Chp 13:

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I stand in the hallway of the hospital and talk to my lieutenant  before he nods and goes and speaks to a few more officers.

I keep my arms folded  across my chest as Camila approaches me and hands me a cup of coffee. I  look at the hospital coffee and give her a questionable look as she  rolls her eyes and takes a sip of hers.

"Just drink. We'll be  here for a little bit." She says with a sigh as she takes a seat and a  guy approaches us. "Nice work, Henderson." Says the blonde haired guy  that was on my team named Tyler. I shrug and nod. "What happened  exactly?", "He slipped up and chose to come into my home." I say as I  roll my eyes.

"Rule number one, if you  plan on pulling off a crime...don't give yourself up to the police so  easily." I say as I look across the hall into the room that Silas was  in.

I tap my foot and Camila  approaches me, sitting down next to me she places her hand on my knee  to stop me. "What?" I say. "Do you think that Robert Piercy has anything  to do with this?" She asks.

My eyes widen. "Where is  that thought coming from?", "Well Nick told you that he and Robert  don't have a good history together...and that Robert is rather unstable.  Am I correct?" She asks.

I nod and look at her.  "So it got me thinking, what if Robert is the controller. Silas and  Stella are just his distractions. He tells them what to do, and what  they'll get for it and they agree."

I look off and start to  think over Camila's theory as I nod my head. "I think you might have a  point." I say and stand. "Don't I always." She smirks and I wink at her  as I lightly kiss her and walk back over to my lieutenant to tell him  Camila's theory.

"We can't go and arrest  him just off of a hunch, Henderson." Says my boss and I nod. "Yes sir, I  know. But I have a thought that if we talk to Silas or Stella they  might be able to lead us to their third party." I say as I cross my  arms.

"Go talk to Denver, and  have somebody keep tabs on Stella. If you're right about this then I  have a feeling that Robert Piercy doesn't plan on stopping his  harassment." I nod and walk down the hall and go into Silas' room.

"Oh's you."  He says in an overly sarcastic tone. I smile wide. "Yes, your fav route  person. Am I right?" He glares at me.

"I'm not in here to make  friends. I'm in here to get answers so either you start owning up or  I'll give you a nice little dosage of a little something that I found on  a cart in the lab." He furrows his brow and looks at me as I pull a  vile out of my jacket pocket and slightly wave it at him.

"What? can't do  that." He says as he slightly raised his voice in a panicked tone.  "Oh...but I can. You see, I told the guys out there to take a little  break...which means that they won't be back for at least an hour and a  half. So start talking." I keep the vile rested firmly in my palm and in  the line of sight for Silas.

"I'm not telling you  shit." He sneers, my lips turn up in another smile. "You know, I was  really hoping that you'd say that." I grab at the fluid bag that was  hooked up to his arm and grab.

"Okay fine! No stop!" He  starts to yell and I lower my hand with a smirk on my face. "Are you  ready to cooperate?", he makes no notion to say anything.

"Were the two of you working for Robert Piercy." He says nothing. "Okay let me ask again. Who's behind this?" I ask.

He continues to glare.  Before I can ask anything else the door cracks open and in walks Camila,  she shuts the door behind her and approaches us.

"Do you want me to take  over?" She asks. I shrug and give her a nod as I stand. She grabs his  shirt and bunches it up together and pulls him towards her so the  pressure of his shirt wrapped around his neck-makes him cough and gasp  for air.

I smirk. "Who hired  you?" She asks. He gasps some more and opens his mouth to speak-with  that she releases her grip and looks at her with terror. "Ro-Robert  Piercy hired us." He says in a cough.

My eyes widen and Camila  turns to look at me. "Where is he right now?" I ask. "He never told  me." He coughs again and grips at his neck. I hurry out of room and pull  out my phone as I call Nick.

I get his voicemail and  groan. "Nick, look give me a call as soon as you get this. It's about  your dad." I say as I hurry out of the hospital and towards my car.

Camila running behind me  and climbs in directly after me. "Where are we going?", "To where Nick  and Tessa are staying." She looks at me confused. "What? Wyatt...why? We  don't even know if Robert is there?" She says as I drive.

"Cami, think about it.  They really were used as a distraction for something much bigger. While  we were all focused on Stella and Silas...he could focus on whatever he  has planned for Tessa and Nick." I look over at her and her eyes widen.

"I think you might be  onto something.", "Call Tessa." I say. She pulls out her phone, clicks  something and then places the phone to her ear. "Tessa! Hi, it's Camila.  Hey, where are you currently?" She asks.


"Nick and I just got to  his friends home. Why? Is everything alright?" I ask. She's silent for a  second. "Tessa, I need you to stay calm when I tell you this. Wyatt and  I have reason to believe that Robert Piercy followed you both there."  My mouth slightly falls open.

"What?" I ask panicked  and shocked. "Everything that has gone on the last day or so is because  of Robert Piercy. He's the one behind everything." She says.

I fee my stomach drop  and I look around as I stand in the kitchen. "Oh my god." I cover my  mouth. "Stay calm. We're headed there now. Where's Nick?" She asks.

"H-he went into town to  grab some groceries." I say as I run my hand through my hair. "Oh my  god. What do I do?" I ask. "Go find a place to stay at. Call Nick and  let him know. Stay calm. We're on our way." She says.

My pulse races and my  palms begin to sweat. "Tessa?", "Yes. Okay...okay." I say as I quickly  run to the back bedroom where he and I are staying and I lock the door.

"Where are you?", "I'm  in the bedroom. I locked the door." I say when I feel goosebumps creep  all over my body as I hear the light sound of a thud and I cover my  mouth again. "Camila...I think there's somebody in the house." I say as I  find myself holding my breath.

"Tessa, stay where you  are." She says and I keep my eyes locked on the door. I couldn't seem to  get myself to move as I stand just a few feet away from the  door-frozen.


I deeply apologize for  such a late update. I was having problems with saving. However thank you  to those that can look passed it.

Thank you for reading. Let me know what your thoughts are.

~ Kiana

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