Chp 15:

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"Tessa, baby everything is going to be okay." He says to me again.

I feel sick as I stand  there. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't do anything, I couldn't move  or talk. All I could do was cry helplessly.

I scan the room as Wyatt  keeps his grip on his gun as it's pointed in Robert's direction. "You  want your happiness back?" Nick says. He tries to reason with his father  but I didn't expect that to work.

"Yes, before you and your damn brother were born things were just fine!" Robert yells at the top of his lungs.

It makes me jump  slightly. "Then you just had to go off and get some bitch knocked up  didn't you." Robert sneers and his eyes dart over to me.

Nick looks across the room at me as well. I watch as a disgusting and wicked grin creeps across Robert's face.

He keeps the gun pointed  but this time, at me. I feel every bit of breath I have, leave my body.  I feel every single muscle tense up and I felt as if my heart had  stopped beating.

Robert approaches me and places the head of the gun against my jaw as I stand there shaking.

"Please...don't." I say  helplessly. Robert turns his head to the side and smirks. "You and your  worthless kid don't deserve my money. You don't deserve this lifestyle."  He says through gritted teeth.

Robert looks dead at me  and I look out of the corner of my eye. I watch as Nick takes a metal  baseball bat that had been resting in the corner of the entry way.

He swings the back and hits Robert in the head as I watch Robert hit the ground and cry out in pain. Again.

I run over to Camila and  Wyatt. Camila shields me and keeps her gun raised as I watch Nick fight  his father, Nick throws a bunch at Roberts face, one hit after the  other as I watch Robert then struggle for the gun.

"You ruined my god damn life! You piece of shit!" Nick yells as he throws another punch at Roberts face.

I watch as Robert knees Nick and knocks him off. Nick hits the ground and Robert grabs the gun.

"No!" I scream. I hear  the sound of a gun going off and as I open my eyes I watch as Nick  scrambles out of the way. We watch Robert grip his stomach and remove  his hand as blood spills out and Robert drops to the ground.

I cover my mouth in shock and look at Wyatt who was lowering his gun and putting it back into his holster.

Camila runs up and touches Robert's neck then shakes her head. He was dead.

And with perfect timing, the paramedics come inside the house.

I  run to Nick as he stays on the ground staring at his dead father. I  wrap my arms around Nick as he holds me. "I'm so sorry, Tessa. I'm so  sorry." He whispers in my ear and tears rush down my cheeks. "You're  okay and alive. That's all that matters.

I turn my head to watch Robert's body get placed into a body bag and carried out of the home.
"Let's get you two out of here." Camila says, we both nod and stand and follow everyone out of the house.

We  give a statement to the police and sit together on the front porch. My  head resting on Nick's shoulder and his arm wrapped around my waist. 

"You did a really brave thing, Nick." Wyatt says as he stands in front of us. Nick stares off blankly.

"I can't...I can't even begin to wrap my mind around all of this." Nick says and I rub his back.

"I  thought that he shot you." I finally say. Both Wyatt and Nick look at  me. "I closed my eyes and then when I opened them...I saw that Wyatt  shot Robert before Robert could hurt you." My nose sniffles and I look  down at the gravel filled ground.

"Nick...I'm sorry that it had to end this way." Wyatt says. Nick lets go of me and stand up and shakes his head.

"Thank you." Nick says, it takes both Wyatt and I by surprise as they shake hands and hug. I stand up and I hug Wyatt after.

"I appreciate you and Camila working on this and being here when I needed you." I say to him and he gives me a smile.

He smiles and we talk for just a bit more before Nick and I go inside and grab our things then head off.

I  was ready to start over. As I sit in the passenger seat and look out  the window I think of every single thing that has happened in these last  few months and I sigh.

"What's wrong?" Nick asks as we reach a stop light.

"Are we going to be able to move on from this easily?" I ask as I rub my arm.

"Baby,  it's not going to be easy. Nothing in life comes easy but...we will  work through it and eventually it'll become a thing of our past." He  says as he reaches for my hand and kisses the top of it.

I smile faintly and nod then rest my head back and shut my eyes.

Boy, I hoped that he was right.

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