Written in the Stars [Part 1]

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A/N: Inspired by Wendy x John Legend's song, Written in the Stars.

The music's too loud and the crowd's too big that Lia almost regrets going out on a Friday night after her exams (hell) week. Ignoring the sweaty bodies and the hungry eyes of both men and women, she strides across the entrance and flopped into a chair near the bar.

Damn it Jisu, you need this. Get a grip and don't waste this night. She exhaustingly reminds herself as she waits for he drinks to come. Let's drink the night away tonight for tomorrow, we'll be back in hell. She bitterly smiled as the bartender hands her drinks.

"Wow, I've never seen such a person who changes expression that fast in my whole life." The girl seated next to Lia joked. Ready to tell the stranger to fuck off, Lia turns to look at them.

Seems like we've been here before
Your eyes are seeing straight right through my core
It's kinda strange, but I like it
Ain't no reason tryna' fight it, yeah

"Y-yeji?" Lia stammers as she came face-to-face with her ex-girlfriend. Well, almost ex-girlfriend. If she hadn't messed up then, maybe, just maybe, she wouldn't have lost this gorgeous cat-eyed girl beside her.

"Yes, the one and only." Yeji smugly smiled at Lia. Oh God, that smile. "Uhm... So, are you gonna tell me why you huffed the second you sit beside me and smiled the next like you're crazy? Or do you want to be left alone? Beause I can just go right now and give you space-"

"NO!" Lia immediately stopped her, maybe because hated the thought of losing Yeji again, not when the universe brought them together again.

"U-uh, I-I mean, it was just that I have a rough week in uni, so I decided to go out 'cause you know I deserve it, right? But then it's just too loud and chaotic when I get in plus, I'll be working at the library tomorrow morning so I'm thinking maybe this is a bad idea and- What?" Lia stops explaining as she almost feels like she could melt from Yeji's gaze. "W-why are you staring at me like that?" Lia shyly asked.

"Because I couldn't help but admire your beauty." Yeji responded unnerved and smiled. "Plus, I find it cute that you're still the same girl that I used to know" and love. Lia felt her cheeks heat up.

"You still ramble like crazy because you have a lot of thoughts and worries inside that big brain of yours." Yeji patted the younger's head as she talked.

"Ya! Why is that cute? Doesn't that make me annoying?" Lia whined and pouted which further widened Yeji's smile.

"Because, knowing you, at the end of the day, you will figure it all out. All you ever need is someone to listen to your rants and thoughts and then letting them out allows you realize and organize them, which is what I'm here for right now." Yeji, with her eyes filled with love and longing, stared at Lia's eyes.

Don't tell me you don't feel what I feel right now
Ooh, it's written all over you
Don't tell me you don't feel what I feel somehow
Ooh, I keep findin' my way back to you  

"I've missed you, Yeji-ah." Lia's eyes pooled with tears. Should I stop talking? Oh fvck it. "I'm sorry for being a coward before. I should have picked you. I shouldn't have went back to Ryu-" Her words were cut by a pair of lips that she very much missed.

"It's okay, Lia-ya. It's all in the past. I've told you before and I'll tell you again, I'll always find my way back to you. Remember that."

And Lia does. Lia holds on to Yeji's photo the next day like she holds on to her words even though she wakes up alone in the room that they passionately shared the night before, when she found out that Yeji was to fly to Canada to work and live there.

"So you're telling me that she's going to live there, right? How the hell are you not crying? I mean this is Hwang Yeji right? Your 'The One that got away.' And this is the second time you lost her after what happened in highschool. Are you sure you're okay, unnie?" Her sister asked her when they meet up for dinner the next day.

You can go anywhere, babe, wherever you want
Because I know we're written in the stars
You can go any which way, don't matter how far
Because I know we're written in the stars

"It's fine Yuna, Yeji and I, wherever we go, no matter how far, we'll always find each other." Lia answered.

I know we will. She thought as she gazed up in the night sky. Because I know we're written in the stars.

A/N: Hi! This was actually written for over a year ago. I was just in a very bad place so I lost time and interest in continuing this mini-series. Hope you like this one!

Yejisu (Hwang Yeji x Choi Jisu) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now