Chp 14:

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My heart is pounding and  my body is slightly shaking as I hear footsteps nearing. "Tessa, go  hide." Camila says to me on the other end of the phone.

I jump slightly and then  quickly run into the bathroom and lock the door. "Look around the room  for something to use to defend yourself with." She says. I scan the room  and I grab my straightening iron-it wasn't on, however I was still  planning on throwing it at whoever was in the house.

I run to the closet and  hide as I inhale and exhale deeply. "How far are you?" I ask panicked.  "We're about thirty minutes away." She says.

I rest my head against  the wall as tears start to flow down my cheeks. "I never asked for this.  I never asked for any of this." I say as I blink back tears. "I know,  Tessa. Look, just stay calm and we will be there before we know it." She  says-that's when I hear another voice in the background on Camila's  end.

It was Wyatt. "Tessa  we're going to call in for some backup. We'll have them at your house  any moment. Just stay where you are."

I shake more as I hear the rattling of the doornob as the bathroom door keeps trying to be opened and I stand back up.

"Tessa?" I hear a voice say and I approach the door. Stupidly I choose to open it up and in front of me stands Nick.

I let out a loud sigh of  relief and lean into him as he wraps his arms around me and holds me  close.  "What happened?" He says to me. I keep my head rested on his  shoulder.

"Tessa?" He repeats as I  back up and look at him. "Tessa? Tessa what happened?" Camila says on  the phone. "It's Nick. I'm fine. It was Nick." I say to her as Nick  holds my hand firmly.

She breathes out a sigh  and we say our goodbyes. As Nick and I walk out of the bathroom and I  explain everything to him I get a sickening feeling wash over me and I  sit down on the edge of the bed. Nick crouches down in front of me and  looks up into my eyes.

"I won't leave you  again." He says softly as he cups both of my hands in between his. I nod  and exhale. "Thank you.", "Nick...can I ask you something? Why is he  the way that he is...Robert, I mean." His green-gray eyes scan my face  before he speaks.

"My father was abused as  a child. Mentally, physically, and verbally. He was put through hell an  back when he was a child and due to his traumatic mom  always wondered-if his high levels of frustration and rage was due to  his young adult life." Says Nick.

I nod and look at him.  "Robert...he cheated on my mom countless times. He lied to her. Yelled  at her. Called her many degrading things and he drank...more often than  most." Nick frowns.

"I can't explain  it...but to make a long story short...his past unfortunately shaped him  into the psychotic asshole of a man that he  is today." I nod and twist  my fingers together with Nick's.

"Why didn't your mom  ever leave him sooner?" I ask. I knew that these were probably silly  questions to ask him but I continued. I wanted to know why this man was  who he was.

However even the most  information might not be able to explain why Robert Piercy is the way he  is. "It's not always easy for some people in an abusive environment to  get up and just walk away from the abuse. My mom...wasn't strong enough  at the time." He says with a frown.

There were still answers  I needed. Like why Natalia jumped on the hate-me bandwagon so quickly.  Or why Nick didn't tell me much more about his grandmother and her  situation with he and I.

"What are you thinking  about?" He asks me. I furrow my brow and look at him. "Huh?", "When  you're thinking of something you tend to do that thing where you look  off for a period of time. As if you're somewhere else." I blush  slightly. "Oh...I'm sorry." I say.

"I'm just wondering things." He nods and takes his right hand as he runs it through his brown hair.

With that I hear car doors slam shut and Nick and I look at each other.

We stand and walk  towards the front door together-opening the door and in step four police  officers. They introduce themselves to us and we welcome them in as  they explain that Wyatt and Camila called them in to come check on us.

"Would you mind sweeping  the house to see if anybody else...could be here?" Nick asks. The male  officer nods and takes his partner as the pair head around the house and  check it out.

Nick talks to another  officer as I sit at the kitchen table and drink a glass of water. I was  beginning to feel shaky again. As I sit there and take another sip I  feel the hair on the back of my neck rise.

"Hello, Tessa." Says a  distraught voice. My eyes widen and I drop the glass from my hands.  "Tessa!" I hear Nick yell as he runs into the kitchen-officers behind  him and they all stop in their tracks when they reach me.

Each police officer  drawls their weapons and points them near my direction-however not  directly at me. I knew exactly who was standing behind me and I knew  exactly what he was doing.

"Drop your weapon!"  Yells one officer. "Sorry, I can't do that." The voice says. "Sir, I  won't tell you again! Drop your weapon!" Yells the officer nearest Nick. 

I had never seen Nick so angry and scared before. I couldn't feel a bone in my body as I sit there frozen.

"Don't do this." Nick  finally says. I look at Nick as tears form in my eyes and run down my  face. ", it's going to be okay. Don't cry." Nick says in an  attempt to comfort me. I was far passed being able to be comforted.

"Please don't do this.  What do you want, because whatever it is that you want...I'll give it to  you. What do you want? Please..." Nick demands, as the officers keep  their guns raised.

I can feel my heart thudding. "I want my happiness back." And with that Robert points his gun at Nick.

The blood drains from my  body as I see the terror flash before Nick's eyes. There's no noise  around me. I can see the movement of the officers as they yell-or so I  assumed. One looks to be radioing something in as the front door swings  open again and Wyatt and Camila run in.

This was it. Was this how things were going to end for me? Guns blazing?

I didn't know. I  couldn't tell. I couldn't feel. I couldn't feel a thing at the moment. I  couldn't hear a thing. I felt helpless as I stand there-feeling  paralyzed as I look at Nick-gun pointed in his face.


Hey everyone.

Yes this chapter was  posted a few moments after midnight. However, I tried to get it up on  Friday (so I'm still counting it as Friday).

I hope you enjoyed. Sorry for the delay.

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