Bad Day

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"WHERE THE HELL IS YOUR MANAGER?!" a middle-aged woman screamed her lungs out in the middle of the café which caught everyone's attention.

Mrs Lee, the owner and the manager, hurriedly and worriedly walked to the scene, seeing her employee, the tall cat-eyed young woman, beside the mad woman, looking down.

"Uhm, excuse me ma'am, what seems to be the problem here?" Mrs. Lee calmly asked although, she has an idea of what the woman would say.

"This woman! Fire her! She has been getting on my nerves in the past hour, she, not only gave me the wrong orders three times, but also spilled coffee on me the fourth time, when she finally got what I ordered right! Why would you hire such an amateur when this café is famous for-" The woman continued rambling and Yeji, the employee, whose the woman's anger was directed at, could only lower her head in embarrassment and sorry.

Mrs. Lee could only sigh at what had happened, "I'm sorry ma'am. We'll fix this right away. For now, let's calm down and don't worry because your order is on the house, plus, you will get the item on the special's board today for free, to compensate for your inconvenience." She said to the woman and flashed her 'professional' smile.

"Ryeong! She yelled, please assist Ma'am over here, Yeji come with me." The gray-haired girl nodded and followed her boss.

"This is the second time this week Yeji! If only you weren't my daughter's friend, I would have fired you on the spot! I'm sorry but if this happened again, I won't hesitate to fire you. You're damaging our reputation plus we're losing money for the compensation."

"I understand ma'am" Yeji frowned.

Mrs. Lee softened at the sight but she knew she can't compromise their family business if this progressed, "I'm sorry Yeji, You are a great friend to my daughter but you are unfortunately a bad employee to me" She joked and hugged the latter.

"Now, go home and rest maybe you're just having a tough week" She continued.

Yeji nodded and was out of the café in no time but before she left, she made a mental note to be more present, make no more mistakes, and do the right thing.


Lia was having a bad day. One of her classmates forgot to inform them about the deadline of an essay so she had to cram until midnight which consequently resulted to her waking up late and having a massive headache at school. To add to that, she also failed her test in Chemistry just because she filled the right answers in the wrong blanks.

"Arghhhhh, Why did Hyewon forget to announce that stupid essay? Why would mom think that I have no classes and not wake me up? Why am I so stupid to miss a blank in the test and screw my answers when I studied all week for that damn Chemistry?! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH wtf-"

After her classes she decided to stop by on the café near the school but not without trampling on some kids plushie which turned out to be a cute white dragon from an animated movie she watched just recently but she couldn't remembe .

"Of all the days some kid might have dropped this, of all people who would be tripped by this, great! this day, couldn't be great! " She cursed while looking up at the skies and dusting herself up.

It's okay, I'm going to be okay.She calmed herself as she entered the café to get her all time comfort food, her strawberry cheesecake which never failed to cheer her up and calm her down during bad days... except that today, the cheesecake was sold out.

Lia could only cover head with her hands as she is close to breaking down. Frustration, anger, sadness and disappointment filled her head as she heard the waitress say that some couple bought most of the cheesecake and that the last slice is to be served by the woman who came in just five minutes earlier than her.

"God I am so pathetic to cry over a cheesecake" She laughed as tears are now flowing from her eyes, she decided to order something else from the menu but she knows it was not enough to cheer her up.

That was until, a gray-haired tall girl suddenly entered her view and is headed her way. Lia must be bonkers at this point but she, with her stear-stained eyes and her disheveled hair shamelessly stared at the woman before her, to whom she described as a goddess. She thought that the cat-eyes the mysterious girl possess ooze with confidence and the way her perfectly straightened hair flow as she walked graciously to her just made her heart beat faster than it should. Just like that, she was not sad nor angry anymore, for she was able to see the beautiful and ethereal side that the world possess, which she firmly believe is standing before her.

"Uhm, hi-here is your strawberry cheesecake" Yeji, awkwardly talked as she felt being melted by the gaze Lia was giving her.

Lia, hearing the words which came from the lips of the girl, and an attractive one at that, made her love the world more as she immediately took the slice and savoured it mindlessly which caught the taller girl off guard. Cute, the way her eyes smile more than her lips, just cute. Yeji thought.

"Thank you for this Yeji-ssi," as she said the little paper placed on her chest, "your colleague already told me that there were no slices left and that someone who was just a bit earlier compared to me had bought it. I was having a bad day and I really need to eat this t cheer me up because-" She started talking as she has now finished half of the slice oblivious to how Yeji's eyes widen in realization.

Yeji, slowly and fearfully looked at the counter and saw a red-faced Mrs. Lee, shooting daggers at her with her stare and signalling Yeji that it's over, her job is gone. Shit, I screwed up again.

"Are you okay?" Lia, with her eye smile now gone was replaced with worry to which Yeji found as equally cute. You know, maybe I did not screw up that much.

"Yeah, you know I am also having a bad day myself because I just got myself fired, what do you say we get out of here and turn this day around, strawberry-uhm Lia?" She said as she read the nameplate of the student before her and flashed the most beautiful smile Lia has ever seen.

Okay, best bad day ever, Lia thought as she blushed and fiddled on the dragon she tripped on earlier, reminding her of certain someone.

"I would love that, uhm Light-Fury Yeji"


Yejisu (Hwang Yeji x Choi Jisu) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now