and began “ I think I like Riki but I saw him kiss someone today and it made me all sad but I can’t like him because I’m talking to someone and I can't give up on them I just got them to notice me” after speaking he looked at jay but couldn’t tell what he was thinking.

“ I see what's going on now you’re just confused about your feelings ‘’ when those words left Jay’s mouth Jungwon facepalmed and looked up at Jay “ No shit Jay I already know that I came to you because I need advice on my situation “ .

“Well you could have just said that dimwit” Jay responded with a chuckle.  “ Well I don’t know how to exactly help you because I wasn't in the same situation as you are now but I do know a thing or two about liking my best friend '' Jay said while smiling knowing sunoo heard him.

“weren’t you scared that sunoo might’ve not liked you back ?” Jungwon asked looking worried “ yes I was but unlike your situation the universe helped me out by someone telling me that sunoo also felt the same way as me” Jay had a soft smile on his face remembering the way he was relieved and happy when someone told him his crush liked him back. 

“ jayyy you aren’t helping “ Jungwon whined as he laid his head on the table. Before Jay could say anything his lover walked in “ Jay never helps “ Sunoo said with a sigh. Jay couldn’t help smiling at his adorable lover even though he just called him unhelpful.

“ Come on Jungwon, I think I can help you out,” sunoo said while grabbing Jungwon’s arm. As they made their way to his room Jungwon noticed all the pictures on the way and thought ‘ will i ever have pictures like that with riki? Pictures where you can feel the love by just looking at them’ .

Once they got to the room Sunoo said “ tell the person you are currently talking to that you need to think some things through and then tell the same thing to Riki and once you’ve done that take some time to think you’re feeling through and make sure you know how you feel because if you aren’t sure you can end up hurting someone” sunoo said looking Jungwon dead in the eye.

“ this is why I love you sunoo you always get straight to the point “ Jungwom said with a smile

“ Even if i wasn't straight forward you would still love me , everyone loves me” Sunoo laughed.

Word Count : 600 - 698

This one was a long one! ( in docs its two pages )  i don't know how to feel about it tbh

Anyway I hope you Enjoyed this chapter!

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