chapter 2: maybe he likes me back

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AN hi, this is like idk... ily :) ~ Paige


Gilinsky's POV

"baby.." Madison calls, i sigh kinda not in the mood for anyone right now. i put on my fakest smile.

"in here princess." i call out, seconds later brown long hair pops in and i see it's my amazing girlfriend Madison (A/N i threw up in my mouth a little) she smiles walking in.

"so there is this party tonight.. do you and the guys wanna come?" she ask sweetly, i nod. a sharp pain hits the back of my head causing me to groan and throw my head in my hands hissing. Madison rubs my back.

"fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck..." i repeat, the pain growing more and more by the minuet. i breath in and out (A/N *smirk emoji* take it in 2 ways)

Madison helps me out and then gets a call on her phone leading her to leave me here. i sigh looking at the clock beside my bed it flashed four-thirty i groan and roll over making me fall off my bed and on the floor.

i get up after a few minuets of cursing every curse word and complaining about how i need a bigger bed. i walk to my closet and open it and look through it thinking on what to wear to the party. i pick up 2 flannels 2 skinny jeans and a pair of shoes and decide which out fit goes better with the shoes.

on the left of my bed i had a dark blue flannel with dark red skinny jeans and on the right of my bed i had ared flannel with black skinny jeans. i looks at my white shoes and decide going with the outfit on the right. i grab the outfit and put them in the bathroom with a pair of boxers.

i walk out the bathroom and put the other outfit back on their hangers and hang them up in my closet (a/n in some point i thought of a serial killer hanging their victims bodies...i'm weird and freaky omf, sorry continue reading and forget i said this.).

i walk to the bathroom and close the door and lock it, i turn on my shower and let it warm up. i grab the colonge i want to wear and put it on my bathroom sink along with my clothes. i grab a towel and hang throw it on the sink as well.

i check the water tempature and step in letting the warm water hit my body as i relax closing my eyes.




Matt's POV

i sit in my room hesitating to get up, as i close my eyes i hear my door open slowly.i look up to see nash and skate (a/n nash is a sexy cutie pie and skate is a sexy fuckboy, not sorry.) i groan and flick them off trying to go back to sleep.

"matt get up fatass, we need to talk to you about you love and future husband." skate says, i look up glaring at him, "jack is not my future husband not even boyfriend. he doesn't like me, never had and never will. no kindly fuck off or i will have cameron beat you two up." i hiss.

"calm down shorty-" - i cut nash off- " your literally 2 oe three inches taller than me bitch.". he sighs and rolls his eyes dramatically.

"will you shut the fuck up matthew for one second?" nash asked, i glare but don't answer. i stuff my face into my pillow the light shining from the hallway hurting my eyes.

"matt, i know he likes you. he blushes when he is near you, loves the attention you give him, he flirts with you. your so damn obsessed with the fact that in your-" - skate pokes my head- "mind he doesn't like you, you don't even see that he likes you." skate finishes.

i sigh knowing he is right about some of it, maybe all of it.

"i know jack said he liked gilisnky, but i know he likes you two. i heard him talking to cameron about it earlier." - nash pause taking in a breath because he talked fast- "i may not know jack like gilisnky or you or anybody does, but i sure as hell know him enough to know he likes you. so stop being a little bitch and man up and ask him on a damn date." nash says.

i groan in defeat and turn around laying on my back. i think about what they said.

"but.. what if he fakes liking me to make gilisnky jealous. he might only "like" me just to get to gilinsky. jack gets jealous when madison is touching G, don't you realize that?. all jack cares about is gilisnky. jack wants gilisnky, gilisnky is jack's, i'm absolutely fine if jack doesn't like me. many boys and girls used me to make people jealous and then when their crush likes them back or their ex wants them back they leave me and ignore me and never spoke to me again making me worthless and stupid. i fall in love to damn easy and it fucks me over every. single. damn. time. i'm not a fucking toy, i'm not being used again." i state the anger growing in me more and more. skate is shocked at my ourburst and nash sighs.

"matthew-" - i cut him off- "i dont want to fucking hear it nash, i don't." i spat.

"you fucking need too matthew, don't make me call Paige (a/n yes i made a person have my name, don't be hatin bros) and have her cuss you the fuck out." nash threatens.

"call her and see if i give a damn Hamilton." i say not scared. paige would stick up for me faster than she would stick up for anyone.

nash unlocks his phone, he puts it on speaker phone.

"what." a voice answered, the voice obviously paige.

"paige, can you come over?" nash asked

"why? cameron issues or do i need to make food for your fatass again?." paige ask, me and skate snicker.

"no and no, matthew and johnson issues." he tells her, i roll my eyes and scoff not believing he was serious.

"explain Hamilton." she says, for being only 14 she was sassy and an attitude. (a/n some laws will not exist in this book so its easy, kay? kay.)

"matthew won't listen to us about how johnson likes him and brings up the past relationships and whatnot and just he is frustrating and if anything he will listen to you." nash explains. paige stays silent for a bit.

"okay, i'm on my way/ be there in 5" she says and she hangs up. nash sighs in relief. i shake my head annoyed.

"i cant believe you called her." i groan. nash snickers.

"hi bitches, you're queen is here." a familiar voice exclaimed opening my bedroom door, it was paige of course. her purple-ish type blue hair down. (a/n the girl on the top (damn you wattpad update) or whatnot is what she looks like but imagine her with a gold nose piercing) she smiles.

"great, queen bitch is here." i groan stuffing my face into my pillow, i heard a scoff and then i'm pushed aside and someone sits on the side of me.

"matthew one, shut the actual fuck up and two, i am a bitch thank you very fucking much." paige states. her bangs falls covering her green/blue eye (a/n idek bro)

"matthew, please please just freaking listen to the boys. jack edward fucking johnson likes you, he has a crush on you, he thinks your a sexy fucking beast with amazing eyes and you have talent. and if you don't listen nor believe me, shit will go down. understand me baby child?" paige says, i roll my eyes when she says 'baby child' i'm like older than her and she yet still calls me that after i ask her not to.

"mmhm" i mumble, not wanting to be lectured or yelled at right now. i open my eyes and look at paige and see her sigh and pinch the bridge of her nose obviously annoyed.

"matthew lee fucking espinosa, do you want me to knock some since into you right now? i will grab you by your hair drag your ass outside in public and smack you like no bitch has ever been smacked before." paige grits through her teeth, her voice lowering and darkening every word she says. my eyes widen, fear buliding in the pit of my stomach.

"no" i squeak out, i sit up fastly. she breaths out slowly.

"you should ask jj out tomorrow honestly." nash says, and now we are planning how i should ask jack out and where to take hm, hopefully just hopefully... he says yes. a boy can hope right... right?

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