Chp 3:

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I watch as Nick calls and RSVPs to his grandmother's event. He didn't seem thrilled about this idea. I wanted to know more though.

I wanted to know more about his background and the only way that I could do that was by meeting the people that he continued to shield from me.

It's not that I didn't trust him or that I thought he was lying to me, it was due to the fact that every time I would subtly try and ask about his family and his past, he'd change topics, block me out, and it was beginning to frustrate me.

I love this man but how can you love someone that tries to hide things from you.

He paces around the living room and then walks into the kitchen, his phone is still latched in his hand firmly and he looks to be thinking.

"Okay, yes. That is fine. Goodbye." He finally says and then hangs up. I hear the locking of the phone as he turns it off and slips it back into his pants pocket.

"Everything okay?", I ask softly. He nods. "Yes, why wouldn't it be?" He asks creasing his brow, I shrug.

I sit in my seat and twist my fingers together before standing up and realizing how exhausted I was.

I trudge on over to the couch in the living room and lay down. It wasn't long before Nick walked in and joined me, he propped my head gently up onto his lap and intertwined my fingers with his.

I look at our hands, there was no noise as I just lay there. I wanted to ask him things so bad but the reality was that the topic would most likely change.

"What are you thinking?" I ask as I see his eyes wander. My voice breaks his gaze as he looks down at me. "What? Oh...nothing. Come, it's getting should get some rest." He says suddenly, I sit up quickly and stare at him.

"What? No, Nick. What is going on?" I say standing up and looking down at him, crossing my arms.

"Nothing, why does something need to be wrong?" He asks. I roll my eyes and place my hands on my hips. "Tessa, I would tell you if something was wrong." He says standing up and kissing my forehead.

"Okay?" He says trying to reassure me, I nod. "Yeah, okay." He smiles slightly and motions to the stairs as we go upstairs and begin to get ready for the evening.

I sit on the bed and look through an email that I got sent on my phone as Nick decides to go back downstairs and get something to eat.

As I open up another email the loud sound of something falling frightens me and I slowly climb out of the bed.

The sound came from our closet. I hear footsteps and look out of the corner of my eye as Nick approaches our room and I point. "What's wrong?" He asks creasing his brow. "Something fell in the closet." He shakes his head and approaches, walking through the bathroom and into the closet that is attached to it.

I slowly follow behind him as he opens up the half cracked closet door. I see my dog Jackson look up at us, his tail wagging. I place my hand on my forehead and sigh. Nick turns to look back at me and smirks.

"Shut up." I say, he still looks thoroughly amused. "I wasn't going to say anything." He says with a slight laugh as he goes to pick up the fallen boxes and Jackson leaves the room.

I run a hand through my hair and sigh as I watch Nick place the boxes back on the shelf. "How did he even get in here?" Asks Nick as he looks around. I shrug and turn around to walk back to our bedroom.

I climb onto the bed and Nick stays in the bathroom as he brushes his teeth and lay backwards into my pillow. I was all ready for bed, and a few moments later I watch as the lights flick off and then feel the bed slightly shift as Nick climbs in next to me.

I roll over to face him, the moonlight slightly reflects through the curtains on him. He touches my cheek lightly. "Goodnight." He says softly and I smile. "Night."


The next morning, he and I are rushing around getting ready and trying to eat a quick breakfast then leave for work.

We both leave the penthouse at the same time as he locks it up and we head down to the parking garage. "I'll see you tonight. I love you." He says, leaning into me as we kiss softly. "I love you too." We part ways and head to our cars.

As I drive and then get stuck in traffic I hear my phone begin to ring-I look from the road down to my phone which is in my purse in the passenger seat, I look at the caller i.d. as it reads Naomi.

"Hello?", I say picking up. "Tess, hey did you hear?" I crease my brow. "No. Hear about what?" I ask as I tap my finger on my steering wheel.

"Robert was released." She says slowly. I feel my heart drop. "Wh-what? When? How?" I ask as my eyes widen.

"Yesterday. Somebody posted bail for him. I think you should tell Nick." I rest my head back against the headrest and shut my eyes for a short moment.

"Yeah-yeah I'm going call him now." I say goodbye to Naomi and hang up as the traffic begins to slowly creep and I access the Bluetooth in my car.

The whole car begins to ring and finally Nick picks up. "Hey, you okay?" He asks. I let out a slight sigh. "Nick...Robert was released." I say abruptly.

There's silence on his end. "When?" He finally says. "Yesterday. Somebody posted bail for him.", "I was afraid this would happen." He says softly.

I crease my brow. "Just try not to pay much attention to it. I have to go, I will speak with you again in a few hours." He says.

I say okay and we hang up. I look up and see that I'm just a few blocks from my office building, pulling up to it and going to park in the parking garage.

As I walk towards the elevators and click the button and step in I hear a voice call out. "Hold the door!" I click the button to open the door back up and my stomach instantly drops as the person steps on next to me and the doors shut.

He says nothing and neither do I. I felt panicked and was trapped. I keep my eyes focused on the ground as I finally hear the dinging sound and look up as it reaches my floor and I hurry off. As I step into my office he speaks. "It's good to see you again, Tessa." My heart begins to thud as I slowly stop in my tracks and then turn around to face him.

He's standing with his a slight grin on his face and his hands stuffed into his pants pockets. I stand there in disbelief as the doors close on him.

I stand there staring for a moment as the doors open again and frighten me as Naomi and a few other employees step out of the elevator.

They look surprised by me and Naomi creases her brow as they walk directly into the office and I run a hand in my hair. "You look like you've seen a ghost. You okay?" She asks as she adjust her purse on her shoulder.

I shake my head and sigh. "I didn't see a ghost...I saw the devil." I say with a groan. "Wh-who?" She asks.  "Silas is here." Her eyes widen.

"Did he speak to you?" I nod. "Did you say anything back?" I shake my head and turn around and enter my office.

Robert gets released and Silas reappears. This day couldn't get any worse.

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