Sting tells a story

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Sting POV

I held (f,n)s elbows and looked her straight in the eye. I apologized, but she just yelled at me. I can't take it anymore. Where's the (f,n) that loved me? Probably dead, but I'll regenerate it back.

I told her the story behind that day.

"I was going to propose to you, the love of my life. So, I told you to meet at the park at night. I wore a tuxedo, and waited for you because I had all my plans cancelled. Nobody knew I was going to ask you if you would marry me. Yukino happened to walk by when I was holding the ring, and we had an argument.

You came and I proposed to you, you said yes, and we were going to get married. But, apparently Yukino had a crush on me and yelled out all those fake things.

Then, she he kissed me, I didn't kiss back, but you already ran to the guild. I rejected Yukino and ran after you.

Everyone formed a circle around me and glared at me. Hell, even Rogue was there. They asked me what was going on, and I was about to tell them when you started yelling again and went to Masters room. Look, I'm really sorry. Please. Let's start over, ok? Dump Gray and come with me instead."

She gaped at me and tears started forming in her eyes. "Please don't cry, it's my fault that I didn't say anything." And I pulled her close in a hug. It's nice to feel he warmth again.

"Pfffff, yeah right. Sting, I know what's going on. Are you jealous of Gray?!? Do you want me back just because I've been dating someone for two weeks? I can't believe you. If I'm gonna believe that story, I'm gonna need proof, then I'll think about, ok?" She had a frustrated face on, it doesn't fit her. Wait.. two weeks?!? I remember sleeping for one day... I slept for a week and a half then?!?

"Ok, I'll try to find proof, kay? But ice boy better not lay a hand on you."

"Gray isn't your slave Sting, let him do what he wants."

I swear, if I see ice boy and (f,n) kissing, then I'll kill him. I smiled evilly. (f,n) sweat dropped before pushing away from me and going to Gray. Stupid ice boy. I hid my eyes begging my hair as I pulled Rogue to go to the Fairy Tail guild.

I looked back to see Gray and (f,n) kissing, his hands on her waist. NO ONE, AND I MEAN NO ONE, CAN EVER TOUCH MY (f,n) LIKE THAT. IM GONNA FRIKEN KILL HIM. No, get those thoughts out. I'll get revenge later. But right now, to the guild and get some guild members to help me get proof. Rogue, ya better be ready to help.

~time skip Sting POV~

Rogue and I arrived at the guild, and even from outside I could hear screams, yells, shouts, music, and things breaking. I heard that Fairy Tail was a rowdy guild, but seriously?

My hand laid on the door and suddenly everything was quiet. Hmmm.

I heard a whisper, but it was so faint I couldn't hear it with my dragon slayer senses. I saw Rogue put his hand on the door and I counted to three on my fingers, then we pushed open the door.

It was weird. All the guild members were actually quiet for once, even blabber mouth Natsu over there. They just blinked at us, except Juvia, Mira-Jane, Lucy, and some blue haired girl. Juvia was smiling, and it looked like Yukinos smile when she kissed me. I hate her already, even if we barley met. The other girls glared at me.

The trio took my arm, and pulled me to someplace. We ended up in a random empty room, and Mira-Jane told some green haired guy to put sound-proof ruins around the room, and he seemed to understand what was going on. But seriously, he looks like a hair model. He should be in a Pantene commercial or something.

The ruins surrounded the room, and I wish he could've put a sound proof wall around me.

It was just like 11 years ago.

The girls formed a circle and glared at me. Scary. Where's Rogue anyways?!? Why didn't these loons drag him with me.

"So, your Sting, light drgonslayer, also known as the cheater." Lucy spat.

"You broke (f,n)s heart. How dare you?!? We should hurt you for hurting our best friend." The blue haired girl yelled.

"No Levy. We should torture him till he begs for mercy." Mira-Jane said lowly. So the blue girls name is Levy, huh.

"Yea." they said in unison. They're getting creppy.

"Look, I know (f,n) probably told you that story, but he misunderstood, ok? Yukino apparently liked me so," I rambled on with the story, hoping that they'll believe me. When I finished, they told someone named Warren to come. This Warren guy was going to help how?

"Warren, go thru Stings brain to 11 years ago. Then tell us what happened." The guy nodded and used his power I'm guessing. I saw him in full concentration and we waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Finally, Warren finished apparently, because he gasped and pulled back, then he told the same story as I did. "Is that proof enough?" They nodded and turned to me with sad eyes.

"Gomenasai Sting. We didn't know whether you were telling the truth or not." They said in unison again. Creppy.

(A.N hey readers! I'm bored at home. Thanks for the reads peeps. I really appreciate it.)

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